Southern Baptist head vows never to perform same-sex unions

Genesis 19:1-9

First of all, in interpreting this event we must take into account the entire situation. Whatever is happening here it is a form of rape. The crowd of men wished to sexually assault or “gangbang” the angels. The situation is also sewn through with appalling violence. Many assert that Lot’s offer of his daughters instead of the male angels implies that homosexual sex would have been worse than heterosexual sex, but Lot himself gives his reason for his action: “Don’t do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.” In our time, this does not make entire sense, but in Lot’s time, hospitality was a nearly sacred concept, and it is that distinction that Lot expresses: the visitors are his guests.

Nonetheless, if we were to accept that the distinction is gender-based, we could only conclude homosexual rape of angels is worse than heterosexual rape. To use this story to condemn all homosexual behavior is unfounded and truly stretching this story outside of its historical framework, but that is exactly what has happened. As Jeffrey S. Silker, in reference to such distortion of this text, wrote in his article in Theology Today, “David’s sin of adultery with Bathsheba does not make all heterosexual expressions sinful!”

1 TIMOTHY 1:8-10

Arsenokoitai, as previously indicated, is made up of the Greek words for male (arseno-) and beds (koitai). In Greek, the word koitai, literally meaning beds, is commonly used as a euphemism for one who has sex. Arseno- is an adjectival prefix, thus literally we could translate this as “male bedder.”

We should now be able to derive an exact understanding of the word arsenokoitai based on the two words that surround it. We have, first of all, the enslaved male prostitute, the “male-bedder” (arsenokoitai), and the slave dealer. The New American Bible offers a footnote that might shed some light on the historical context of the time:

“The Greek word translated as boy prostitutes may refer to catamites, i.e. boys or young men who were kept for the purposes of prostitution, a practice not uncommon in the Greco-Roman world. In Greek mythology this was the function of Ganymede, the “cupbearer of the gods,” whose Latin name was Catamus…” (NAB)

There was a common practice in which men of Paul’s time would have slave “pet” boys whom they sexually exploited. These boys were prepubescent and without beards so they seemed like females. Today, this practice is referred to as pederasty. Regardless, however, the pornos is clearly a prostitute.

Keeping this in mind, let’s look back at what we have so far: the enslaved male prostitute, the “male-bedder” (arsenokoitai), and the slave dealer. This contextual dynamic leads one to understand arsenokoitai as being the one who sleeps with the prostitute, the man who literally lies on the bed with him. It is as if Paul were saying, “male prostitutes, men who sleep with them, and slave dealers who procure them…” Not only does the syntactical and historical context point to this understanding, but also the very literal sense of the word arsenokoitai itself.

If this translation of arsenokoitai is correct, it should also make logical sense where it is also used in 1 Corinthians 6:9, either confirming or refuting our understanding of this word.

1 Corinthians 6:9

The term malakoi, as an adjective, literally means “soft.” In Matthew 11:8 it has been used as an adjective in reference to clothing. In this text, however, it is used as a noun and its meaning is debated. Does our understanding of arsenokoitai as revealed in 1 Timothy 1:10 as “men who sleep with male-prostitutes” make sense next to this word malakos which is translated by both NIV and RSV as male prostitutes? The Jerusalem Bible even translates the term malakos as catamites, those young softprepubescent “pet” boys mentioned earlier. The syntactical and historical context of 1 Timothy 1:10 reveals the meaning of the word arsenokoitai as men who sleep with prostitutes, and the fact this also fits the context of 1 Corinthians 6:9 seems to confirm that we have found the meaning of these obscure words. It makes perfect sense that Paul would rebuke not only the prostitute, but also the “male-bedder” or the man who sleeps with that prostitute

ROMANS 1:24-27

Looking at the men first will help to clarify the passage: “The men likewise gave up natural relations with women…” Stop. Did you see that? They gave up natural relations with women, which implies that these men were heterosexuals by nature. The phrase translated as “gave up” is the Greek word aphente (afenteV) meaning to leave behind, forsake, neglect, or divorce. These men, therefore, divorced themselves from their own nature, that of heterosexuality, and were consumed with passion for one another. Women did likewise. As we see, Paul is talking about heterosexual individuals engaging in homosexual sex, which is contrary to their nature.

