Sparky to address the nation...

He'll go full retard and blame us....

Bank on it!!!
Stand with m.jpg
There is going to be:
"make sure"
"we're better than that"
"that's not who we are"
"gun control"
"Islam is religion of peace"

And if teleprompter fails he'll say "he jumped the gun". :D


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I have an advanced copy.

"My fellow Americans....blah blah blah....tragic shootings.....blah blah....must not abandon our values....blah blah blah....dont give in to our worst fears....blah blab.....NRA...Republicans....bloppidy slop.....No other nations have this gun something....wha wha blah blah....gotta do something....Muslims have contributed so much and have stood up to radicals.........................cops acted stupidly...Goodnight.
Its been seven long years. The whole man is before us. It amounts to this:

If he says he is going to do something; that is the very thing he will never do.

If he says he won't do something; he will do that very thing within a year.

It is fully established that he is a Fool and a Liar; it is likely he is a Marxist; and possible he is a Muslim.

410 days to go. How much more damage will he do.
What a speech. :puke3:

He "ordered" review of visa procedure, so this doesn't happens again. So he admits that current procedure sucks and he screwed up. The current procedure is tougher on 8 year old kids then on terrorists. By the way, San Bern shooters were not on the no-fly-list, so what's the fucking point?

The constitutional lawyer tells us how those on no-fly-list can easily buy guns. Isn't no-fly-list mainly aimed at foreigners, who by the way are not citizens and the 2nd Amendment doesn't apply to them anyways?

And leftist media is incredible... there is more in-depth analysis on a after school Japanese finger painting message board than what they can provide to us.
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