Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s new debt limit negotiating proposal will include broad moves to restrict food assistance for millions of low-income Americans

That stupid chart is bullshit.

Defense spending in 2023 will be $1.2 trillion.

The total fucking Federal, State and Local spending for 2023 will be $12 trillion.

Defense spending is 1/10th the cost of government in the US.

State and local Governments don’t have Armies

If you want to include them you will have to include State Police, Local Sheriffs and Police Depts
The federal government spends more than $20 billion a year on subsidies for farm businesses. LOL!

Tax CORPORATIONS more? Then they raise prices. Then they don't hire. Then no one spends...round and round.
You won't gain nothing there.

The reason the economy took off during 2017-2019 was Business Tax cut. they hired. GOVT revenue increased.
Sure you can "TRY" to raise it.....but how much? how much do you generate? not initially but 7 months down the road. you don't know.
70+% of the farm bill is nutrition programs, dope.
You don't go to church much, do you?

The Bible says that charity should come from the heart, family and church community. Nothing about the damn government.
Nothing against it either , dope.
You can’t loophole god.
If you want to help the poor.....maybe the FED GOVT is not the best way? the overhead in FED is off the charts.
Maybe a choice for Citizens....pay Tax dollars or send it to the POOR FOOD FUND...private of course. more effective.
Maybe you should tell the rural folks to live where the opportunity is rather than rely on subsidies.
Take care of you own family.

Do you understand that concept?

If you are poor then go get a job and stop helping to elect Liberals that screws up the economy with failed Leftest policies.
Can’t help a rural population who live where the jobs aren’t.
Duh. So these people won’t be impacted. The only ones impacted are the ones who WON’T GET A JOB! Now they’ll have to or the money spigot gets turned off.

(Anyone notice how leftists, in trying to win an argument they can’t defend, revert to arguing about things nobody is talking about?)
I just gave you the stats, dope. Most work.
I still don't see how you expect a Single Mother with 7 kids from 5 fathers (the AVG DEM success story) to go to work? It is a full time job cleaning house, cooking, driving kids, Doctors, dental.....boyfriends coming by to "hit it again".

Again, Check out how many "30 yr old Grandmothers" are in America. The kids do just like Mommy did (to get on the payroll).
How many of those grannies are white in rural America?
What about the 5 fathers getting jobs and paying child support. And the mother, in her 20s, can live with her own mother, in her 40s, and at least one of them can get a job too.

As it stands now, grandmama, mama, and the five fathers can get away without having a job between all seven of them.
Mostly white rural Republican voters as I’ve shown you, dope.
What will you do for them?
You are confused about this, aren't you?.

I am quite capable of making my own decisions on my obligations to give the money I make to whoever I think is deserving. I am actually a very generous person and probably contribute a lot more in charity every year than any of you Moon Bats do.

I beleive in Liberty and don't want some filthy ass politician, who was elected by greedy special interest groups, to decide what I have to give.

Welfare is using the government to steal and it is wrong. No welfare, subsidies, entitlements, grants or bailouts.

I pay plenty of taxes to pay for police and fire protections. A lot more than the despicable welfare queens that you love so much.
Some people didn't want to spend trillions in Iraq.

That is how democracy works...
Whataboutism doesn't justify wealth redistribution, regardless of the scale.
No one is entitled to the fruits of another person's labor without their permission. That is a form of slavery.
If you can’t afford it then you’re a loser.
See how that works?
Always bigger fish.
Let's be clear...

Helping Ukraine ia about supporting US word given to Ukraine when they gave up Nuclear Arms...

It is also incredible value for money when considering the cost of the GOP wars of stupidity...

Less than $80 has been spent so far and Russian army has been halved... That is the bargain of the century in military in intervention...

Also Putin has to be stopped, he is a bully and bullies have to be weakened before they go too far..

I think the problem you are having is that this is a highly successful intervention. Biden has managed to get Russia to its knees without putting a single boot on the ground.. He is handing out lessons in how to fight a war without even trying...
Above their ability to recognize.
Can't afford what, subsidizing losers like yourself?
It's not a matter of affordability, it's a matter of personal responsibility for one's own life and decisions, dumbass.
Until you or yours need it if course. Then it’s indispensable.
But you don’t have the ability to understand that.

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