Speaker Johnson: Biden just announced that he would veto our bill to prevent noncitizens from voting

If the people of a State wants to allow non-citizens to vote in state elections (none do that I know of) or a local jurisdiction wants to allow non-citizens to vote in local elections. That should be their decision. Again, personally I'm against it.

If a legal noncitizen pays taxes and sends their children to the local school, I have no problem with them voting for School Board
That sounds like an excellent case for the Supreme Court to weigh in on.

What case do you reference?

Case involving the courts for a law that hasn't passed? Or a case involving the courts for a law that already makes it illegal to non-citizens to vote in federal elections?

BTW - You didn't site the section of the Constitution limiting voting the citizens.

Every single American needs to see that, twice.

I don't understand. They let illegals come into the country and say they aren't able to vote as it is right now. If you can't vote then you aren't a us citizen and if you aren't a us citizen then why would you be allowed in?

If you can't be a us citizen then you aren't paying taxes, beholden to our laws, have a social security, can't have a job, can't have a driver's license and so on. Then what the hell do we need 20 million of them for?

But of course anything the current administration says I always seems to be a bold faced lie. I mean all politicians lie to some extent, but this current administration of democrats have taken things to a whole new level because they lie on a constant basis and most of their lies have deeply malicious intent behind them.

Whatever they say, we should all assume the opposite.
If you can't be a us citizen then you aren't paying taxes, beholden to our laws, have a social security, can't have a job, can't have a driver's license and so on. Then what the hell do we need 20 million of them for?

Most legal noncitizens pay taxes, are bounded by our laws, have jobs a Social Security Number and a drivers license
States don’t have the right to violate the Constitution.
It is already illegal for non citizens to vote. This "statement of Administrative Policy" doesn't change that nor would Bidens veto of it. This is purely aimed at dumb people to make them think the law has changed.


Biden and the Democrats: "If illegal immigrants are not allowed to vote, then what was the point of letting them in in the first place?"

OK so why shouldn't I vote in my own state (Virginia) then get in the car and go to WV, PA, MD, with NO ID and vote again?

Jokes aside I do find it rich that the leftist dems are using the "laws on the books" argument when they scoff at the same notion when they propose new firearms restrictions.

federalism. the constitution makes voting the states, doesn't it?
Is anyone trying to make the case that states should be allowed to accept the votes of those constitutionally ineligible to vote? Maybe it's just you.
That's not the issue. States rights don't allow illegals to vote, but conservatives want to leave the regulation of voting in the states, where the const puts it ... with some exceptions to allow uniformity in federal elections administered by state officials.
Is anyone trying to make the case that states should be allowed to accept the votes of those constitutionally ineligible to vote? Maybe it's just you.
That would have to take a change in both U.S. and individual State Constitutions..
It is already illegal for non citizens to vote. This "statement of Administrative Policy" doesn't change that nor would Bidens veto of it. This is purely aimed at dumb people to make them think the law has changed.
we are not a do nothing congress! see. we made it illegal for non citizens to vote.

Speaker Johnson: Biden just announced that he would veto our bill to prevent noncitizens from voting​

  1. We need a bill to prevent illegal aliens from influencing our elections?
  2. People have been telling me that a Trump victory is IN THE BAG. Well, here is Numero Uno reason why his victory may NOT be in the bag.
  3. If a party can criminally invite in, bus in, fly in 20 million illegals (and still not get impeached by the GOP), then register them as voters for THEIR party, then our elections mean nothing, it is all a scam, doing so FLIES in the face of democracy much less the rule of law, and still the GOP stand there with their dicks in their hands, telling me the GOP by and large DOES NOT offer a credible alternative to the Democrat Party.
What section and text of the Constitution limits voting to citizens only?

Nowhere in the original writing of the U.S. Constitution does it limitwho can vote.
However, the 14 th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution has defined that issue.
  1. We need a bill to prevent illegal aliens from influencing our elections?
  2. People have been telling me that a Trump victory is IN THE BAG. Well, here is Numero Uno reason why his victory may NOT be in the bag.
  3. If a party can criminally invite in, bus in, fly in 20 million illegals (and still not get impeached by the GOP), then register them as voters for THEIR party, then our elections mean nothing, it is all a scam, doing so FLIES in the face of democracy much less the rule of law, and still the GOP stand there with their dicks in their hands, telling me the GOP by and large DOES NOT offer a credible alternative to the Democrat Party.


Biden and the Democrats: "If illegal immigrants are not allowed to vote, then what was the point of letting them in in the first place?"

OK so why shouldn't I vote in my own state (Virginia) then get in the car and go to WV, PA, MD, with NO ID and vote again?

Jokes aside I do find it rich that the leftist dems are using the "laws on the books" argument when they scoff at the same notion when they propose new firearms restrictions.

At least Dems are being honest with their support for voter fraud.

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