Southern Baptist head vows never to perform same-sex unions

16. Freeloaders and the Christian Work Ethic (2 Thessalonians 3:6-18)

But we command you, brothers and sisters, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, to keep away from any brother who lives an undisciplined life and not according to the tradition they received from us. 7 For you know yourselves how you must imitate us, because we did not behave without discipline among you, 8 and we did not eat anyone’s food without paying. Instead, in toil and drudgery we worked night and day in order not to burden any of you. 9 It was not because we do not have that right, but to give ourselves as an example for you to imitate. 10 For even when we were with you, we used to give you this command: “If anyone is not willing to work, neither should he eat.” 11 For we hear that some among you are living an undisciplined life, not doing their own work but meddling in the work of others. 12 Now such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to work quietly and so provide their own food to eat. 13 But you, brothers and sisters, do not grow weary in doing what is right.

sorry i got this messed up trying to quote tk...but this is what the bible says about mooches and much more is said....i guess that is the part of the bible he opts to ignore

Ironically, the first part of your cherry-picked verse actually supports the pastor in the OP
You have read an English translation of a translation from other languages which was itself a written version of oral tales handed down. Did you think there was a stenographer travelling with the Levites who wrote down the rules that include the words you claim, falsely, condemns homosexuality.

I think there is too much in the Bible that points to the fact that God hates all sexual sin, which includes men with men and women with women. From God creating woman for man.... to several references throughout the Bible stating that men with men is an abomination, detestable etc. to God. Not just one place.

What do you care what I believe anyway... ?

There are not several references, there is the one in leviticus and biblical scholars familiar with the languages agree that it is far from clear that the passage was a reference to homosexuality. More importantly, the bible is a book written by men; men imbued with the ignorance and prejudices of the times they lived in.

There are at least six references. Try actually reading the bible before looking foolish
Have read it. Have also read from those who study it and the languages it has been written. It does not condemn homosexuality in the new testament at all and, most importantly, the bible is not relevant to any discussion of our laws.

Yes it does condemn it in the New Testament, Romans 1:26-27, 1st Corinthians 6: 9-10, 1st Timothy 1:9-10....if you don't think the Bible is relevant then stop trying to use it to further your agenda
I have not used it. I am sick of assholes like you using it to further your hatefilled agenda.
I think there is too much in the Bible that points to the fact that God hates all sexual sin, which includes men with men and women with women. From God creating woman for man.... to several references throughout the Bible stating that men with men is an abomination, detestable etc. to God. Not just one place.

What do you care what I believe anyway... ?

There are not several references, there is the one in leviticus and biblical scholars familiar with the languages agree that it is far from clear that the passage was a reference to homosexuality. More importantly, the bible is a book written by men; men imbued with the ignorance and prejudices of the times they lived in.

There are at least six references. Try actually reading the bible before looking foolish
Have read it. Have also read from those who study it and the languages it has been written. It does not condemn homosexuality in the new testament at all and, most importantly, the bible is not relevant to any discussion of our laws.

Yes it does condemn it in the New Testament, Romans 1:26-27, 1st Corinthians 6: 9-10, 1st Timothy 1:9-10....if you don't think the Bible is relevant then stop trying to use it to further your agenda
I have not used it. I am sick of assholes like you using it to further your hatefilled agenda.

You don't know the Bible...cease pretending you do....asshole
There are not several references, there is the one in leviticus and biblical scholars familiar with the languages agree that it is far from clear that the passage was a reference to homosexuality. More importantly, the bible is a book written by men; men imbued with the ignorance and prejudices of the times they lived in.

There are at least six references. Try actually reading the bible before looking foolish
Have read it. Have also read from those who study it and the languages it has been written. It does not condemn homosexuality in the new testament at all and, most importantly, the bible is not relevant to any discussion of our laws.

Yes it does condemn it in the New Testament, Romans 1:26-27, 1st Corinthians 6: 9-10, 1st Timothy 1:9-10....if you don't think the Bible is relevant then stop trying to use it to further your agenda
I have not used it. I am sick of assholes like you using it to further your hatefilled agenda.

You don't know the Bible...cease pretending you do....asshole
I know it well enough to know that pricks like you use it as a weapon to harm others, which is contrary to being a Christian.
Southern Baptists are free to perform any marriages they wish

What they can't do is force the government to accept their views
There are at least six references. Try actually reading the bible before looking foolish
Have read it. Have also read from those who study it and the languages it has been written. It does not condemn homosexuality in the new testament at all and, most importantly, the bible is not relevant to any discussion of our laws.