Why would men do that? As any biblical scholar will tell you: “Context is everything.” This is a situation of lust, falsehood, idolatry, and dishonorable passions. In this account there are a number or men and a number of women, both plurals. This would most definitely be an orgy…everyone filled with lust and “dishonorable passions” having sex with whomever however. But why would Paul be talking about orgies? A little research uncovers the pagan practice of “sacred sexual orgies.” Baal was the Canaanite deity that was worshipped with sexual orgies on Mount Peor in Moab, with which Paul would have been familiar. With this contextual understanding let us read this story again:

“Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed for ever! Amen. For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. Their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural, and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in their own persons the due penalty for their error.”

Anyone who isolates the phrase “natural relations” to declare homosexual relations unnatural is interjecting their own prejudice and reading entirely outside of context. Even if we were to isolate that phrase it could only be used to condemn heterosexuals who go against their own heterosexual nature and engage in homosexual activity. As Peter J. Gomes, preacher to Harvard University, further clarifies in his book The Good Book, “It is not clear that Saint Paul distinguished, as we must, between homosexual persons and heterosexual persons who behave like homosexuals, but what is clear is that what is ‘unnatural’ is the one behaving after the manner of the other” (page 157).


First of all “lay lyings” has no clear interpretation. The only way of making sense of this is to insert something to produce a smoother, more commonsense English translation. For example, one can insert “as the” or “in the” after the first lay as showed below:

  • “And with a male you shall not lay [as the] lyings of a woman.”
  • “And with a male you shall not lay [in the] lyings of a woman.”
Even if we accept the NIV or KJV translations, (KJV: “Thou shalt not lie with a man as with a woman; it is an abomination.”) we still must understand the historical context of how a man laid with a women, for this is the qualifier of the phrase. Rabbi Arthur Waskow explains, “The whole structure of sexuality in the Torah assumes a dominant male and a subordinate female.” 2 The status of women in that time was much lower than that of men, and women were even considered property of the men. This belief regarding gender relations is rejected by most of the Christian church today, but in order to make sense of this specific Jewish law we must keep in mind this context in which it was written. We simply cannot ignore the second half of the phrase, “as with a woman” as most interpretations tend to do.

For one of the men in the sexual encounter to be treated as one would treat a woman, the man would have been taking a lower status. To do so would have been reducing him to property and in effect defiling the image of God, which man was considered. To fully understand this law, we must consider the historical context in which it was written.

The Old Testament was initially a part of the Hebrew Scriptures of the Jewish people. The Septuagint was an ancient translation of the Old Testament from its original Hebrew into Greek. It was the “version” of the Old Testament that the New Testament writers quoted from when they cited Old Testament scriptures. The Hebrew word in this specific law we are looking at that was translated into English as “abomination” was translated in the Septuagint into the Greek word bdelugma. A quick search through a lexicon for the word bdelugma brings up the following definition:

  • a foul thing, a detestable thing
  • of idols and things pertaining to idolatry
This seems to point to the idea that this specific law has more to do with a matter of ritual purity and with the Hebrews not being like the idolatrous Babylonians or Canaanites. As we see, this law isn’t as simple as it appears. First of all we have a very unclear law (“And with a male you shall not lay lyings of a woman.”). Second of all, we must consider the historical context of how men treated women in sexual encounters. Thirdly, as revealed through Christ, the fulfillment of the law is truly love. Rape, stealing, hating, etc. are immoral because they are not in line with the Law of Love, which Christ frames so perfectly when questioned about the law. Is a committed homosexual relationship in violation of this law? We could become like the Pharisees and Sadducees trying to pick apart this law forever, but if we look closely, Christ’s life truly reveals the Spirit of the Law. Surely this is what Paul meant when he wrote, “But now we are discharged from the law, dead to that which held us captive, so that we serve not under the old written code but in the new life of the Spirit” (RSV Romans 7:4-6).

As we see, the Bible really does not fully address the topic of homosexuality. Jesus never talked about it. The prophets never talked about it. In Sodom homosexual activity is mentioned within the context of rape (raping angels nonetheless), and in Romans 1:24-27 we find it mentioned within the context of idolatry (Baal worship) involving lust and dishonorable passions. 1 Corinthians 6:9 and 1 Timothy 1:10 talk about homosexual activity in the context of prostitution and possibly pederasty. Nowhere does the Bible talk about a loving and committed homosexual relationship. The only thing the authors of the Bible knew about homosexuality was that which they saw expressed in the pagan worship of Baal, the temple prostitution, et cetera. To use the Bible to condemn homosexuality, as we see, involves a projection of ones own bias and a stretching of the Biblical text beyond that of which the scriptures speak. Historically, however, the Bible has been taken out of context and twisted to oppress almost every minority one could imagine including women, African Americans, children, slaves, Jews, and the list goes on. Do we truly understand the greatest commandments? “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets.” (RSV Mat. 22:36-40)

Inclusive Orthodoxy The Rev. Justin R. Cannon

I may not know the bible, but the Minister who authored this certianly knows it better that you and, more importantly, understands what being a Christian is about better than you.

