Here is the kicker, if the Dem Establishment are trying to replace Biden, this means they would HAVE to vote to remove him from the W.H. Right?


Then there's (a) who the replacement would be and (b) how to spin it, that this new person is just as good.

Bleak for the Dems right now..
Yes, it is bleak

But let’s be honest, nominating Biden at this point is blatantly not doing what’s in the best interest of the country.

a) he can’t win
b) nominating a candidate they know (and we know they know) is mentally unfit for office will haunt the party forever of the do it
I think what it is, is a bunch of people repeating the Republican narrative. Why in the fuck isn't anyone talking about the fact that trump lied all night and rambled completely off topic? He answered no questions and yet we're here talking about Biden. I remember a dear family frend we had. This lady was like a second grandmother. She lived to 93 years of age. In her last 2-3 years she was suffering from dementia. In that state, she would ramble incoherently and when asked a question, she would talk about rverything but answer the question. That's what trump did tonight. Yet this is not being discussed.
Fact that he rambled? How is that a fact?
Actualy it dioes matter since Trump is running for office also. Trump lied and nothing he said was factual. In a debate, thats a loss. Trump damn sure didn't look like he could handle another term. He made no sense and yet he's being declared a winner.
This seems to be the narrative the dembots are going with, ignoring the lies of Joey Xiden.

Trump frankly was very calm and literally just let xiden’s lying and cognitive decline speak for itself

It’s was quite brilliant
Biden has always struggled with stammering, but he doesn't get a pass. I saw a guy with a hoarse voice who had been out there all day campagning. There was no mental decline, he repeated facts. But when all you read is Biden is in mental decline and watch edited films where it looks like Biden is wandering off and don't fact check, then... Because Trump was way out there and saying crazy shit with confidence is still saying crazy shit. Biden is old, but not senile. I've seen senile. Senile is the inability to stay on topic which we saw trump do all night long. Excusing trump for going off on tangents is weak Braalian. We should not excuse crazy, yet it seems like Trump supporters amd others are willing to excuse crazy as if it doesn't show that Trump is mentally worse off than Biden.
Biden has the beginnings of dementia.
Actualy it dioes matter since Trump is running for office also. Trump lied and nothing he said was factual. In a debate, thats a loss. Trump damn sure didn't look like he could handle another term. He made no sense and yet he's being declared a winner.
What was not factual?
I think it’s the guy that the DOJ concluded was too senile to be prosecuted, last night he wanted to make trump know he really was, since trump will be running the DOJ next year
You guys say he didn't run it when was President before. What is going to be different?
Yes, it is bleak

But let’s be honest, nominating Biden at this point is blatantly not doing what’s in the best interest of the country.

a) he can’t win
Really? Why not?
b) nominating a candidate they know (and we know they know) is mentally unfit for office will haunt the party forever of the do it
Clearly the blob is mentally unfit for office since he still thinks he won an election four years ago that he clearly lost. So if you want to say that Biden is mentally is a push.
Essentially every conservative here when you ask them how come the Trump DOJ didn't take Hunter's laptop and prosecute him or his father--there was supposedly tons of evidence of wrongdoing on there.
Haha wow, you actually sound more and more like your dear leader Joey Xiden

Are you all trying to make sounding crazy normal now?
Yes, it is bleak

But let’s be honest, nominating Biden at this point is blatantly not doing what’s in the best interest of the country.

a) he can’t win
b) nominating a candidate they know (and we know they know) is mentally unfit for office will haunt the party forever of the do it
Yup. I'd imagine the first thing they have to do is decide whether they're just tossing a solid person out there, knowing that there's probably not enough time left, or whether they really try to win. Since their bench is so thin, the only two I can think of are Newsom (bad idea) or Whitmer (zero national name recognition). I guess they could go in with a SWAT team and kidnap Michelle O.

And whomever they want still has to want to do it at this late date, and in these circumstances.

The Dems did this to themselves.

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