Yes it does condemn it in the New Testament, Romans 1:26-27, 1st Corinthians 6: 9-10, 1st Timothy 1:9-10....if you don't think the Bible is relevant then stop trying to use it to further your agenda
I have not used it. I am sick of assholes like you using it to further your hatefilled agenda.

You don't know the Bible...cease pretending you do....asshole
I know it well enough to know that pricks like you use it as a weapon to harm others, which is contrary to being a Christian.

You didn't even know homosexuality is indeed condemned in both the Old and New Testaments, you yourself stated it was only referenced once in the Bible while there is at least six different references. You're a fraud
GOOD. Because you can't make him.
He knows he can't be made to, but many of those he speaks to don't know.
Also, the highlighted quote is bullshit. When did God call for marriage between one man and one woman? The Bible is full of men with hundreds or thousands of wives and whores, not to mention incest,

(1) God created woman for man.
(2) God said men laying with men was an abomination in his sight
(3) Because people in the Bible (God fearing men like David) had many wives, didn't make it right.

Next? You have no idea what God said. Did you hear his or her voice? No.

I have read His Word. Yes.
You have read an English translation of a translation from other languages which was itself a written version of oral tales handed down. Did you think there was a stenographer travelling with the Levites who wrote down the rules that include the words you claim, falsely, condemns homosexuality.
You really should Google

Isaiah translation

And see how accurately the Bible has been translated through the ages
He knows he can't be made to, but many of those he speaks to don't know.
Also, the highlighted quote is bullshit. When did God call for marriage between one man and one woman? The Bible is full of men with hundreds or thousands of wives and whores, not to mention incest,

(1) God created woman for man.
(2) God said men laying with men was an abomination in his sight
(3) Because people in the Bible (God fearing men like David) had many wives, didn't make it right.

Next? You have no idea what God said. Did you hear his or her voice? No.

I have read His Word. Yes.
You have read an English translation of a translation from other languages which was itself a written version of oral tales handed down. Did you think there was a stenographer travelling with the Levites who wrote down the rules that include the words you claim, falsely, condemns homosexuality.
You really should Google

Isaiah translation

And see how accurately the Bible has been translated through the ages

All you have to do is look around and see what is happening today was prophesied more than 2,000 years ago
(1) God created woman for man.
(2) God said men laying with men was an abomination in his sight
(3) Because people in the Bible (God fearing men like David) had many wives, didn't make it right.

Next? You have no idea what God said. Did you hear his or her voice? No.

I have read His Word. Yes.
You have read an English translation of a translation from other languages which was itself a written version of oral tales handed down. Did you think there was a stenographer travelling with the Levites who wrote down the rules that include the words you claim, falsely, condemns homosexuality.
You really should Google

Isaiah translation

And see how accurately the Bible has been translated through the ages

All you have to do is look around and see what is happening today was prophesied more than 2,000 years ago
Bullshit. You people have been preaching that we are in the end times since 2000 years ago. The world is a far better place now than at any time in the past, mostly because people have progressed beyond the ignorance bigotry of fucks like you.
He knows he can't be made to, but many of those he speaks to don't know.
Also, the highlighted quote is bullshit. When did God call for marriage between one man and one woman? The Bible is full of men with hundreds or thousands of wives and whores, not to mention incest,

(1) God created woman for man.
(2) God said men laying with men was an abomination in his sight
(3) Because people in the Bible (God fearing men like David) had many wives, didn't make it right.

Next? You have no idea what God said. Did you hear his or her voice? No.

I have read His Word. Yes.
You have read an English translation of a translation from other languages which was itself a written version of oral tales handed down. Did you think there was a stenographer travelling with the Levites who wrote down the rules that include the words you claim, falsely, condemns homosexuality.
You really should Google

Isaiah translation

And see how accurately the Bible has been translated through the ages
I have studied how it has been translated. Pretty piss poor and to serve the interests of those doing the translating.
Next? You have no idea what God said. Did you hear his or her voice? No.

I have read His Word. Yes.
You have read an English translation of a translation from other languages which was itself a written version of oral tales handed down. Did you think there was a stenographer travelling with the Levites who wrote down the rules that include the words you claim, falsely, condemns homosexuality.
You really should Google

Isaiah translation

And see how accurately the Bible has been translated through the ages

All you have to do is look around and see what is happening today was prophesied more than 2,000 years ago
Bullshit. You people have been preaching that we are in the end times since 2000 years ago. The world is a far better place now than at any time in the past, mostly because people have progressed beyond the ignorance bigotry of fucks like you.

