Southern Democratic congressman sends fundraising email with burning cross representi

What's the big deal?

The tee potties are proud of their racism.

Its a little late for them to slither back under their rocks now.
The Tea Party is just a sad old group of racist bigots living off Medicare and Social Security.
What's the big deal?

The tee potties are proud of their racism.

Its a little late for them to slither back under their rocks now.

Tea Bagger is just a polite term for Klansman.

Another bald faced lie. Have you no shame?

Perhaps you should ask the Klan?

KKK Disbands Claiming GOP Has Co-opted All Of Their Ideas
That's a satire site, dumbass. Unless you believe these headlines are true:

Rush Limbaugh Responsible for Swine Flu Pandemic

Sarah Palin Shoots Giraffe In Cincinnati Zoo

Supreme Court Ponders "Gumby or Pokey?"

NRA Worried Obama Will Ban Backyard Nuclear Missile Silos

Reagan Offers Obama Advice

The only question remaining is, just exactly how stupid is Rderp?
and those of the TPM cross burners gather together in the light of their evil symbol

you guys make the 90% of your movement look evil

is that your goal?
A burning cross does represent a portion of the Tea Party.

Get over it, Steph.

It represents your beloved democrat party, past, present and future. You're all too much of a bunch of pussies to be honest about it....

Meanwhile, the law this racist salad tosser supports just got 300,000 people in his state kicked off of their health insurance plans......:clap2:
racist, homophobic, misogynist, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim, Christian-extremist

who needs the KKK when we have the Tea Party?
There is no connection between the tea party and the election of Barack Obama. There is no connection between the tea party and the election of Barack Obama. There is no connection between the tea party and the election of Barack Obama. There is no connection between the tea party and the election of Barack Obama. There is no connection between the tea party and the election of Barack Obama. There is no connection between the tea party and the election of Barack Obama. Keep telling yourself.
There is no connection between the tea party and the election of Barack Obama. There is no connection between the tea party and the election of Barack Obama. There is no connection between the tea party and the election of Barack Obama. There is no connection between the tea party and the election of Barack Obama. There is no connection between the tea party and the election of Barack Obama. There is no connection between the tea party and the election of Barack Obama. Keep telling yourself.
Your little temper tantrum is less than compelling, boy.

Run along, now.

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