Here is the kicker, if the Dem Establishment are trying to replace Biden, this means they would HAVE to vote to remove him from the W.H. Right?

Trump lying and going off on tangents is nothing new. If anything, his base eats it up.

Biden’s progressive mental decline is far more alarming. His staff and the party have clearly tried to hide how bad it’s gotten, and tonight was just when the shit finally hit the fan.

I’m not usually a conspiracy theory supporter, but when you consider how much prep they tried to do for Biden for the debate, and add how much they’ve increasingly controlled his public appearances, it’s evident that they’ve been trying to cover up his decline for awhile and it’s finally blown up in their faces

This is the bigger story to me and I hope Trump jumps all over it.

The Dems think we are just that stupid. Just that stupid.
Biden has always struggled with stammering, but he doesn't get a pass. I saw a guy with a hoarse voice who had been out there all day campagning. There was no mental decline, he repeated facts. But when all you read is Biden is in mental decline and watch edited films where it looks like Biden is wandering off and don't fact check, then... Because Trump was way out there and saying crazy shit with confidence is still saying crazy shit. Biden is old, but not senile. I've seen senile. Senile is the inability to stay on topic which we saw trump do all night long. Excusing trump for going off on tangents is weak Braalian. We should not excuse crazy, yet it seems like Trump supporters amd others are willing to excuse crazy as if it doesn't show that Trump is mentally worse off than Biden.

You're either paid to do this or are so delusional it borders on mental illness

Those are really the only options
More simple than a resignation and six months of President Harris and all that would entail

the convention can always nominate by acclimation. If Biden simply doesn’t run, states would have no choice but to put whoever they did nominate on the ballot.

I think a lot of undecided are only undecided because the choice is Trump or a 80-something old man with failing cognitive abilities. Swap Biden for, well, almost anyone and the choice is easier
I'd imagine that Biden's mind would still have to be changed. Wouldn't he still have to agree?

The Dems either have to try a Hail Mary or just get ready to lose. It's not like they have five or six folks on the bench and ready to go.

It is what it is.
Neither candidate has won his party's nomination officially yet. This is just The Big Guy's game plan to get eased out and avoid dying in prison.
I'd imagine that Biden's mind would still have to be changed. Wouldn't he still have to agree?

The Dems either have to try a Hail Mary or just get ready to lose. It's not like they have five or six folks on the bench and ready to go.

It is what it is.
I think what it is, is a bunch of people repeating the Republican narrative. Why in the fuck isn't anyone talking about the fact that trump lied all night and rambled completely off topic? He answered no questions and yet we're here talking about Biden. I remember a dear family frend we had. This lady was like a second grandmother. She lived to 93 years of age. In her last 2-3 years she was suffering from dementia. In that state, she would ramble incoherently and when asked a question, she would talk about rverything but answer the question. That's what trump did tonight. Yet this is not being discussed.
I think what it is, is a bunch of people repeating the Republican narrative. Why in the fuck isn't anyone talking about the fact that trump lied all night and rambled completely off topic? He answered no questions and yet we're here talking about Biden. I remember a dear family frend we had. This lady was like a second grandmother. She lived to 93 years of age. In her last 2-3 years she was suffering from dementia. In that state, she would ramble incoherently and when asked a question, she would talk about rverything but answer the question. That's what trump did tonight. Yet this is not being discussed.
We have long since realized that Trump's constant lies don't matter. America is about image, Trump gets that, and Biden looked awful.

You're using the wrong set of standards. You're assuming an America that doesn't exist. It took me a few years after the 2016 elections to really come to terms with that, but I have.
We have long since realized that Trump's constant lies don't matter. America is about image, Trump gets that, and Biden looked awful.

You're using the wrong set of standards. You're assuming an America that doesn't exist. It took me a few years after the 2016 elections to really come to terms with that, but I have.
Trump is not really running as a conservative. The most conservative in his administration was judges in the supreme court. And over decades Republicans have had opportunities to put conservatives on the court and we ended up with fuzzy judges. These current judges are not deterring Progs. Just slowing them down.
Trump is not really running as a conservative. The most conservative in his administration was judges in the supreme court. And over decades Republicans have had opportunities to put conservatives on the court and we ended up with fuzzy judges. These current judges are not deterring Progs. Just slowing them down.

Yes. Trump is not a right wing ideologue, never was.
Maybe Dem's will stick with Biden to be their fall guy and take the beating in November.
I don't think so.
Havin Nesom has been making moves. The problem is it's too late in August to make the change.
If Biden relinguishes his bid for an incumbency bid, Demovrats would have to scramble to get all fifty states applications for the chosen replacement.
I don't think so.
Havin Nesom has been making moves. The problem is it's too late in August to make the change.
If Biden relinguishes his bid for an incumbency bid, Demovrats would have to scramble to get all fifty states applications for the chosen replacement.

At the very least they will be forced to dump Harris if they don't dump Joe, even if they succeed in rigging the election again and they steal the White House. He is going to resign, just a fact, whether before the convention and certainly if they manage to win. He won't be around for a full term.
I'd imagine that Biden's mind would still have to be changed. Wouldn't he still have to agree?

The Dems either have to try a Hail Mary or just get ready to lose. It's not like they have five or six folks on the bench and ready to go.

It is what it is.

It must be hard for you that you were deprived of the opportunity to hyperbolically melt down over The Cult
We have long since realized that Trump's constant lies don't matter. America is about image, Trump gets that, and Biden looked awful.

You're using the wrong set of standards. You're assuming an America that doesn't exist. It took me a few years after the 2016 elections to really come to terms with that, but I have.

Maybe you and IM2 need to sit with yourselves and figure out the BIG LIE, which is that Biden was okay and the videos were all "doctored", etc. They lied to you, each other, Biden himself, everybody.

But Trump hurt your feelings so you don't care about that.
I'd imagine that Biden's mind would still have to be changed. Wouldn't he still have to agree?
Obviously, the DNC would much prefer Biden decline the nomination or even resign the presidency over being involuntarily kicked off the ticket.

If the powers-that-be of the DNC and his own staff tell Biden frankly that he needs to step down, I believe he would.

Even with this dementia or whatever he has going on, he still has more integrity and less ego than Trump
Obviously, the DNC would much prefer Biden decline the nomination or even resign the presidency over being involuntarily kicked off the ticket.

If the powers-that-be of the DNC and his own staff tell Biden frankly that he needs to step down, I believe he would.

Even with this dementia or whatever he has going on, he still has more integrity and less ego than Trump

Then there's (a) who the replacement would be and (b) how to spin it, that this new person is just as good.

Bleak for the Dems right now.
Which one is “the big guy” trying to avoid prison in this scenario?

I mean, we’d have to assume it’s the 300lb guy who was just convicted of dozens of felonies, right?
I think it’s the guy that the DOJ concluded was too senile to be prosecuted, last night he wanted to make trump know he really was, since trump will be running the DOJ next year

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