LOL Cannon is a homosexual.
So, it bothers you that a gay man is smarter than you? Understands the historical bible better than you and is a far better Christian that you could ever hope to be? That burns, doesn't it? A man with an education you don't have; with a command of the bible and its historical context that you don't have; a man with an understanding that Christianity is, at its core, about love and not the hate you and your fellow fake Christians spew is gay and that shakes you to your core.

Has it ever occurred to you that him being gay has some bearing on his beliefs? Face the facts, Gomer, the Bible is clear on homosexuality being a sin and some homo "minister" clearly has an agenda. You're becoming a waste of time
You know what occurred to me? That you being a hateful bigot has all bearing on your beliefs. The bible is clear to YOU because you want it to be clear on this. On other things, like that shrimp salad you like or the rayon/cotton blend clothing you wear, it is not or it is optional On something that allows you to hate your fellow humans; to judge them harshly and to give you a false sense of superiority, you see what you want to see and ignore all evidence that it was never that clear.

sigh, take your blabbering BS and go bother someone that gives a fuck,, retard
So, you cannot keep up? Nice Christian mouth you have there, sweetheart.
The fuck you can't force them to marry gays. Countries that are actually in the 21st century like those in Scandinavia don't allow churches to discriminate like this.

Scandinavia considers itself bound by the US Constitution?
Hence what I said about being in the 21st century, Not the 18th. But go on rationalizing discrimination you shitlord.
More importantly, you are wrong. They do not require that a minister perform a gay marriage.

"In April 2009, the Swedish parliament voted by an overwhelming majority to legalize same-sex marriage. Gay couples in Sweden had been allowed to register for civil unions since 1995.

The 2009 law allows gays and lesbians to marry in both religious and civil ceremonies, but it does not require clergy to officiate at such ceremonies. The Lutheran-affiliated Church of Sweden, to which roughly three-quarters of all Swedes belong, has offered blessings for same-sex partnerships since January 2007. In October 2009, the church’s governing board voted to allow its clergy to officiate at same-sex marriage ceremonies."

"Since January 2009, gay couples in Norway legally have been able to marry, adopt children and undergo artificial insemination. The new law replaced a 1993 law permitting civil unions. The 2009 law was passed despite resistance from members of the Christian Democratic Party and the Progress Party, as well as a public controversy over state funding for fertility treatments for lesbian couples.

The largest religious group in the country, the Lutheran-affiliated Church of Norway, was split over the issue. Following passage of the new law, the church’s leaders voted to prohibit its pastors from conducting same-sex weddings. But the Church of Norway does allow clergy to bless same-sex unions."
"With the legalization of gay marriage, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Denmark (which is the state church), is required to allow same-sex couples to marry in churches. However, no member of the church’s clergy is required to perform the wedding of a gay or lesbian couple. In addition, the law leaves it up to other religious groups to determine whether or not to allow same-sex weddings in its churches."

"Same-sex marriage will become legal in Finland starting in 2017. The Finnish Parliament approved a bill legalizing same-sex unions in November 2014, and Finland’s president, Sauli Niinistö, signed the measure into law in February 2015. The bill started out as a “citizens’ initiative” – a public petition with a reported 167,000 signatures."
Gay Marriage Around the World Pew Research Center

Try getting your facts right before posting.
You idiot. Sweden isn't the only Scandinavian country.
Gay Danish couples win right to marry in church - Telegraph
Before calling me an idiot, read the comment. I provided the law on all four Scandinavian countries. I will wait while you read the entire comment. Ok, it has been ten minutes so I assume you were capable of reading the comments. Denmark prohibits the kind of discrimination you advocate only in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Denmark and only with regard to the use of the facility. Clergy are not required to conduct such services and other churches cannot be forced to let their churches be used.

