Southern border migrant hoax.

So why does Biden have a media blackout and party workers obstructing the Republican Senators on their fact finding trip if there's nothing to hide? In truth, the Democrat party is rightfully embarrassed by their utter failure on the border and are doing everything in their power to prevent the American people from witnessing their crisis.

But the “surge” has been fabricated by Republicans in order to stoke fear – and, not incidentally, to justify changes in laws they say are necessary to prevent non-citizens from voting.

These pieces of nonsense spread because their followers are simple minded peasants who are gullible enough to believe anything.

Robert Reich op-ed piece? LOL! Reich is a Bernie Sanders supporter, he voted for Clinton after Sanders didn't win the nomination. He is a far left goon who preaches other to give up wealth, while he has acquired his personal wealth. His op-ed is like reading a far left wing website like KOS. No credibility. CNN is calling it a crisis, the numbers are increasing and a lot of it is Biden's policies. The trend is surpassing Trump's numbers of May 2019. Reich has yet to go to the border but you take his word for it because it fits your agenda.
Biden is doing a great job! This link is FAKE NEWS. All those right leaning outlets need to quit!
After Border Patrol release, asylum-seekers test positive for Covid in Brownsville, Texas (

But the “surge” has been fabricated by Republicans in order to stoke fear – and, not incidentally, to justify changes in laws they say are necessary to prevent non-citizens from voting.

These pieces of nonsense spread because their followers are simple minded peasants who are gullible enough to believe anything.

Oh so that's why the Biden Reich won't allow reporters to the Bidenvilles

But the “surge” has been fabricated by Republicans in order to stoke fear – and, not incidentally, to justify changes in laws they say are necessary to prevent non-citizens from voting.

These pieces of nonsense spread because their followers are simple minded peasants who are gullible enough to believe anything.

LOL. Nice try, crumpet.
The OP is an idiot to post this article of lies.

The "surge" is NOT fabricated, Biden invited migrants to "surge the border" if he were elected, and sure enough as expected the #'s are up substantially.

Here, maybe the OP will believe NPR:

Migrant Surge At Border Is On Pace To Be The Biggest In Nearly 2 Decades
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March 17, 20217:17 AM ET
Migrant Surge At Border Is On Pace To Be The Biggest In Nearly 2 Decades : NPR

But the “surge” has been fabricated by Republicans in order to stoke fear – and, not incidentally, to justify changes in laws they say are necessary to prevent non-citizens from voting.

These pieces of nonsense spread because their followers are simple minded peasants who are gullible enough to believe anything.

Robert Reich op-ed piece? LOL! Reich is a Bernie Sanders supporter, he voted for Clinton after Sanders didn't win the nomination. He is a far left goon who preaches other to give up wealth, while he has acquired his personal wealth. His op-ed is like reading a far left wing website like KOS. No credibility. CNN is calling it a crisis, the numbers are increasing and a lot of it is Biden's policies. The trend is surpassing Trump's numbers of May 2019. Reich has yet to go to the border but you take his word for it because it fits your agenda.
I can see why he is a threat to a cult that lies as easily as it breathes.

But the “surge” has been fabricated by Republicans in order to stoke fear – and, not incidentally, to justify changes in laws they say are necessary to prevent non-citizens from voting.

These pieces of nonsense spread because their followers are simple minded peasants who are gullible enough to believe anything.

Robert Reich op-ed piece? LOL! Reich is a Bernie Sanders supporter, he voted for Clinton after Sanders didn't win the nomination. He is a far left goon who preaches other to give up wealth, while he has acquired his personal wealth. His op-ed is like reading a far left wing website like KOS. No credibility. CNN is calling it a crisis, the numbers are increasing and a lot of it is Biden's policies. The trend is surpassing Trump's numbers of May 2019. Reich has yet to go to the border but you take his word for it because it fits your agenda.
I can see why he is a threat to a cult that lies as easily as it breathes.
From the asshole passing judgement behind his screen, off of one "news" report, from 6,000 miles away.

Just STFU and go book a dentist appointment.

But the “surge” has been fabricated by Republicans in order to stoke fear – and, not incidentally, to justify changes in laws they say are necessary to prevent non-citizens from voting.

These pieces of nonsense spread because their followers are simple minded peasants who are gullible enough to believe anything.

Robert Reich op-ed piece? LOL! Reich is a Bernie Sanders supporter, he voted for Clinton after Sanders didn't win the nomination. He is a far left goon who preaches other to give up wealth, while he has acquired his personal wealth. His op-ed is like reading a far left wing website like KOS. No credibility. CNN is calling it a crisis, the numbers are increasing and a lot of it is Biden's policies. The trend is surpassing Trump's numbers of May 2019. Reich has yet to go to the border but you take his word for it because it fits your agenda.
I can see why he is a threat to a cult that lies as easily as it breathes.

So you support one side lying and not the other? CNN and other outlets are covering the border crisis and you want to believe a man that isn't anywhere near the border and has had no interest in the border except this one op-ed piece that supports his bigoted view. That is your choice, however I think you are a moron for doing so.
Three things will alleviate this crisis. Mass deportations. Seeding the invader centers with yellow fever and cholera. Sending in members of rival gangs. We have prisons filled with hispanic gang bangers. Send them to invader centers and tell them to fight for their turf.

But the “surge” has been fabricated by Republicans in order to stoke fear – and, not incidentally, to justify changes in laws they say are necessary to prevent non-citizens from voting.

These pieces of nonsense spread because their followers are simple minded peasants who are gullible enough to believe anything.
Their strategy is to say "We won't focus or vote on anything else until you handle this border crisis". They are posturing. They're not going to focus or vote on anything else either way.

But the “surge” has been fabricated by Republicans in order to stoke fear – and, not incidentally, to justify changes in laws they say are necessary to prevent non-citizens from voting.

These pieces of nonsense spread because their followers are simple minded peasants who are gullible enough to believe anything.
Why don't you come to a border state so you would know a little bit of what you are talking about, clown?

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