Space Cadet ..

So democrats don’t want space exploration any more? What happened there?

History is pretty full of people making fun of another guys idea. Quite a few thought launching planes off of ships was dumb.

I remember Republicans were all for cutting funding to NASA ..

Some of the most notable missions on NASA's scientific agenda would be postponed indefinitely or canceled under the agency's new budget, despite its administrator's vow to Congress six months ago that not "one thin dime" would be taken from space science to pay for President Bush's plan to send astronauts to the Moon and Mars.

The cuts come to $3 billion over the next five years, even as NASA's overall spending grows by 3.2 percent this year, to $16.8 billion. They come against a backdrop of criticism over efforts by White House appointees to mute public statements by NASA's climate scientists.

Among the casualties of the budget cuts are attempts to look for habitable planets and perhaps life elsewhere in the galaxy, an investigation of the dark energy that seems to be ripping the universe apart, bringing a sample of Mars back home to Earth, and exploring for life under the ice of Jupiter's moon Europa — as well as numerous smaller programs and individual research projects that astronomers say are the wellsprings of new science and new scientists.

exploration is just fine, but Trump's grandiose space war vision is nothing short of his "lack of vision"
So a reduction in the budget increase. Not even a real budget cut just increasing it less causedyou this much pain. You must have been on suicide watch when obie cut off all shuttle activity and turned NASA into a Muslim outreach department.

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