Southern history professor pushing creationism

Inspired by Pete's asinine rant on the poor, here is the no-spin facts on SNAP (food stamps). Maybe now you will stop listening to the bullshit propaganda that comes from the Republican party. I put what I consider to be the most important facts in bold, but I do encourage you to read all of it.

SNAP is targeted at the most vulnerable.

76% of SNAP households included a child, an elderly person, or a disabled person. These vulnerable households receive 83% of all SNAP benefits.

SNAP eligibility is limited to households with gross income of no more than 130% of the federal poverty guideline, but the majority of households have income well below the maximum: 83% of SNAP households have gross income at or below 100% of the poverty guideline ($19,530 for a family of 3 in 2013), and these households receive about 91% of all benefits. 61% of SNAP households have gross income at or below 75% of the poverty guideline ($14,648 for a family of 3 in 2013).[ii]

The average SNAP household has a gross monthly income of $744; net monthly income of $338 after the standard deduction and, for certain households, deductions for child care, medical expenses, and shelter costs; and countable resources of $331, such as a bank account.[iii]

SNAP is responsive to changes in need, providing needed food assistance as families fall into economic hardship and then transitioning away as their financial situation stabilizes.

SNAP participation historically follows unemployment with a slight lag. SNAP participation grew during the recession, responding quickly and effectively to increased need. As the number of unemployed people increased by 94% from 2007 to 2011, SNAP responded with a 70% increase in participation over the same period. [iv]

As the economy recovers and people go back to work, SNAP participation and program costs, too, can be expected to decline. Unemployment has begun to slowly fall, and SNAP participation growth has flattened out. The Congressional Budget Office projects SNAP participation to begin declining in 2015, with both unemployment and SNAP participation returning to near pre-recession levels by 2022.[v]

SNAP has a strong record of program integrity.

SNAP error rates declined by 57% since FY2000, from 8.91% in FY2000 to a record low of 3.80% in FY2011.[vi] The accuracy rate of 96.2% (FY2011) is an all-time program high and is considerably higher than other major benefit programs, for example Medicare fee-for-service (91.5%) or Medicare Advantage Part C (88.6%). [vii]

Two-thirds of all SNAP payment errors are a result of caseworker error. Nearly one-fifth are underpayments, which occur when eligible participants receive less in benefits than they are eligible to receive.[viii]

The national rate of food stamp trafficking declined from about 3.8 cents per dollar of benefits redeemed in 1993 to about 1.0 cent per dollar during the years 2006 to 2008.[ix] As you may have read in local news, USDA is aggressively fighting trafficking, but while there are individual cases of program abuse, for every one instance of fraud, there are hundreds of stories of heartbreaking need.

The need for food assistance is already greater than SNAP can fill.

SNAP benefits don’t last most participants the whole month. 90% of SNAP benefits are redeemed by the third week of the month, and 58% of food bank clients currently receiving SNAP benefits turn to food banks for assistance at least 6 months out of the year.[x]

The average monthly SNAP benefit per person is $133.85, or less than $1.50 per person, per meal. [xi]

Only 55% of food insecure individuals are income-eligible for SNAP, and 29% are not income-eligible for any federal food assistance.[xii]

Categorical Eligibility

Categorical eligibility allows many people to automatically enroll in SNAP who wouldn’t otherwise qualify for the program.

Categorical eligibility does not allow households to enroll automatically; they must still apply through the regular SNAP application process, which has rigorous procedures for documenting applicants’ income, citizenship, work status, and other circumstances.

Categorical eligibility allows states the option of aligning SNAP eligibility rules for gross income and asset limits with TANF to reduce administrative costs and simplify the eligibility determination process. While three-fourths of SNAP households were categorically eligible, almost all would also have been eligible for SNAP under standard rules.[xiii]

While a small number of households would not have met gross income and asset eligibility rules without categorical eligibility, SNAP families are still among the poorest households:

The average SNAP household has a gross monthly income of $744 and net monthly income of $338.[xiv]
SNAP rules limit eligibility to households with gross income under 130% of poverty and net income at or below 100% of poverty. While categorical eligibility allows states to set a higher gross income limit, only 1.5% of SNAP households in 2010 had monthly net income above 150% of the poverty line, so the policy has not made SNAP available to large numbers of households with incomes above the federal gross income limit of 130% of poverty.[xv]
SNAP rules limit eligibility to households with assets of no more than $2000 ($3250 for households with a senior or disabled member). The average SNAP household still has assets of only $331.[xvi] Additionally, the SNAP asset limit of $2,000 has not been adjusted for inflation in 25 years and has fallen by 48% in real terms since 1986.[xvii]

Categorical eligibility has dramatically increased program participation.

