South Georgia town shuts down police department.

A neighborhood in Oregon got fed up with slow police responses. Check out what they did.

I just love it!

I think this may happen to a lot of towns. And I'm pretty sure those townfolks will make sure to keep an eyeball out for each other. Or rather, I would hope so. I live in a small town. If we lost our sheriff substation...pretty sure my whole street would have each others backs. And the streets over..and the streets over. Which is the way it should be anyway.
It may be time to reconstitute local militias. And im not talking about those nutgroups in compounds.
There's more than just protection from things like home invasion that police do, though. Yes, having a gun for home protection is good, but police also patrol the roads, deal with things like domestic violence, etc.

On the other hand, it was only 4 officers and they have a sheriff's department patrolling the town, so hopefully it won't be a difficult transition for them.

I would say, however, that I wouldn't hold up Georgia as the bastion of good sense. I seem to see too many stories of fairly messed up activities in Georgia, and I say that as a resident for about 4 years now. :tongue:
I went to the police station yesterday to report an extortion crime. They told me that it was a civil matter. I tried to explain that extortion was a criminal matter. They said that they were not going to argue with me, that I needed an attorney. They would not even look at the criminal statue I brought. They were armed, and sitting on fat asses behind bullet proof glass. I'm all for closing down big government, and all the morons it hires. A weapon in hand is far better than a cop a phone call away.
It is real scary having people that stupid with all that power.
So what's the big deal? My town in Tennessee has never had one in the 30 or so years we've been here and we seem to be doing just fine thank you.
Sounds nice! The local cops here don't bother me its the state storm troopers that do...what the hell they are in town for is beyond me...
I live in a town with 1300 people in it. We dropped our police department 15 years ago and now use the State Police. There was no change in the crime rate

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