Southern history professor pushing creationism

I really don't have the words to express how someone who is as educated as a history professor can just turn their brains off and accept Creationism as anywhere close to a valid account of anything, much less use it as part of a classroom discussion (beyond mentioning it in context with religious beliefs of historical groups). Sadly, it isn't just historians who do this as there are scientists who do the same thing, but at least they'll admit when pushed that they know what the evidence they are ignoring is and that they simply can't believe the evidence because it conflicts with their world view.
I really don't have the words to express how someone who is as educated as a history professor can just turn their brains off and accept Creationism as anywhere close to a valid account of anything, much less use it as part of a classroom discussion (beyond mentioning it in context with religious beliefs of historical groups). Sadly, it isn't just historians who do this as there are scientists who do the same thing, but at least they'll admit when pushed that they know what the evidence they are ignoring is and that they simply can't believe the evidence because it conflicts with their world view.

Step into a sociology class, or most any class offered by any discipline, on any university campus and behold the liberal creationism which reigns supreme. These nuts don't believe that there exist any racial differences, they deny that evolution applies to humans. Idiots. Appealing to some mystical force field which keeps human brains immune from evolution is hardly any better than appealing to God who made all humans the same and placed two of them in the Garden of Eden.

At least the religious creationists have the stones to be forthright in their rejection of evolution. The liberal creationists claim to "believe" in evolution, but don't understand it and think that it doesn't apply to modern humans.
I really don't have the words to express how someone who is as educated as a history professor can just turn their brains off and accept Creationism as anywhere close to a valid account of anything, much less use it as part of a classroom discussion (beyond mentioning it in context with religious beliefs of historical groups). Sadly, it isn't just historians who do this as there are scientists who do the same thing, but at least they'll admit when pushed that they know what the evidence they are ignoring is and that they simply can't believe the evidence because it conflicts with their world view.

Step into a sociology class, or most any class offered by any discipline, on any university campus and behold the liberal creationism which reigns supreme. These nuts don't believe that there exist any racial differences, they deny that evolution applies to humans. Idiots. Appealing to some mystical force field which keeps human brains immune from evolution is hardly any better than appealing to God who made all humans the same and placed two of them in the Garden of Eden.

At least the religious creationists have the stones to be forthright in their rejection of evolution. The liberal creationists claim to "believe" in evolution, but don't understand it and think that it doesn't apply to modern humans.

Maybe it doesn't. Natural selection can't, for example, explain how your dumb ass has survived this long.
I really don't have the words to express how someone who is as educated as a history professor can just turn their brains off and accept Creationism as anywhere close to a valid account of anything, much less use it as part of a classroom discussion (beyond mentioning it in context with religious beliefs of historical groups). Sadly, it isn't just historians who do this as there are scientists who do the same thing, but at least they'll admit when pushed that they know what the evidence they are ignoring is and that they simply can't believe the evidence because it conflicts with their world view.

^^ ^^ ^^ ^^

What he said.
I really don't have the words to express how someone who is as educated as a history professor can just turn their brains off and accept Creationism as anywhere close to a valid account of anything, much less use it as part of a classroom discussion (beyond mentioning it in context with religious beliefs of historical groups). Sadly, it isn't just historians who do this as there are scientists who do the same thing, but at least they'll admit when pushed that they know what the evidence they are ignoring is and that they simply can't believe the evidence because it conflicts with their world view.
Is a puzzlement -
Hey guno I live with a scientist graduate from University of Toronto.

He can't give me an answer. Not kidding.
I really don't have the words to express how someone who is as educated as a history professor can just turn their brains off and accept Creationism as anywhere close to a valid account of anything, much less use it as part of a classroom discussion (beyond mentioning it in context with religious beliefs of historical groups). Sadly, it isn't just historians who do this as there are scientists who do the same thing, but at least they'll admit when pushed that they know what the evidence they are ignoring is and that they simply can't believe the evidence because it conflicts with their world view.

Step into a sociology class, or most any class offered by any discipline, on any university campus and behold the liberal creationism which reigns supreme. These nuts don't believe that there exist any racial differences, they deny that evolution applies to humans. Idiots. Appealing to some mystical force field which keeps human brains immune from evolution is hardly any better than appealing to God who made all humans the same and placed two of them in the Garden of Eden.

At least the religious creationists have the stones to be forthright in their rejection of evolution. The liberal creationists claim to "believe" in evolution, but don't understand it and think that it doesn't apply to modern humans.

I got news for you----Rik-----you don't understand evolution or the concept of
"races" in the human species----and you certainly do not have the slightest
grasp on the EVOLUTION OF THE HUMAN BRAIN ------I can help------
there is no population differences-----in the various populations of the world---
of beings of the HUMAN SPECIES------that reveal any differences whatsoever
in the HUMAN BRAIN------for more----talk to a neuroscientist near you------
it might interest you to know that of all of human anatomy-------in the field of
COMPARATIVE ANATOMY----it is the evolution of the brain----which is the most
interesting. Comparative anatomy is actually the study of evolution-----from slime mold to YOU
Hey guno I live with a scientist graduate from University of Toronto.

He can't give me an answer. Not kidding.

Fossils were placed here by satan to test your faith!!! Repent!

I cannot undo what others say OldSchool. I can't undo idiocy.

What do you expect of me? We as beleivers have great moments looking at each other and going You've got to be fucking kidding me.

Then enters faith.
I really don't have the words to express how someone who is as educated as a history professor can just turn their brains off and accept Creationism as anywhere close to a valid account of anything, much less use it as part of a classroom discussion (beyond mentioning it in context with religious beliefs of historical groups). Sadly, it isn't just historians who do this as there are scientists who do the same thing, but at least they'll admit when pushed that they know what the evidence they are ignoring is and that they simply can't believe the evidence because it conflicts with their world view.

Step into a sociology class, or most any class offered by any discipline, on any university campus and behold the liberal creationism which reigns supreme. These nuts don't believe that there exist any racial differences, they deny that evolution applies to humans. Idiots. Appealing to some mystical force field which keeps human brains immune from evolution is hardly any better than appealing to God who made all humans the same and placed two of them in the Garden of Eden.

At least the religious creationists have the stones to be forthright in their rejection of evolution. The liberal creationists claim to "believe" in evolution, but don't understand it and think that it doesn't apply to modern humans.

I got news for you----Rik-----you don't understand evolution or the concept of
"races" in the human species----and you certainly do not have the slightest

Yes, that is news to me. Thank you for telling me about what I don't understand. Your internet skills are amazing to behold.

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