The dramatic increase in SNAP participation and costs is a result of the recession, not categorical eligibility. Our nation has seen the highest unemployment rates in nearly 30 years.

The dramatic increase in SNAP participation and costs is a result of the recession, not categorical eligibility. Our nation has seen the highest unemployment rates in nearly 30 years.
SNAP participation historically follows unemployment with a slight lag. SNAP participation grew during the recession, responding quickly and effectively to increased need. As the number of unemployed people increased by 94% from 2007 to 2011, SNAP responded with a 70% increase in participation over the same period. [xviii]

As the economy recovers and people go back to work, SNAP participation and program costs, too, can be expected to decline. Unemployment has begun to slowly fall, and SNAP participation growth has flattened out. The Congressional Budget Office projects SNAP participation to begin declining in 2015, with both unemployment and SNAP participation returning to near pre-recession levels by 2022.[xix]

Eliminating categorical eligibility would significantly reduce costs.

Eliminating categorical eligibility would achieve savings by causing about 2-3 million low-income people currently enrolled in SNAP to lose their benefits.[xx] Many more families newly applying for assistance would have their benefit issuance delayed because of the increased complexity of applying and additional processing time required. This human cost is too high a price to pay with so many families struggling to get by in this economy.

In addition to the loss of needed food assistance for struggling families, this savings would come at the expense of increased administrative costs. Eliminating the streamlined application process that categorical eligibility allows would require states to allocate staff time to duplicate enrollment procedures and incur the cost of modifying their computer systems, reprinting applications and manuals, and retraining staff.

Program Growth

Generous eligibility rules and program fraud and abuse have caused participation in SNAP to balloon, sharply driving up the cost of the program when the nation can least afford it.

The dramatic increase in SNAP participation and costs is a result of the recession, not categorical eligibility. Our nation has seen the highest unemployment rates in nearly 30 years.

SNAP participation historically follows unemployment with a slight lag. SNAP participation grew during the recession, responding quickly and effectively to increased need. As the number of unemployed people increased by 94% from 2007 to 2011, SNAP responded with a 70% increase in participation over the same period. [xxi]

As the economy recovers and people go back to work, SNAP participation and program costs, too, can be expected to decline. Unemployment has begun to slowly fall, and SNAP participation growth has flattened out. The Congressional Budget Office projects SNAP participation to begin declining in 2015, with both unemployment and SNAP participation returning to near pre-recession levels by 2022.[xxii]

SNAP (Food Stamps): Facts, Myths and Realities

(Their sources are straight from government data)

I really don't have the words to express how someone who is as educated as a history professor can just turn their brains off and accept Creationism as anywhere close to a valid account of anything, much less use it as part of a classroom discussion (beyond mentioning it in context with religious beliefs of historical groups). Sadly, it isn't just historians who do this as there are scientists who do the same thing, but at least they'll admit when pushed that they know what the evidence they are ignoring is and that they simply can't believe the evidence because it conflicts with their world view.

Step into a sociology class, or most any class offered by any discipline, on any university campus and behold the liberal creationism which reigns supreme. These nuts don't believe that there exist any racial differences, they deny that evolution applies to humans. Idiots. Appealing to some mystical force field which keeps human brains immune from evolution is hardly any better than appealing to God who made all humans the same and placed two of them in the Garden of Eden.

At least the religious creationists have the stones to be forthright in their rejection of evolution. The liberal creationists claim to "believe" in evolution, but don't understand it and think that it doesn't apply to modern humans.

