FBI agent who investigated Trump for "Russian collusion" sentenced to 4 years in prison for...Russian collusion

But collusion is not a specific offense or theory of liability found in the United States Code, nor is it a term of art in federal criminal law.

Reread that line and take it to heart, cultist.

I want to ask the lefties why it was so easy to convict this FBI agent of colluding with Russia, but they couldn't get it done with Trump for what they claim is even more blatant collusion.

Any ideas?

It might have something to do with Hillary calling in favors for her participation in constructing the words to the Steele Dossier with her lackeys who once led all charges in the Clinton War Room along with Hillary. :whipg: Disappointing, no?
After our War of Independence, we sent many, many Loyalists to Canada. Many. We gave them a chance to leave voluntarily so they could sell their property and not have to start from scratch.

We get along with Canada but they are NOT our friends. Never have been, never will be.
The Security Industrial Complex in Ontario destroyed my life using the sons of cops.against me to.spread B.S from the time I was a kid. Many of these SOBs are cops today making bank while being unaccountable. Ignore Donad H and his pals, we are the most corrupt, caste-system driven police state in the West. Your cops are desteoying their souls by helping them out.
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ZERO mention of the Trump investigation connection in the corporate media, even though busting a Russian spy in the FBI is HUGE news.

The DemoKKKrats have once again been caught doing the exact thing they accuse Trump of doing.

Here's ABC's sanitized/censored version of the story. NO mention of the fact that this agent was a major part of the Trump investigation:

FBI agents are scum.
ZERO mention of the Trump investigation connection in the corporate media, even though busting a Russian spy in the FBI is HUGE news.

The DemoKKKrats have once again been caught doing the exact thing they accuse Trump of doing.

Here's ABC's sanitized/censored version of the story. NO mention of the fact that this agent was a major part of the Trump investigation:

You just can't make this shit up. Karma is a bitch.
ZERO mention of the Trump investigation connection in the corporate media, even though busting a Russian spy in the FBI is HUGE news.

The DemoKKKrats have once again been caught doing the exact thing they accuse Trump of doing.

Here's ABC's sanitized/censored version of the story. NO mention of the fact that this agent was a major part of the Trump investigation:

Of my

How embarrassing for all the trump haters out there who got their start accusing trump of russia collusion

Bummer, huh?
Where are the moonbats?

FBI agents are scum.
I am fairly Conservative. More than most. Much more.

But hear me now -- Cops are not your friends. If you ever walk into a Courtroom, be advised that the most dishonest SOB in the Courtroom is usually the Judge followed by the Cops.

Cops will LIE like a bastich to make their case stick.

Generally speaking, it is not generally fair to generalize. Generally. There are many good Cops. Many. Especially among the younger, new ones. Too often, they morph into what has become a problem.

Some of it is because they break their backs to arrest a guy and he's back on the street committing the same crimes a week later. Or the next day.

Some of it is because they become jaded and insensitive to the pain of others.

And some of it is -- They were punks before they joined the Department and -- Nothing has changed.

I do NOT subscribe to the 'defund' bullshit and I respect what Cops do. It's a dirty, nasty, unappreciated job. But still..... Trust me -- Cops are not your friends.

Too many of them subscribe to Befehl ist Befehl. When dimocrap scum come for your guns, they will send -- Guess who?

When you object to your daughter being offered sex-change drugs, guess who the dimocraps will send to arrest you?

When you drive by DC on your way to your parents and there's a protest going on? Guess who the dimocrap SCUM politicians will send to arrest you for the charge of Being American In Public??

All these onerous laws, all these bullshit arrests for nothing? All that has to be done is for Cops to tell the politicians to do it themselves. To themselves.

But they don't. Why ??

So, there's that
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ZERO mention of the Trump investigation connection in the corporate media, even though busting a Russian spy in the FBI is HUGE news.

The DemoKKKrats have once again been caught doing the exact thing they accuse Trump of doing.

Here's ABC's sanitized/censored version of the story. NO mention of the fact that this agent was a major part of the Trump investigation:

This is the guy that was part of the group that sounded the alarm just before the election in favor of Trump.

Color me shocked.

What was his part in the Republican Mueller investigation?

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