Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s new debt limit negotiating proposal will include broad moves to restrict food assistance for millions of low-income Americans

WE WILL CRASH THE ECONOMY UNLESS YOU AGREE TO CUT NUTRITION ASSISTANCE FOR POOR CHILDREN does not feel like a winning strategy to me. Americans just aren't that mean. They want to help poor, hungry children.

Kevin was supposed to come up with a budget and bring it to the White House so they can discuss the debt ceiling.

Where is the Republican budget? Shouldn’t Kevin be working on getting that budget ready so we have something to talk about?
Kevin was supposed to come up with a budget and bring it to the White House so they can discuss the debt ceiling.

Where is the Republican budget? Shouldn’t Kevin be working on getting that budget ready so we have something to talk about?
Kevin wants to extort our President for cuts in social spending.

Biden has seen Republicans play that card before and is not buying it
That was pledged...

Delivered so $77bn... This is great value in a war sense considering that would be 6 weeks in Iraq 20 years ago..
Big difference is that it is Ukraine soldiers firing those weapons rather than US Troops
Kevin wants to extort our President for cuts in social spending.

Biden has seen Republicans play that card before and is not buying it
Kevin wants people to take jobs instead of sitting on their asses, taking ALL their support money from people. This way, welfare recipients would pitch in for their own support.

The fact that government workers like you think it’s preferable to discourage work and encourage total reliance on government charity programs is unreal. Why do you want America to consist of lazy, entitled people who think it’s an acceptable lifestyle to go through adulthood without working?
Kevin wants people to take jobs instead of sitting on their asses, taking ALL their support money from people. This way, welfare recipients would pitch in for their own support.

The fact that government workers like you think it’s preferable to discourage work and encourage total reliance on government charity programs is unreal. Why do you want America to consist of lazy, entitled people who think it’s an acceptable lifestyle to go through adulthood without working?
He does?

Then why doesn’t he pass a law mandating it instead of threatening Default if he doesn’t get his way?
He does?

Then why doesn’t he pass a law mandating it instead of threatening Default if he doesn’t get his way?
He can’t pass a law on his own. The Democrats would block it since they, like you, want people on the government dole and not working at all.
The biggest fault is with employers who pay so little that the taxpayer has to provide welfare to its employees

The idea that you have to work to get welfare is laughable.
People who work should not require the public to support them

then why didn’t your klan raise the FED min wage when they had full control? Say $50/hr? Thats 6-figure pay. Is that enough for those who mop floors?
then why didn’t your klan raise the FED min wage when they had full control? Say $50/hr? Thats 6-figure pay. Is that enough for those who mop floors?
….or those who can’t figure out how to key in a mocha coffee at McDonalds and needs help from their supervisor?
You said that already. We are talking about people who won’t work AT ALL - and then expect other people to pay for their food.

As far as having good-paying jobs, that’s up to the person. He or she can always take advantage of Pell Grants to get some sort of vocational training, at least, and make $30 an hour. That’s $60,000 a year - quite livable.

You really do believe the bullshit you post, don’t you?

80% of the people who get food stamps are working, at least one full-time job. The rest are children and disabled adults.

The problem is people are sitting on their asses at home and not working. The problem is your wages are too low.

You can’t get a Pell grant and go back to school when you have a family to support and no money coming in to support them. Pell grants aren’t even enough to cover tuition much less living expenses while you’re going to school.

Kevin wants to extort our President for cuts in social spending.

Biden has seen Republicans play that card before and is not buying it

It's so obvious, isn't it? That's why we have to keep asking for that budget. McCarthy is trying to cover up his inability to produce a budget and he's just going with the standard Republican policy: Condemn everything the Democrats are doing without offering a single viable alternative.

Maybe Kevin could work on that alternative to the Affordable Care Act which was going to be better and cheaper than the ACA that we've been waiting for since 2010.
It's so obvious, isn't it? That's why we have to keep asking for that budget. McCarthy is trying to cover up his inability to produce a budget and he's just going with the standard Republican policy: Condemn everything the Democrats are doing without offering a single viable alternative.

Notice how Republicans never extort a Republican President by threatening an increase in the Deficit Cap?
They automatically approve under Bush and Trump

With a Democrat as President……they hold it hostage.
then why didn’t your klan raise the FED min wage when they had full control? Say $50/hr? Thats 6-figure pay. Is that enough for those who mop floors?

I love it when you Klowns make STUPID comments like this. It proves you're an economic moron.

When exactly did any party have "full control" of the Senate? The only time Democrats had 60 Senators was for the first two years of the Obama Administration. Only a complete economic moron would suggest raising the minimum wage with the unemployment rate above 10%. YOU are that economic moron.

Since 1980, the Republican Party has raised the federal minimum wage ONCE in 43 years. During that time, executive compensation increased by more 1000%, and worker wages, in actual buying power, declined. Increases in earned income credits, food stamps, and Section 8 housing needed to supplement the low wages shifted the burden for workers income from their employer, to middle class tax payers, and increased the size of government.

The working class owned 5% of the wealth of the nation when Reagan took office. Today they own 0% and many are dependent on earned income credits and other income supports, to feed their families. Not only is this morally WRONG, it's now destroying the middle class as well.

