Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s new debt limit negotiating proposal will include broad moves to restrict food assistance for millions of low-income Americans

Poverty among a certain percentage of the population is a given. A fundamental human truth throughout time.
Wishful thinking and platitudes do nothing to either ease their suffering or reduce the numbers of poor.

Nor do handouts, seeing as nearly sixty years of them has changed absolutely nothing.
If McCarthy wants to cut spending, why doesn’t he put it in his 2024 budget?
Oh, I forgot
McCarthy doesn’t have a 2024 budget
So you don't know what will be in his 2024 budget, but you're going to whine like a bitch about it because it hasn't been revealed in April of 2023?
So you don't know what will be in his 2024 budget, but you're going to whine like a bitch about it because it hasn't been revealed in April of 2023?

Fiscal Year 2024 starts on Oct 1 2023
Where is McCarthys budget?

If he wants budget cuts, that is the place to put them.
What is he waiting for?
So what difference does it make where they live? The fact is the same that people who refuse to work don’t deserve to get any food stamps.
More fallacies?

2/3 of SNAP recipients are children, disabled or elderly.

Nor do handouts, seeing as nearly sixty years of them has changed absolutely nothing.
Because a certain percentage will always be poor at any given time. Not everyone starts life in the same place with the same resources or opportunities.
The alternative is what?
Leave people to fail and die in the richest nation on Earth?
Because a certain percentage will always be poor at any given time. Not everyone starts life in the same place with the same resources or opportunities.
The alternative is what?
Leave people to fail and die in the richest nation on Earth?

You prefer to send that money to Ukraine.
If you people want less GOVERNMENT so bad then get it the fuck out of anyones business and stop threatening the life styles of millions of Americans. Stop using it to ban books, stop using it to limit what I can read or watch on my t.v. Why just target the disabled and poor that can't? Seems to me that all you pieces of shit care about is cruelty! Truly sick and deranged people.
If you people want less GOVERNMENT so bad then get it the fuck out of anyones business and stop threatening the life styles of millions of Americans. Stop using it to ban books, stop using it to limit what I can read or watch on my t.v. Why just target the disabled and poor that can't? Seems to me that all you pieces of shit care about is cruelty! Truly sick and deranged people.

Where do you come up with all the revenue? They only have $4T.....but yet the want to spend $6.8T. figure it out.
I’d prefer to cut farm welfare and tax corps more.

The federal government spends more than $20 billion a year on subsidies for farm businesses. LOL!

Tax CORPORATIONS more? Then they raise prices. Then they don't hire. Then no one spends...round and round.
You won't gain nothing there.

The reason the economy took off during 2017-2019 was Business Tax cut. they hired. GOVT revenue increased.
Sure you can "TRY" to raise it.....but how much? how much do you generate? not initially but 7 months down the road. you don't know.
If you want to help the poor.....maybe the FED GOVT is not the best way? the overhead in FED is off the charts.
Maybe a choice for Citizens....pay Tax dollars or send it to the POOR FOOD FUND...private of course. more effective.
A family I grew up with bought a small, busy store. I helped out a lot because I had worked at Safeway for 5 years when I was younger. A lot of their customers were on welfare. No one ever seemed embarrassed about it.

The first of the month is called Mother's Day in these places. Women get their welfare checks, Food Stamps, etc.

This weekend these women go out drinking and dancing, get drunk with their boyfriends, and so on.

A lot of these pigs would stand around outside the entry door to the store. There they would hook up with other scumbags who would buy their Foodstamps for fifty cents on the dollar.

The scumbags would have Foodstamps to sell, or use to buy really cheap food. And the pigs who were on the Food stamp program would get more cash to use going dancing Ang getting drunk.

I HATE the Food stamp program. Why should taxpayers pay to support these worthless scumbags. Most can, and should work to earn their own fucking food.

Imo, anyone applying for any kind of welfare, Section Eight, Foodstamps, etc., should be STERILIZED before they get a fucking dime.

A lot of these pigs use their bodies as baby-dropping machines to increase their stinking welfare checks.
Your opinion here is full of ca-ca.
So is your fabricated anectdotal lie about having some kind of "inside experience" about this issue because you worked in a grocery store as a kid.

“Welfare makes people lazy.” The notion is buried so deep within mainstream political thought that it can often be stated without evidence. It was explicit during the Great Depression, when Franklin D. Roosevelt’s WPA (Works Progress Administration) was nicknamed “We Piddle Around” by his detractors. It was implicit in Bill Clinton’s pledge to “end welfare as we know it.” Even today, it is an intellectual pillar of conservative economic theory, which recommends slashing programs like Medicaid and cash assistance, partly out of a fear that self-reliance atrophies in the face of government assistance.

Many economists have for decades argued that this orthodoxy is simply wrong—that wisely designed anti-poverty programs, like the Earned Income Tax Credit, actually increase labor participation. And now, across the world, a fleet of studies are converging on the consensus that even radical welfare programs—including basic-income programs and what are called conditional cash transfers—don’t make people any less productive.
More fallacies?

2/3 of SNAP recipients are children, disabled or elderly.

Take care of you own family.

Do you understand that concept?

If you are poor then go get a job and stop helping to elect Liberals that screws up the economy with failed Leftest policies.
More fallacies?

2/3 of SNAP recipients are children, disabled or elderly.

Duh. So these people won’t be impacted. The only ones impacted are the ones who WON’T GET A JOB! Now they’ll have to or the money spigot gets turned off.

(Anyone notice how leftists, in trying to win an argument they can’t defend, revert to arguing about things nobody is talking about?)
$300? If a 25-year-old is not working and has three kids, she will get $800 a month in food stamps tax-free in my state. Plus the free lunches at school. And breakfasts. Plus the rent subsidies. Plus reduced utilities. Plus free transportation. Plus TANF cash. Plus the child tax credit. It all adds up to a $50,000 salary.

Now why shouldn’t any of the fathers (plural) of these kids be required to work for the money that other people pay to feed their kids?
GREAT pro abortion post!

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