Source of Steele dossier was investigated by FBI for Russian contacts, Barr says


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
The primary "source" of the anti-Trump dossier authored by ex-British intelligence agent Christopher Steele was the subject of an FBI counterintelligence investigation from 2009 to 2011 for suspected contact with Russian intelligence officers, Fox News has learned.

Attorney General Bill Barr penned a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., on Thursday responding to requests as part of the panel's review into the origins of the Russia probe.

"In connection with your Committee's investigation of these matters and ongoing hearings, you have been asking us to accelerate this process and to provide any additional information relating to the reliability of the work of Christopher Steele and the so-called 'Steele dossier,' as long as its release would not compromise U.S. Attorney John Durham's ongoing criminal investigation," Barr wrote.

"A footnote in the Inspector General's report contains information, which up till now has been classified and redacted, bearing on the reliability of the Steele dossier," Barr wrote. "The FBI has declassified the relevant portion of the footnote, number 334, which states that 'the Primary Sub-source was the subject of an FBI counterintelligence investigation from 2009 to 2011 that assessed his or her contacts with suspected Russian intelligence officers.'"

BJ -

Literally the largest and most corrupt hoax in US History.

If we as citizens do not demand that people be held accountable - this country is lost.
Good Video at Link

Also the question that I always ask -
Why is Wray still there?
The primary sub-source for British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s discredited dossier was investigated by the FBI as a possible “threat to national security," but the bureau never told the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court and used the dossier anyway.

The FBI’s 2009-2011 counterintelligence investigation into Steele’s main source, U.S.-based Russian lawyer Igor Danchenko, whom the bureau suspected of being a Russian agent, according to a newly declassified footnote from DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report on the FBI's counterintelligence investigation into ties between President Trump's 2016 campaign and Russia. The FBI said that the Crossfire Hurricane team became aware of this information about Steele’s primary sub-source in December 2016.

According to Sen,, Lindsay Graham, "Not only did they not inform the FISA court the primary sub-source was likely a Russian agent, they continued to use the Steele dossier to seek warrants against Carter Page," the South Carolina Republican said. "They told the court the primary sub-source was truthful and cooperative. Specifically, the three FISA applications filed after December 2016 make no mention of the previous counterintelligence investigation against the primary sub-source.”

This fucking sucks and people should go to prison for this shit. Don't know if sufficient admissible evidence exists, but why should we believe the same shit won't happen again if and when the Dems win the WH. It's just disgusting what they did, who in their right mind can ever trust the DOJ and FBI again?

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