Here is the kicker, if the Dem Establishment are trying to replace Biden, this means they would HAVE to vote to remove him from the W.H. Right?

If you are going to suggest he doesn't have the mental acuity to run in 2024, why would he have the capacity to lead the Free World right now??

There are real issues to address. Real threats that Taiwan, Japan and others are concerned with.

They have to stick with him. They also must know that voters are going to assume that a vote for Biden is a vote for Harris as president.

We don’t have a debater-in-chief, we have a president making decisions based on experience and advisory of his cabinet.

One is not the other and Democrats have been very satisfied with Biden’s performance in as far as policies and decisions.
We don’t have a debater-in-chief, we have a president making decisions based on experience and advisory of his cabinet.

One is not the other and Democrats have been very satisfied with Biden’s performance in as far as policies and decisions.
He "defeated Medicare!"

You're an idiot
Trump lied all night. The dfference in acuity was clear. Biden stayed on facts, he started hoarse and he stumbled with his stuttering, but he was not blatantly saying crazy shit and lying.
Must be why all the Dimwinger talking heads on CNN and MSDNC are in full panic mode, huh Rachel. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Trump lied all night. The dfference in acuity was clear. Biden stayed on facts, he started hoarse and he stumbled with his stuttering, but he was not blatantly saying crazy shit and lying.
Doesn't even matter what Trump did or didn't do. Biden had one job, to look like he could handle another term. Biden failed miserably. The rabid quacks on the left, like you might ignore that, but nobody else will.
No. Really they're just fucked.

What was that saying? "Up Shit Creek without a paddle."

Due to the effects of the past 3 years of Democrat policy, most people are pissed off at them and rightfully so.

The more I think about it, the more I'm sure you're right. Trump really needs to stay on message on this--ROAST them, if they cry about "democracy" and then replace him at the convention. ROAST them on it.
Doesn't even matter what Trump did or didn't do. Biden had one job, to look like he could handle another term. Biden failed miserably. The rabid quacks on the left, like you might ignore that, but nobody else will.

fwiw I think Trump did okay, not great. I really would have liked him to stay at the 36,000 feet level and not get into the trenches with Biden. Keep bringing it back to Americans' lives NOW, not just the stats on your past presidency. But compared to the Titanic-sized disaster that Biden was, this is just a quibble.
Doesn't even matter what Trump did or didn't do. Biden had one job, to look like he could handle another term. Biden failed miserably. The rabid quacks on the left, like you might ignore that, but nobody else will.
IM2 lives in a fantasy world as his assessment of the debate proves. The entire Democrat establishment is in full panic mode about how to get Biden off the ticket. It was so bad on CNN, they were actually talking about Kamala's "star quality" and her appeal. LOL
Well, at this point the quickest and surest way to remove him would be to simply not nominate him at the convention

There’s nothing in law or in the constitution that says a president is entitled to his party’s nomination when his term is up
If you are going to suggest he doesn't have the mental acuity to run in 2024, why would he have the capacity to lead the Free World right now??

There are real issues to address. Real threats that Taiwan, Japan and others are concerned with.

They have to stick with him. They also must know that voters are going to assume that a vote for Biden is a vote for Harris as president.

Not really.

He doesn't need to have any capacity at all. The White House is running perfectly fine. Biden could be dead and the White House would continue to function just fine, better than with Trump there at the very least.
Doesn't even matter what Trump did or didn't do. Biden had one job, to look like he could handle another term. Biden failed miserably. The rabid quacks on the left, like you might ignore that, but nobody else will.
Actualy it dioes matter since Trump is running for office also. Trump lied and nothing he said was factual. In a debate, thats a loss. Trump damn sure didn't look like he could handle another term. He made no sense and yet he's being declared a winner.
The only way Trump dies before he turns 90 is if one of you Marxists assassinate him.
Well that’s just a stupid thing to say

He’s in his seventies and is obese. Of course he could die of natural causes well before 90. Of course he could.