Are we done yet?
They are still better than this regressive backwater of a country. But no where is perfect I guess. Still doesn't make discrimination right.
LOL Cannon is a homosexual.
So, it bothers you that a gay man is smarter than you? Understands the historical bible better than you and is a far better Christian that you could ever hope to be? That burns, doesn't it? A man with an education you don't have; with a command of the bible and its historical context that you don't have; a man with an understanding that Christianity is, at its core, about love and not the hate you and your fellow fake Christians spew is gay and that shakes you to your core.

Has it ever occurred to you that him being gay has some bearing on his beliefs? Face the facts, Gomer, the Bible is clear on homosexuality being a sin and some homo "minister" clearly has an agenda. You're becoming a waste of time
You know what occurred to me? That you being a hateful bigot has all bearing on your beliefs. The bible is clear to YOU because you want it to be clear on this. On other things, like that shrimp salad you like or the rayon/cotton blend clothing you wear, it is not or it is optional On something that allows you to hate your fellow humans; to judge them harshly and to give you a false sense of superiority, you see what you want to see and ignore all evidence that it was never that clear.

sigh, take your blabbering BS and go bother someone that gives a fuck,, retard
So, you cannot keep up? Nice Christian mouth you have there, sweetheart.
Lol I bet her mind would be blown by a standard fuck party. Fucking church lady.
LOL Cannon is a homosexual.
So, it bothers you that a gay man is smarter than you? Understands the historical bible better than you and is a far better Christian that you could ever hope to be? That burns, doesn't it? A man with an education you don't have; with a command of the bible and its historical context that you don't have; a man with an understanding that Christianity is, at its core, about love and not the hate you and your fellow fake Christians spew is gay and that shakes you to your core.

Has it ever occurred to you that him being gay has some bearing on his beliefs? Face the facts, Gomer, the Bible is clear on homosexuality being a sin and some homo "minister" clearly has an agenda. You're becoming a waste of time
You know what occurred to me? That you being a hateful bigot has all bearing on your beliefs. The bible is clear to YOU because you want it to be clear on this. On other things, like that shrimp salad you like or the rayon/cotton blend clothing you wear, it is not or it is optional On something that allows you to hate your fellow humans; to judge them harshly and to give you a false sense of superiority, you see what you want to see and ignore all evidence that it was never that clear.

sigh, take your blabbering BS and go bother someone that gives a fuck,, retard
So, you cannot keep up? Nice Christian mouth you have there, sweetheart.

You're the one that claimed to be Catholic and started the name calling and crap. Fraud. Are you so stupid you don't realize it's all on the thread? You''re dumber than a sack of hammers
So, it bothers you that a gay man is smarter than you? Understands the historical bible better than you and is a far better Christian that you could ever hope to be? That burns, doesn't it? A man with an education you don't have; with a command of the bible and its historical context that you don't have; a man with an understanding that Christianity is, at its core, about love and not the hate you and your fellow fake Christians spew is gay and that shakes you to your core.

Has it ever occurred to you that him being gay has some bearing on his beliefs? Face the facts, Gomer, the Bible is clear on homosexuality being a sin and some homo "minister" clearly has an agenda. You're becoming a waste of time
You know what occurred to me? That you being a hateful bigot has all bearing on your beliefs. The bible is clear to YOU because you want it to be clear on this. On other things, like that shrimp salad you like or the rayon/cotton blend clothing you wear, it is not or it is optional On something that allows you to hate your fellow humans; to judge them harshly and to give you a false sense of superiority, you see what you want to see and ignore all evidence that it was never that clear.

sigh, take your blabbering BS and go bother someone that gives a fuck,, retard
So, you cannot keep up? Nice Christian mouth you have there, sweetheart.

You're the one that claimed to be Catholic and started the name calling and crap. Fraud. Are you so stupid you don't realize it's all on the thread? You''re dumber than a sack of hammers

Sure I am. That is why, in response to a thorough debunking of your claims about the bible, your only response was to call the minister a homo? Are you 13?
I mean, I have more passages if you want them. The whole "God doesn't call for marriage between a man and a woman" argument falls flat in the face of a Christian who knows his Bible inside and out.
And the bible is relevant to a discussion of the law related to marriage how?

As far as the Christian religion is concerned, the Bible is the bottom line.
I mean, I have more passages if you want them. The whole "God doesn't call for marriage between a man and a woman" argument falls flat in the face of a Christian who knows his Bible inside and out.
And the bible is relevant to a discussion of the law related to marriage how?

