South Vietnam /Afghanistan governments comparisons


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
--how many of you know the history of Afghanistan?
...a critical comparison of both of these countries are governmental instability = [ duh ] UNSTABLE - can't be helped = their military unstable/useless
....South Vietnam had 3 heads of state changes in less than a year--1 with a murder.--and more attempted coups....same with Afghanistan in less than 2 years-----only all 3 of them were murders --got that?? MURDERS
....these coups are huge RED FLAGS that indicate these countries could not be helped

--how many of you know the history of Afghanistan?
...a critical comparison of both of these countries are governmental instability = [ duh ] UNSTABLE - can't be helped = their military unstable/useless
....South Vietnam had 3 heads of state changes in less than a year--1 with a murder.--and more attempted coups....same with Afghanistan in less than 2 years-----only all 3 of them were murders --got that?? MURDERS
....these coups are huge RED FLAGS that indicate these countries could not be helped

These politicians don't fear consequences from the U.S. Sort of like Western politicians, Hollywood and Big Tech who don't fear any consequences from their governments when they sell out to China.
I was amused and amazed when Trump wanted to withdraw from Afghanistan and the lefts outrage.

They would rather have nuclear bombs drop on the US than give Trump a political victory.

What is baffling is that I would have supported Biden leaving Afghanistan if he had done it in an orderly manner and on OUR TERMS. Not theirs.

But his policy was simple. "Cut and Run" like the fucking coward he is. Costing us even more taxpayer dollars in lost technology and hardware.

The clown needs to be in a recliner, being fed through a tube and IV, watching old reruns of the Nazi's he so admires.
South Korea was pretty much the only Asian stable government in the mid 20th century when Harry Truman bypassed Congress and issued an Executive order sending U.S. combat Troops to Korea. Indications are that Truman relied on the fledgling CIA at the time rather than qualified generals like Marine generals O.P. Smith and Lewis "Chesty" Puller. Truman relied on a WW1 Veteran who never spent a single night in Korea for strategy and lost control of the mission. Twenty years later another democrat LBJ forced Generals to sit on the sidelines while clerks and college kids in the CIA ran the show. The point is that democrat administrations are not comfortable with the military and as such they trust political appointees in so-called "intelligence agencies" to run the show. The problem is that "intelligence" agencies haven't been on top of an issue since WW2.

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