Now, despite my frequently making jokes about Trump being fat (it’s fun!), I don’t necessarily think he’s on the brink of death or anything.

People fatter than him live into their nineties. And he does have access to the best medical care on earth that wealth and status can buy.

But if you really think the only way he could possibly die in the near future is assassination, then you’re an idiot
Well, at this point the quickest and surest way to remove him would be to simply not nominate him at the convention

There’s nothing in law or in the constitution that says a president is entitled to his party’s nomination when his term is up
Technically true, but not that simple to do. Many states wouldn't put a replacement on the ballot due to state laws. Putting in a candidate that not one single voter had a say in would turn away many undecideds. Best to keep Biden, take the loss and rebuild.
Trump lied all night. The dfference in acuity was clear. Biden stayed on facts, he started hoarse and he stumbled with his stuttering, but he was not blatantly saying crazy shit and lying.
Trump lying and going off on tangents is nothing new. If anything, his base eats it up.

Biden’s progressive mental decline is far more alarming. His staff and the party have clearly tried to hide how bad it’s gotten, and tonight was just when the shit finally hit the fan.

I’m not usually a conspiracy theory supporter, but when you consider how much prep they tried to do for Biden for the debate, and add how much they’ve increasingly controlled his public appearances, it’s evident that they’ve been trying to cover up his decline for awhile and it’s finally blown up in their faces
It’s pretty obvious now why Garland was willing to be held in contempt of congress for not turning over the tapes, and it’s even more clear why the DOJ said xiden was too senile to prosecute for his crimes
I have a thread up about what I think they're going to pull. It involves a person that's has SSRI's in their blood and has been

under the treatment of a "doctor" for some time, but after it happens for some reason that doctor is never found or questioned.

They literally have no one that can beat Trump in their lineup.
The Dem party is a freak show of anti American and anti Constitutional candidate/positions. They are communists that belong in a gulag.
Technically true, but not that simple to do.
More simple than a resignation and six months of President Harris and all that would entail
Putting in a candidate that not one single voter had a say in would turn away many undecideds. Best to keep Biden, take the loss and rebuild.
the convention can always nominate by acclimation. If Biden simply doesn’t run, states would have no choice but to put whoever they did nominate on the ballot.

I think a lot of undecided are only undecided because the choice is Trump or a 80-something old man with failing cognitive abilities. Swap Biden for, well, almost anyone and the choice is easier
Why do you think a 78 year old Donald Trump will last 4 more years?
Trump is cognizant. Joe was not cognizant in 2020. There are many names for a spouse like Jill for what the peasants have gone through. At the very least Trump will be pushed to the finish line. As Joe was at the finish line in 2020. Progs put party before country. It is apparent and real.
Trump lying and going off on tangents is nothing new. If anything, his base eats it up.

Biden’s progressive mental decline is far more alarming. His staff and the party have clearly tried to hide how bad it’s gotten, and tonight was just when the shit finally hit the fan.

I’m not usually a conspiracy theory supporter, but when you consider how much prep they tried to do for Biden for the debate, and add how much they’ve increasingly controlled his public appearances, it’s evident that they’ve been trying to cover up his decline for awhile and it’s finally blown up in their faces
Biden has always struggled with stammering, but he doesn't get a pass. I saw a guy with a hoarse voice who had been out there all day campagning. There was no mental decline, he repeated facts. But when all you read is Biden is in mental decline and watch edited films where it looks like Biden is wandering off and don't fact check, then... Because Trump was way out there and saying crazy shit with confidence is still saying crazy shit. Biden is old, but not senile. I've seen senile. Senile is the inability to stay on topic which we saw trump do all night long. Excusing trump for going off on tangents is weak Braalian. We should not excuse crazy, yet it seems like Trump supporters amd others are willing to excuse crazy as if it doesn't show that Trump is mentally worse off than Biden.

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