Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s new debt limit negotiating proposal will include broad moves to restrict food assistance for millions of low-income Americans

You don't go to church much, do you?

The Bible says that charity should come from the heart, family and church community. Nothing about the damn government.

Good thing we do not rely on churches
This is interesting: they plan for GDP to increase. they plan to spend 25% of every dollar GDP in this nation.
Yet they only collect $4T per year. They have no plans to fix it? Do you think this can go on forever?
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BTW: History has already proven the max they can collect is ~20%*GDP or the GDP drops.
"Tax the RICH" rate was 91% back there in the 40s-60s? somewhere yet revenue was ~18%*GDP.
WHERE do they get the money to FEED the POOR they are bringing in?
Cut the Military to zero? what would that do to GDP?

Looks like they could get $6T or so if they revamp the tax code?

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Where did you get your 20% number from because it doesn't match up tho the laffer curve number...

You are trying to push trickle down economics is another way...

You are pushing an already debunked theory... Who do you think sold you thins theory? Fox News, haven't they been proven to be full of shit already...
Look at Germany for the last decade and you can see something must be wrong in US..

Germany is living proof that US is getting something seriously wrong:

Each big jump has been under GOP Presidents or just after them...

But the main reason it is not working... GOP policies is about keeping your money and not investing in US, Germnay is about investing in your people (education) and infrastructure...
Best investment in Germany is education... it gives a 9 to 1 return on investment for the government tax v spending...
Where did you get your 20% number from because it doesn't match up tho the laffer curve number...

You are trying to push trickle down economics is another way...

You are pushing an already debunked theory... Who do you think sold you thins theory? Fox News, haven't they been proven to be full of shit already...
Look at Germany for the last decade and you can see something must be wrong in US..
View attachment 777269
Germany is living proof that US is getting something seriously wrong:
View attachment 777270
Each big jump has been under GOP Presidents or just after them...

But the main reason it is not working... GOP policies is about keeping your money and not investing in US, Germnay is about investing in your people (education) and infrastructure...
Best investment in Germany is education... it gives a 9 to 1 return on investment for the government tax v spending...

I am not trying to push anything. They never get above 20%*GDP even with 90% Tax rates (on the upper bracket). I don't know why? but money moves, the rich leave, whatever.
There are plenty of Charts Tax revenue vs. GDP. Look on up and post it. I have seen them .... but I can't do it now. I am working here.

So bottom line: IF they had a $30T GDP...they could maybe get $6T to spend max.
Let's be clear...

Helping Ukraine ia about supporting US word given to Ukraine when they gave up Nuclear Arms...

It is also incredible value for money when considering the cost of the GOP wars of stupidity...

Less than $80 has been spent so far and Russian army has been halved... That is the bargain of the century in military in intervention...

Also Putin has to be stopped, he is a bully and bullies have to be weakened before they go too far..

I think the problem you are having is that this is a highly successful intervention. Biden has managed to get Russia to its knees without putting a single boot on the ground.. He is handing out lessons in how to fight a war without even trying...

We have troops there. Your president already got busted for that lie, you should stop spreading it.
That is overly simplistic and typically rightist: attach a moral quality to poverty. If they are poor they must be irresponsible and lazy.
Is that any different than LWNJs calling the wealthy greedy and evil?
But you say that your daughter is working. All McCarthy is saying is that in order for people to get food stamps is to have a job. What if your daughter did NOT work. Would you still think it’s fair for other people, who ARE working, to have to chip in to pay for your family’s support?
There was a time when she didn't work because she had been a stay at home mother while her husband was an E-6 in the Army. What should she have done then?
Biden has already prepared his budget
Biden can't prepare a bowl of oatmeal, much less a budget. He's just there to be a rubber stamp in between pants shittings.

If McCarthy wants spending cuts, the annual budget is the place to put them.
The need to raise the deficit is because of budgets that have already passed
Disagree. Amend previous spending allocations in light of the current financial reality. And cut spending across the board. No favorites, just a flat, hefty percentage.
That is overly simplistic and typically rightist: attach a moral quality to poverty. If they are poor they must be irresponsible and lazy.
Well, in the majority of cases, they HAVE made the wrong decisions. And that is why they remain poor.

And why aren’t you working today? Please don’t tell me it’s another government holiday!
There was a time when she didn't work because she had been a stay at home mother while her husband was an E-6 in the Army. What should she have done then?
If her children were school-age, she should have had a part-time job. If younger, it’s forgivable for her to stay home with her kids and take other people’s money but only until the youngest starts school.
We're getting millions of new welfare recipients crossing the border. Where are they on this deceptive chart of "statistics"? I would venture to say they are included in Education, Government, Housing and Community, Health, Food & Agriculture and other assorted Free Shit programs.

The biggest free shit programs are the unfunded tax cuts to the filthy rich, 40% of whom inherited the money and never did an honest days work in their lives. Along with a large portion of that big blue colored area in that pie chart.
America has 7 million able-bodied men who have been out of the work force since the Covid scam started and are living of the taxpayers, refusing to go back to work. Thanks, President Biden.
Don't get it, please Explain,
why is the president to blame?
Can he force people too go to work?
Virus been happening for 3 years??
That stupid chart is bullshit.

Defense spending in 2023 will be $1.2 trillion.

The total fucking Federal, State and Local spending for 2023 will be $12 trillion.

Defense spending is 1/10th the cost of government in the US.

Your opinion here is full of ca-ca.
So is your fabricated anectdotal lie about having some kind of "inside experience" about this issue because you worked in a grocery store as a kid.

“Welfare makes people lazy.” The notion is buried so deep within mainstream political thought that it can often be stated without evidence. It was explicit during the Great Depression, when Franklin D. Roosevelt’s WPA (Works Progress Administration) was nicknamed “We Piddle Around” by his detractors. It was implicit in Bill Clinton’s pledge to “end welfare as we know it.” Even today, it is an intellectual pillar of conservative economic theory, which recommends slashing programs like Medicaid and cash assistance, partly out of a fear that self-reliance atrophies in the face of government assistance.

Many economists have for decades argued that this orthodoxy is simply wrong—that wisely designed anti-poverty programs, like the Earned Income Tax Credit, actually increase labor participation. And now, across the world, a fleet of studies are converging on the consensus that even radical welfare programs—including basic-income programs and what are called conditional cash transfers—don’t make people any less productive.
You're an incredibly stupid asshole. I grew up in the ghetto. I witnessed this shit for decades.

It's clueless assholes like you who have developed a victim's mentality within large worthless segments of our population.

If you want to throw away your own money, go for it. But keep your thieving hands off my money.

Now, have a nice day and go eat shit.

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