As far as the Christian religion is concerned, the Bible is the bottom line.
As far as your version of the Christian Religion is your version's interpretation of the bible it the bottom line for you. As far as the law is concerned, the Bible is not part of the equation.
I mean, I have more passages if you want them. The whole "God doesn't call for marriage between a man and a woman" argument falls flat in the face of a Christian who knows his Bible inside and out.
And the bible is relevant to a discussion of the law related to marriage how?

As far as the Christian religion is concerned, the Bible is the bottom line.
As far as your version of the Christian Religion is your version's interpretation of the bible it the bottom line for you. As far as the law is concerned, the Bible is not part of the equation.

As far as being A Christian goes, I don't give a damn what the law says.
I mean, I have more passages if you want them. The whole "God doesn't call for marriage between a man and a woman" argument falls flat in the face of a Christian who knows his Bible inside and out.
And the bible is relevant to a discussion of the law related to marriage how?

As far as the Christian religion is concerned, the Bible is the bottom line.
As far as your version of the Christian Religion is your version's interpretation of the bible it the bottom line for you. As far as the law is concerned, the Bible is not part of the equation.

As far as being A Christian goes, I don't give a damn what the law says.
Too bad you have to follow the law regardless. Or, you can move to some country where they do base their laws on religion. Afraid that there are no christian nations that do that, so you are gonna have to convert. A salaam alaikum, my brother.
I mean, I have more passages if you want them. The whole "God doesn't call for marriage between a man and a woman" argument falls flat in the face of a Christian who knows his Bible inside and out.
And the bible is relevant to a discussion of the law related to marriage how?

As far as the Christian religion is concerned, the Bible is the bottom line.
As far as your version of the Christian Religion is your version's interpretation of the bible it the bottom line for you. As far as the law is concerned, the Bible is not part of the equation.

As far as being A Christian goes, I don't give a damn what the law says.
Too bad you have to follow the law regardless. Or, you can move to some country where they do base their laws on religion. Afraid that there are no christian nations that do that, so you are gonna have to convert. A salaam alaikum, my brother.

Too bad I don't need your approval to be a Christian and follow the teachings of my faith. Move along now.
And the bible is relevant to a discussion of the law related to marriage how?

As far as the Christian religion is concerned, the Bible is the bottom line.
As far as your version of the Christian Religion is your version's interpretation of the bible it the bottom line for you. As far as the law is concerned, the Bible is not part of the equation.

As far as being A Christian goes, I don't give a damn what the law says.
Too bad you have to follow the law regardless. Or, you can move to some country where they do base their laws on religion. Afraid that there are no christian nations that do that, so you are gonna have to convert. A salaam alaikum, my brother.

Too bad I don't need your approval to be a Christian and follow the teachings of my faith. Move along now.
I never suggested that you did. You can follow the teachings of your faith up to the point where you violate the rights of your fellow Americans. Then, you can't. Pretty simple. You see, I am a law and order type.
They're desperate to keep membership, which has been falling fast.

Southern Baptist head vows never to perform same-sex unions

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — The president of the nation's largest Protestant denomination on Tuesday vowed never to officiate at a same-sex union, and the Southern Baptist Convention called on the U.S. Supreme Court not to declare a constitutional right to same-sex marriage.

Pastor Ronnie Floyd was speaking to delegates at the convention's annual meeting in Columbus, Ohio. But he said his message was also for the U.S. Supreme Court — which is expected to rule within days on same-sex marriage — and for all of America.

Floyd said he has compassion for people whom he described as struggling with same-sex attraction, but he said it would be wrong to remain silent on the issue.

"America: We stand believing that marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in a covenant commitment for a lifetime," Floyd said to a standing ovation from the 5,000 people in attendance. "We do not need to redefine what God himself has defined already."

Those religious weirdos have been marginalized already, in 25 to 30 years those "people" will be an oddity here in America
GOOD. Because you can't make him.
He knows he can't be made to, but many of those he speaks to don't know.
Also, the highlighted quote is bullshit. When did God call for marriage between one man and one woman? The Bible is full of men with hundreds or thousands of wives and whores, not to mention incest,

(1) God created woman for man.
(2) God said men laying with men was an abomination in his sight
(3) Because people in the Bible (God fearing men like David) had many wives, didn't make it right.

Next? You have no idea what God said. Did you hear his or her voice? No.
One word, BIBLE! Read it, it is what God said. Gay is sin period.
They're desperate to keep membership, which has been falling fast.

