Soviet Propaganda Posters Displayed in Jay Carney's Home.

This isn't surprising.

What isn't surprising is the ignorance and stupidity exhibited by you and others on the partisan right, to actually infer that because of the posters Carney is a ‘communist,’ or the administration he is a part of is ‘communist.’

This is yet another manifestation of conservative idiocy.

Much more likely is that they are perceived as historical artifacts from the long-gone Soviet era.

Just as likely is that as a journalist Carney uses them as a reminder of what can become of a society such as the Soviet Union where a free press is not tolerated, and the perils of losing a free press.
This isn't surprising. The ones in power live in grand homes and yet have a fondness for communism. They love it as long as it doesn't apply to them, much like the laws they impose on the rest of us.

Soviet Propaganda Posters Displayed in Jay Carney's Home.
Obama Press Secretary Jay Carney’s Home Has Proudly Displayed Soviet Propaganda Posters in Mag Pic

This is a photo that was photo shopped for some reason. I wonder what was cut out. This photo has the same quality as the computer generated birth certificate that was put out there.

Poorly photoshopped pic of Carney and wife.
What A Disembodied Finger In Jay Carney’s Photo Says About Media Propaganda
Nowhere in that "article" does it say what the point would be of editing part of the background. In what way is that "media censorship"? That's just ridiculous.

Which of Obama's policies are Communist?

They're all communist.
So you admit he is a fan of the Soviet Union, and enjoys the USSR "at some level", well were done here.

i never claimed otherwise? I mean i know what you are trying to do, but...ugh nevermind this is stupid. Enjoy your paranoia.

If you never claimed otherwise, than what the hell are you whining about.

The whole premise of the OP is that it is disconcerting a high ranking federal government official is a fan of the USSR, which killed tens of millions of people.

This isn't surprising. The ones in power live in grand homes and yet have a fondness for communism. They love it as long as it doesn't apply to them, much like the laws they impose on the rest of us.

Soviet Propaganda Posters Displayed in Jay Carney's Home.
Obama Press Secretary Jay Carney’s Home Has Proudly Displayed Soviet Propaganda Posters in Mag Pic

This is a photo that was photo shopped for some reason. I wonder what was cut out. This photo has the same quality as the computer generated birth certificate that was put out there.

Poorly photoshopped pic of Carney and wife.
What A Disembodied Finger In Jay Carney’s Photo Says About Media Propaganda

I saw this yesterday, looking at the amount of food in their home for 4 people I am surprised Michelle has not lectured them on eating all that sugar. Better hope Bloomberg doesn't impose some law just on their kitchen alone. lol

Seriously, I read an article yesterday which tried to explain it, saying the two of them met in Moscow so it would be natural for them to have something to remember such by.

I thought, "Oh well" makes sense I suppose but she was "happily" married to someone else and he was in a relationship with a different woman when they met in Moscow.
not really...history buffs can like all types of things. Sometimes its interesting to see how things came about via media like that.

Yeah, sure you say that, but look at the shit that descended on Lemmy when it was revealed he collected Nazi memorabilia. You're simply full of crap.

lemmy? I cant stop people from reacting to things like that. i can only give my personal opinion on how it affects me. It doesnt and this is how i see it.
I dont know what else more i can say on that. I really dont care if someone collects nazi stuff. some of it is really fascinating. Shrug, you have the wrong person for this argument.

You may not but you would be the exception. They were going to charge him with a crime. He's a freakin' rock star, and they went ape shit over his collection. Nope, if it were revealed that Rove had a NAZI poster collection, the hounds would descend. it turns out that the first poster is recruiting for the Soviet Civil War and the second is promoting women working in manufacturing during WWII ala' Rosie the Riveter.

Both are highly collectible. I really, really hope Carney paid for them with tax dollars just to piss y'all off.

Soviet Poster From THE Fifth DAY OF THE Great Patriotic WAR Ussr 1941 | eBay

So are recruiting posters for the Deutsche's Rote Kreuze, doesn't matter, they have swastikas so they're evil. What a clown you are....
Yeah, sure you say that, but look at the shit that descended on Lemmy when it was revealed he collected Nazi memorabilia. You're simply full of crap.

lemmy? I cant stop people from reacting to things like that. i can only give my personal opinion on how it affects me. It doesnt and this is how i see it.
I dont know what else more i can say on that. I really dont care if someone collects nazi stuff. some of it is really fascinating. Shrug, you have the wrong person for this argument.

You may not but you would be the exception. They were going to charge him with a crime. He's a freakin' rock star, and they went ape shit over his collection. Nope, if it were revealed that Rove had a NAZI poster collection, the hounds would descend.

who is lemmy first off..

maybe so ,but i cant stop it. it turns out that the first poster is recruiting for the Soviet Civil War and the second is promoting women working in manufacturing during WWII ala' Rosie the Riveter.

Both are highly collectible. I really, really hope Carney paid for them with tax dollars just to piss y'all off.

Soviet Poster From THE Fifth DAY OF THE Great Patriotic WAR Ussr 1941 | eBay

So are recruiting posters for the Deutsche's Rote Kreuze, doesn't matter, they have swastikas so they're evil. What a clown you are....

If I wanted a response from the token mod I'd ask for it. Go away, troll.
Are you people really so stupid to think that a person way up in the Obama administration would invite a magazine into his home and let them take a pretty picture of his wife and children centered between two communist recruitment posters, thus declaring his red roots?


I'll bet the truth is that Barack, Michelle, Jay, Joe and Hillary were all standing off camera smoking a big fat doob.

Barack: "Think the nuts at Drudge fell for it?"

Jay: "I guarantee it. Tomorrow they'll be calling us commie pinkos"

Barack: "OK. Soon as the photogs leave, take the posters back to Yakov Smirnov and tell him thanks."

Michelle and Hillary: "Giggle!" Who wants brownies?"
It would not surprise me....liberals have always looked up to communists, see posters/shirts of Mao, Che, Castro, Lenin, etc.
It would not surprise me....liberals have always looked up to communists, see posters/shirts of Mao, Che, Castro, Lenin, etc.

I was debating a drone in here about McCarthy, and he actually made it quite plain that he thought members of the communist party should be allowed to retain sensitive government positions.

That's how totally out of touch these numskulls are.
lemmy? I cant stop people from reacting to things like that. i can only give my personal opinion on how it affects me. It doesnt and this is how i see it.
I dont know what else more i can say on that. I really dont care if someone collects nazi stuff. some of it is really fascinating. Shrug, you have the wrong person for this argument.

You may not but you would be the exception. They were going to charge him with a crime. He's a freakin' rock star, and they went ape shit over his collection. Nope, if it were revealed that Rove had a NAZI poster collection, the hounds would descend.

who is lemmy first off..

maybe so ,but i cant stop it.

Founder of Motorhead. That's an Iron Cross 2nd Class he's wearing as a necklace.

DSC_3055A-copy.jpg it turns out that the first poster is recruiting for the Soviet Civil War and the second is promoting women working in manufacturing during WWII ala' Rosie the Riveter.

Both are highly collectible. I really, really hope Carney paid for them with tax dollars just to piss y'all off.

Soviet Poster From THE Fifth DAY OF THE Great Patriotic WAR Ussr 1941 | eBay

So are recruiting posters for the Deutsche's Rote Kreuze, doesn't matter, they have swastikas so they're evil. What a clown you are....

If I wanted a response from the token mod I'd ask for it. Go away, troll.

:lol::lol::lol: Ahhhhh, the pooow wiittle twoll is upset....ahhhhhhh, hankie?:lol:

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