Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s new debt limit negotiating proposal will include broad moves to restrict food assistance for millions of low-income Americans

So you don't believe you have any obligation to the country and the citizens of where you live...

So you are anti American, you don't care if US Citizens to starve to death. You don't like your fellow citizens enough...

I presume you would expect to be ignored as well.. So if you asked a cop for help or you home was on fire, you don't want help either..

If you find paying for a society too much... Should go live in Somalia or the Congo...
You are confused about this, aren't you?.

I am quite capable of making my own decisions on my obligations to give the money I make to whoever I think is deserving. I am actually a very generous person and probably contribute a lot more in charity every year than any of you Moon Bats do.

I beleive in Liberty and don't want some filthy ass politician, who was elected by greedy special interest groups, to decide what I have to give.

Welfare is using the government to steal and it is wrong. No welfare, subsidies, entitlements, grants or bailouts.

I pay plenty of taxes to pay for police and fire protections. A lot more than the despicable welfare queens that you love so much.
What does that have to do with what I said - that food stamps are so generous that recipients are now able to buy more expensive food than responsible people who support themselves.
A lot of “ multi generational apartments “ in rural America?
Your intention was obvious. You just lacked the self awareness to know how dumb it actually was.

The Republican base has more SNAP beneficiaries than the Dems.
A lot of “ multi generational apartments “ in rural America?
Your intention was obvious. You just lacked the self awareness to know how dumb it actually was.

The Republican base has more SNAP beneficiaries than the Dems.
Derp. Just pull lies out of your butt, eh?

Democrats are more likely to be or have been on welfare than Republicans.

You never figured out that taxation stuff did you
You never figured out grammar, did you?
Regardless, there is a difference between being taxed for services rendered (military/police/infrastructure) and being taxed for no services rendered (welfare). Are you intellectually capable of discerning that difference?
Think more, post less.
2012? :rolleyes:

I gave you the current link which you ignored.
Look at your post. There was no link.

The fact is that Dems are more likely to be taking government charity than Republicans.

But why did you find it necessary to make this a political divide at all (other than the fact you’re a Dem and can’t help but to that). The debate is simple: do we continue to provide free stuff for people who refuse to take a job at all? or do we require people to pitch in somewhat if they expect other people to feed their children?
Look at your post. There was no link.

The fact is that Dems are more likely to be taking government charity than Republicans.

But why did you find it necessary to make this a political divide at all (other than the fact you’re a Dem and can’t help but to that). The debate is simple: do we continue to provide free stuff for people who refuse to take a job at all? or do we require people to pitch in somewhat if they expect other people to feed their children?
More SNAP recipients live in small towns and rural areas than in metro areas.
IOW the Republican base.

Damn…..never realized it was that easy
Just like Jesus said.

The thing is people make their own lot in life. Few people are victims of chance. People make poor decisions and expect to be bailed out of the consequences. The number one reason people end up struggling is by having children they can't afford. They make that error then want to jump on public assistance and expect everyone else to do their job as a parent for them.

I have no issue with allowing people to go on temporary assistance when falling on hard times, but temporary is the operative word here. You have people where the welfare state has become a lifestyle and these programs are fraught with abuse.
Again a lot of chirping in here by Leftist mob...gimmee gimmee gimmee. Bottom Line: $6.8T proposed but only ~$4T in revenue? See the problem? on top of $32T to date?

No chirper has been able to name any TAX change to generate $7T dollars. Any change that won't tank the economy and result in LESS TAX REVENUE. Some of them bark about a complete revamp of the TAX code required.....would take Decades to find out if it would actually work or not.
The thing is people make their own lot in life. Few people are victims of chance. People make poor decisions and expect to be bailed out of the consequences. The number one reason people end up struggling is by having children they can't afford. They make that error then want to jump on public assistance and expect everyone else to do their job as a parent for them.

I have no issue with allowing people to go on temporary assistance when falling on hard times, but temporary is the operative word here. You have people where the welfare state has become a lifestyle and these programs are fraught with abuse.
Poverty among a certain percentage of the population is a given. A fundamental human truth throughout time.
Wishful thinking and platitudes do nothing to either ease their suffering or reduce the numbers of poor.

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