Southern Baptist head vows never to perform same-sex unions

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — The president of the nation's largest Protestant denomination on Tuesday vowed never to officiate at a same-sex union, and the Southern Baptist Convention called on the U.S. Supreme Court not to declare a constitutional right to same-sex marriage.

Pastor Ronnie Floyd was speaking to delegates at the convention's annual meeting in Columbus, Ohio. But he said his message was also for the U.S. Supreme Court — which is expected to rule within days on same-sex marriage — and for all of America.

Floyd said he has compassion for people whom he described as struggling with same-sex attraction, but he said it would be wrong to remain silent on the issue.

"America: We stand believing that marriage is the uniting of one man and one woman in a covenant commitment for a lifetime," Floyd said to a standing ovation from the 5,000 people in attendance. "We do not need to redefine what God himself has defined already."

Those religious weirdos have been marginalized already, in 25 to 30 years those "people" will be an oddity here in America
Good luck guano.
GOOD. Because you can't make him.
He knows he can't be made to, but many of those he speaks to don't know.
Also, the highlighted quote is bullshit. When did God call for marriage between one man and one woman? The Bible is full of men with hundreds or thousands of wives and whores, not to mention incest,

(1) God created woman for man.
(2) God said men laying with men was an abomination in his sight
(3) Because people in the Bible (God fearing men like David) had many wives, didn't make it right.

Next? You have no idea what God said. Did you hear his or her voice? No.
One word, BIBLE! Read it, it is what God said. Gay is sin period.
Three words, United States Constitution. Read it. It states that what you claim your God says about anything is completely irrelevant. You want to live in a theocracy, move to Iran.
A christian cult started to support slavery during the civil war. Yea these are the "people" we should want to be like and listen to

Early warning signs may indicate that such a ruinous trajectory is imminent.

The SBC lost more than 200,000 members between 2013 and 2014, its largest decrease in over a century.

Here are three reasons why Southern Baptists are on the decline

Here are three reasons why Southern Baptists are on the decline - The Washington Post
Last edited:
GOOD. Because you can't make him.
He knows he can't be made to, but many of those he speaks to don't know.
Also, the highlighted quote is bullshit. When did God call for marriage between one man and one woman? The Bible is full of men with hundreds or thousands of wives and whores, not to mention incest,

(1) God created woman for man.
(2) God said men laying with men was an abomination in his sight
(3) Because people in the Bible (God fearing men like David) had many wives, didn't make it right.

Next? You have no idea what God said. Did you hear his or her voice? No.
One word, BIBLE! Read it, it is what God said. Gay is sin period.
Three words, United States Constitution. Read it. It states that what you claim your God says about anything is completely irrelevant. You want to live in a theocracy, move to Iran.
Hey idiot my God is more relevant period. The constitution guarantees my right to say that all I want. Doesn't matter what you satan worshipers say.
He knows he can't be made to, but many of those he speaks to don't know.
Also, the highlighted quote is bullshit. When did God call for marriage between one man and one woman? The Bible is full of men with hundreds or thousands of wives and whores, not to mention incest,

(1) God created woman for man.
(2) God said men laying with men was an abomination in his sight
(3) Because people in the Bible (God fearing men like David) had many wives, didn't make it right.

Next? You have no idea what God said. Did you hear his or her voice? No.
One word, BIBLE! Read it, it is what God said. Gay is sin period.
Three words, United States Constitution. Read it. It states that what you claim your God says about anything is completely irrelevant. You want to live in a theocracy, move to Iran.
Hey idiot my God is more relevant period. The constitution guarantees my right to say that all I want. Doesn't matter what you satan worshipers say.

I'm thinking Paddy is a pee wee puffer
He knows he can't be made to, but many of those he speaks to don't know.
Also, the highlighted quote is bullshit. When did God call for marriage between one man and one woman? The Bible is full of men with hundreds or thousands of wives and whores, not to mention incest,

(1) God created woman for man.
(2) God said men laying with men was an abomination in his sight
(3) Because people in the Bible (God fearing men like David) had many wives, didn't make it right.

Next? You have no idea what God said. Did you hear his or her voice? No.
One word, BIBLE! Read it, it is what God said. Gay is sin period.
Three words, United States Constitution. Read it. It states that what you claim your God says about anything is completely irrelevant. You want to live in a theocracy, move to Iran.
Hey idiot my God is more relevant period. The constitution guarantees my right to say that all I want. Doesn't matter what you satan worshipers say.

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