Creationist do not reject evolution,they are not exclusive of each other,that is an assumption used often erroneously. Unlike strict Darwinist that are monolithic in thought.
Too many 'creationists' do belong to the Young Earth faction, and apparently this professor belongs to it as well.
Nonsense, pmp. Be quiet if you don't understand.
be quiet YOU believe science has proven humans evolved from single celled organisms? can't even prove multicelled organisms evolved from single celled organisms.....
Well, actually, the mechanisms for such have already been identified.
you mean, they've been hypothesized.....
You mean, you're clueless.
Nonsense, pmp. Be quiet if you don't understand.
be quiet YOU believe science has proven humans evolved from single celled organisms? can't even prove multicelled organisms evolved from single celled organisms.....
Well, actually, the mechanisms for such have already been identified.
you mean, they've been hypothesized.....
You mean, you're clueless.
If by clueless you mean I have seen no clues that science has tested your hypothesis with the scientific method, spot on!......
Nonsense, pmp. Be quiet if you don't understand.
be quiet YOU believe science has proven humans evolved from single celled organisms? can't even prove multicelled organisms evolved from single celled organisms.....
Well, actually, the mechanisms for such have already been identified.
you mean, they've been hypothesized.....
You mean, you're clueless.
If by clueless you mean I have seen no clues that science has tested your hypothesis with the scientific method, spot on!......
You're at a disadvantage because of your limited exposure to science terms and principles.

Of course, you could add some credibility to your conspiracy theories about evilution with some credible evidence for a 6,000 year old earth, talking snakes and Ark tales.
be quiet YOU believe science has proven humans evolved from single celled organisms? can't even prove multicelled organisms evolved from single celled organisms.....
Well, actually, the mechanisms for such have already been identified.
you mean, they've been hypothesized.....
You mean, you're clueless.
If by clueless you mean I have seen no clues that science has tested your hypothesis with the scientific method, spot on!......
You're at a disadvantage because of your limited exposure to science terms and principles.

Of course, you could add some credibility to your conspiracy theories about evilution with some credible evidence for a 6,000 year old earth, talking snakes and Ark tales.
demonstrating that you have no argument unless you lie......good choice, stick with the plan you know......
Well, actually, the mechanisms for such have already been identified.
you mean, they've been hypothesized.....
You mean, you're clueless.
If by clueless you mean I have seen no clues that science has tested your hypothesis with the scientific method, spot on!......
You're at a disadvantage because of your limited exposure to science terms and principles.

Of course, you could add some credibility to your conspiracy theories about evilution with some credible evidence for a 6,000 year old earth, talking snakes and Ark tales.
demonstrating that you have no argument unless you lie......good choice, stick with the plan you know......
I have no reason to lie............. You science loathing YEC'ists feel threatened by knowledge because it confounds your bible tales and fables.......... You're in denial......... Stick with the ignorance you're comfortable with.
you mean, they've been hypothesized.....
You mean, you're clueless.
If by clueless you mean I have seen no clues that science has tested your hypothesis with the scientific method, spot on!......
You're at a disadvantage because of your limited exposure to science terms and principles.

Of course, you could add some credibility to your conspiracy theories about evilution with some credible evidence for a 6,000 year old earth, talking snakes and Ark tales.
demonstrating that you have no argument unless you lie......good choice, stick with the plan you know......
I have no reason to lie............. You science loathing YEC'ists feel threatened by knowledge because it confounds your bible tales and fables.......... You're in denial......... Stick with the ignorance you're comfortable with.
???...I said nothing about you having a reason.........
You mean, you're clueless.
If by clueless you mean I have seen no clues that science has tested your hypothesis with the scientific method, spot on!......
You're at a disadvantage because of your limited exposure to science terms and principles.

Of course, you could add some credibility to your conspiracy theories about evilution with some credible evidence for a 6,000 year old earth, talking snakes and Ark tales.
demonstrating that you have no argument unless you lie......good choice, stick with the plan you know......
I have no reason to lie............. You science loathing YEC'ists feel threatened by knowledge because it confounds your bible tales and fables.......... You're in denial......... Stick with the ignorance you're comfortable with.
???...I said nothing about you having a reason.........
???.... You're pointless, as usual..........
Whoever took the class should get credit for another and their grade/record for this one expunged from their records. The professor should have every class he's ever taught reviewed to see if this has happened before (penalizing students for non-religious answers to non-religious questions,) and then fired.
Whoever took the class should get credit for another and their grade/record for this one expunged from their records. The professor should have every class he's ever taught reviewed to see if this has happened before (penalizing students for non-religious answers to non-religious questions,) and then fired.
And I suppose that you do not see the very same treatment as acceptable for evolutionists...
It is no wonder that many today do not see the hand of God. They accept the uniformitarian/evolutionary opinion that everything that happens is the result of trial and error, and blind chance.

If a gay man gets HIV, he doesn't see that it was on the account of his own sin but a matter of "chance." The person who robs and steals doesn't note that it was his own evil ways that placed him in jail. He was a victim of chance circumstances. The media doesn't seem to recognize that wicked policies limiting the rights of believers, while encouraging all sorts of redefined behavior as being equal and baby butchering as okay, brings in its wake economic and environmental havoc.