Republican tax and employment law ensures that 80% of the wealth of the nation continues to flow to the top 10%. A healthy and thriving middle class is a necessity for a healthy and thriving capitalist economy. American Wealth was build on the American middle class, and Republican policies are literally killing the goose that laid the golden egg.

Republicans have crashed the economy 3 times in the past 40 years, and basically taken it back to the 1800 Robber Baron era. Democrats keep pulling it out of the ditch, getting it back on the road, but it's in rougher shape every time Republicans crash it. Time for a new economy, that isn't a patched up rickety Model T.

The rest of the world is driving cleaner vehicles, and moving from the "cowboy economy" to the "conserver economy". There are billions of dollars to be made in the conversion. Americans have to decide to get with the program or be left behind.
What the hell, you get more stupid by the post. Because there was still troops there.

2500 troops wasn't enough to hold the airport, much less secure and evacuate billions of dollars worth of equipment. However, without parts, or technical support, the stuff was useless.
2500 troops wasn't enough to hold the airport, much less secure and evacuate billions of dollars worth of equipment. However, without parts, or technical support, the stuff was useless.
In appearances, the 2,500 troops and 16,000 US civilian contractors behind them, seemed to have been enough to keep the Afghan government in power in the year after Trump signed a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban insurgents on February 29, 2020.

Abiding to the agreement, their attacks on US and NATO forces meanwhile almost dried up. No US soldier was killed after Trump’s deal.

Why didn’t Biden leave 2,500 troops in Afghanistan?
You really do believe the bullshit you post, don’t you?

80% of the people who get food stamps are working, at least one full-time job. The rest are children and disabled adults.

The problem is people are sitting on their asses at home and not working. The problem is your wages are too low.

You can’t get a Pell grant and go back to school when you have a family to support and no money coming in to support them. Pell grants aren’t even enough to cover tuition much less living expenses while you’re going to school.

It's so obvious, isn't it? That's why we have to keep asking for that budget. McCarthy is trying to cover up his inability to produce a budget and he's just going with the standard Republican policy: Condemn everything the Democrats are doing without offering a single viable alternative.

Maybe Kevin could work on that alternative to the Affordable Care Act which was going to be better and cheaper than the ACA that we've been waiting for since 2010.

Best calm down...

These are people that have something in there head that says everyone is screwing them...
They are either educating themselves to get ahead or milking the system...

Reality is that very very few people choose to be poor... They will say that there cousins uncle met someone once......
But the reality is that vast vast majority people who receive food stamps really need them...
There solution is to cancel programs for everyone because someone might have taken the advantage of the system once.

This is stupid and dangerous, it also make US far less competitive...

Thing is unless US lets people starve to death and shoots anyone who would take food to feed their children, US is going to look after its citizens...
So do you want to help people out of poverty or let it continue in Gettoes..

The right wing seems to want a country modelled on South Africa... Middle Class people live in compounds and poor live between them in a high crime with high access to guns..

Best calm down...

These are people that have something in there head that says everyone is screwing them...
They are either educating themselves to get ahead or milking the system...

Reality is that very very few people choose to be poor... They will say that there cousins uncle met someone once......
But the reality is that vast vast majority people who receive food stamps really need them...
There solution is to cancel programs for everyone because someone might have taken the advantage of the system once.

This is stupid and dangerous, it also make US far less competitive...

Thing is unless US lets people starve to death and shoots anyone who would take food to feed their children, US is going to look after its citizens...
So do you want to help people out of poverty or let it continue in Gettoes..

The right wing seems to want a country modelled on South Africa... Middle Class people live in compounds and poor live between them in a high crime with high access to guns..

I think I've made every one of your points at one time or another, but you made them with great clarity.

In the USA, Republicans layer on so many levels of fraud prevention, means testing and on and that it doubles the costs of the programs, without improving any of the outcomes. Then they complain that the program is too expensive the help provided is minimal.
The ones you losers constantly broadbrush.
If you want to converse with me, say something intelligent or you will be ignored.

Why are you dodging the question? You call people names and then you run away because you can't back up any of the right wing bumper sticker slogans you post.

Leftists don't call wealthy people "greedy and evil". They say that the rich need to pay their employees a living wage. And the wealthy need to pay their fair share of taxes.

Just like they do in every other first world country in the world.
What’s so horrible about requiring people living off OPM do some work to keep the money flow going? Why do you leftists insist that able-bodied adults should be free to choose to work or not when they have children - and force OTHER people to support them?
When Corporate America pays the taxpayers back the billions of $$$ in PPP loans that Trump wrote off for them then you can bitch about the poor & senior citizens receiving SNAP benefits.

It was quite touching watching McCarthy whine to his wall st benefactors bitching about the poor & trying to blame Biden because he's a weak kneed son of a bitch who won't stand up to hacks like MTG & Jordan. The plan is to default on the debt then try to blame Biden but the American people aren't that stupid, except for the the brainwashed fools who watch Fox News.

Candy ass McCarthy can fuck off because the GOP extended the debt limit for traitor Trump twice.

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