ROFLMAO, sit down with your nonsense. Poor baby got burned and is now all butt hurt.
I have read His Word. Yes.
You have read an English translation of a translation from other languages which was itself a written version of oral tales handed down. Did you think there was a stenographer travelling with the Levites who wrote down the rules that include the words you claim, falsely, condemns homosexuality.
You really should Google

Isaiah translation

And see how accurately the Bible has been translated through the ages

All you have to do is look around and see what is happening today was prophesied more than 2,000 years ago
Bullshit. You people have been preaching that we are in the end times since 2000 years ago. The world is a far better place now than at any time in the past, mostly because people have progressed beyond the ignorance bigotry of fucks like you.

ROFLMAO, sit down with your nonsense. Poor baby got burned and is now all butt hurt.
Burned? By an ignorant religious nut like you?
You have read an English translation of a translation from other languages which was itself a written version of oral tales handed down. Did you think there was a stenographer travelling with the Levites who wrote down the rules that include the words you claim, falsely, condemns homosexuality.
You really should Google

Isaiah translation

And see how accurately the Bible has been translated through the ages

All you have to do is look around and see what is happening today was prophesied more than 2,000 years ago
Bullshit. You people have been preaching that we are in the end times since 2000 years ago. The world is a far better place now than at any time in the past, mostly because people have progressed beyond the ignorance bigotry of fucks like you.

ROFLMAO, sit down with your nonsense. Poor baby got burned and is now all butt hurt.
Burned? By an ignorant religious nut like you?

Scroll up nut job, I proved you wrong twice. Sheesh, you're a glutton for punishment....and don't know jack shit about the Bible
You really should Google

Isaiah translation

And see how accurately the Bible has been translated through the ages

All you have to do is look around and see what is happening today was prophesied more than 2,000 years ago
Bullshit. You people have been preaching that we are in the end times since 2000 years ago. The world is a far better place now than at any time in the past, mostly because people have progressed beyond the ignorance bigotry of fucks like you.

ROFLMAO, sit down with your nonsense. Poor baby got burned and is now all butt hurt.
Burned? By an ignorant religious nut like you?

Scroll up nut job, I proved you wrong twice. Sheesh, you're a glutton for punishment....and don't know jack shit about the Bible
You proved nothing. Oh, yeah, that you are an ignorant, homophobic twat.
All you have to do is look around and see what is happening today was prophesied more than 2,000 years ago
Bullshit. You people have been preaching that we are in the end times since 2000 years ago. The world is a far better place now than at any time in the past, mostly because people have progressed beyond the ignorance bigotry of fucks like you.

ROFLMAO, sit down with your nonsense. Poor baby got burned and is now all butt hurt.
Burned? By an ignorant religious nut like you?

Scroll up nut job, I proved you wrong twice. Sheesh, you're a glutton for punishment....and don't know jack shit about the Bible
You proved nothing. Oh, yeah, that you are an ignorant, homophobic twat.

It's all in the thread. LOL Now run along, Sparky. You have failed in epic fashion. Bawling and name calling changes nothing :)
Next? You have no idea what God said. Did you hear his or her voice? No.

I have read His Word. Yes.
You have read an English translation of a translation from other languages which was itself a written version of oral tales handed down. Did you think there was a stenographer travelling with the Levites who wrote down the rules that include the words you claim, falsely, condemns homosexuality.
You really should Google

Isaiah translation

And see how accurately the Bible has been translated through the ages

All you have to do is look around and see what is happening today was prophesied more than 2,000 years ago
Bullshit. You people have been preaching that we are in the end times since 2000 years ago. The world is a far better place now than at any time in the past, mostly because people have progressed beyond the ignorance bigotry of fucks like you.
Oh yeah, we're in a far better place now, aren't we? Beheadings of Christians and Jews are becoming commonplace and our president won't even recognize the enemy for who they are. The reality is that the world is deteriorating at a rapid pace, thanks to political correctness and fuckwads like you and the Democratic/Socialist Party and their nurturing of the culture of violence and hatred against anyone who doesn't believe and act the way you think they should.
not interested in Efficiency , interest is Freedom , especially when it concern privately owned property Pratchet !!

Freedom doesn't exist without a viable society. There is no such thing as unlimited freedom or unlimited rights. It is all a balancing act.

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