God is the Lord of nature. He expelled the inhabitances from "The Promise Land," as a direct result of their habitual unconfessed sins and infantcide. He eventually did the very same to the children of Israel. And yet the atheists see no God.

Evolutionists ignore the probability of a Creator to promote their own theories --- fighting against any sort of opportunity for those in opposition. And while Christian institutions of the past allowed "other considerations" as needed for a well rounded through "balanced" investigation in the learning process --- once non-believers established themselves, they ejected those that open the doors to them. They claim that creation is not science. Science can only deal with "nature" and the "material". Any contrary thoughts that consider design or a divine plan for the universe is unacceptable.

As a direct result, this materialism underminds the very thing that entices students to wish to learn. And this is why Germany fell to Nazism. They (the Nazis) became gods to replace that which they themselves rejected --------- a Hebrew named Jesus the Christ. However the Nazis understood that mindless anarchy is not the way to go. They controlled and manipulated the thinking of the general public. And now this is what liberals are finally trying to do if allowed. To dictate what is and is not science, what is and is not good, and what is and is not an education!
It is no wonder that many today do not see the hand of God. They accept the uniformitarian/evolutionary opinion that everything that happens is the result of trial and error, and blind chance.

If a gay man gets HIV, he doesn't see that it was on the account of his own sin but a matter of "chance." The person who robs and steals doesn't note that it was his own evil ways that placed him in jail. He was a victim of chance circumstances. The media doesn't seem to recognize that wicked policies limiting the rights of believers, while encouraging all sorts of redefined behavior as being equal and baby butchering as okay, brings in its wake economic and environmental havoc.

God is the Lord of nature. He expelled the inhabitances from "The Promise Land," as a direct result of their habitual unconfessed sins and infantcide. He eventually did the very same to the children of Israel. And yet the atheists see no God.

Evolutionists ignore the probability of a Creator to promote their own theories --- fighting against any sort of opportunity for those in opposition. And while Christian institutions of the past allowed "other considerations" as needed for a well rounded through "balanced" investigation in the learning process --- once non-believers established themselves, they ejected those that open the doors to them. They claim that creation is not science. Science can only deal with "nature" and the "material". Any contrary thoughts that consider design or a divine plan for the universe is unacceptable.

As a direct result, this materialism underminds the very thing that entices students to wish to learn. And this is why Germany fell to Nazism. They (the Nazis) became gods to replace that which they themselves rejected --------- a Hebrew named Jesus the Christ. However the Nazis understood that mindless anarchy is not the way to go. They controlled and manipulated the thinking of the general public. And now this is what liberals are finally trying to do if allowed. To dictate what is and is not science, what is and is not good, and what is and is not an education!
Would someone call security please?
Whoever took the class should get credit for another and their grade/record for this one expunged from their records. The professor should have every class he's ever taught reviewed to see if this has happened before (penalizing students for non-religious answers to non-religious questions,) and then fired.
And I suppose that you do not see the very same treatment as acceptable for evolutionists...

One's empirical with a right or wrong answer. One's religion with no concern about right and wrongs in the first place. The professor used a religious interpretation judging answers with empirical answers as if about religion. In a non-religion class that's not proper.

I don't give a flying you know what about religion, creationism, or evolution in this instance because it's irrelevant. The professor did something he should be fired for. Period. Analysis doesn't go beyond that.
Whoever took the class should get credit for another and their grade/record for this one expunged from their records. The professor should have every class he's ever taught reviewed to see if this has happened before (penalizing students for non-religious answers to non-religious questions,) and then fired.
And I suppose that you do not see the very same treatment as acceptable for evolutionists...

One's empirical with a right or wrong answer. One's religion with no concern about right and wrongs in the first place. The professor used a religious interpretation judging answers with empirical answers as if about religion. In a non-religion class that's not proper.

I don't give a flying you know what about religion, creationism, or evolution in this instance because it's irrelevant. The professor did something he should be fired for. Period. Analysis doesn't go beyond that.
Well. You may believe that blacks are closer to apes than whites who are further up the evolution chain (as evolutionists believe man evolved out of Africa). But I believe God created man and woman in His image -- both blacks and whites ---- independently of other creatures. God created every creature with uniqueness and adaptability. That does not equate to a broadening spectrum of species --- only breeds.

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