Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s new debt limit negotiating proposal will include broad moves to restrict food assistance for millions of low-income Americans

Which is impossible when we allow
Millions of new welfare bums across the southern border each year who are sucking up welfare benefits meant for Americans
A country is doomed to failure when the Ruling Regime has as its goals to get as large a percentage of its population on government charity.
Fuck welfare.

If you want your children to have something to eat then provide for them.

Getting the government to steal money from other people to pay for your kid's food means you are a worthless piece of shit that is too sorry to pay for the welfare of the children you have.
So you want children to suffer because bad choices made by there parents...

What lesson will that teach them... Don't be born with poor parents?
I think we need to change the name of welfare, or whatever it is they changed it to to be less demeaning, to Government-Provided Charity, or GPC for short.

What this country is missing is a sense of shame.
So you want children to suffer because bad choices made by there parents...

What lesson will that teach them... Don't be born with poor parents?
I want parents to take care of their kids and don't want the goddamn government stealing my money to pay for some body else's welfare.

Is that too hard for you idiot Moon Bats to understand?
I think we need to change the name of welfare, or whatever it is they changed it to to be less demeaning, to Government-Provided Charity, or GPC for short.

What this country is missing is a sense of shame.
Explain how Germany has run 9 out of the last 11 years in Surplus while offering a large social net, free third level education and universal healthcare...

And they are financially doing way better than US...

Please don't say because less Military spending... Germany paid for the fight against largest killer of US Citizens in over 100 years, Germany paid for the R&D into the vaccine.
Explain how Germany has run 9 out of the last 11 years in Surplus while offering a large social net, free third level education and universal healthcare...

And they are financially doing way better than US...

Please don't say because less Military spending... Germany paid for the fight against largest killer of US Citizens in over 100 years, Germany paid for the R&D into the vaccine.
What percent of their country is on welfare, and how many illegals do they let swamp in every day? What percent of children are born out of wedlock? What is their school dropout rate? What percent of able-bodied adults refuse to work?
Explain how Germany has run 9 out of the last 11 years in Surplus while offering a large social net, free third level education and universal healthcare...

And they are financially doing way better than US...

Please don't say because less Military spending... Germany paid for the fight against largest killer of US Citizens in over 100 years, Germany paid for the R&D into the vaccine.
They don't have Biden....
I want parents to take care of their kids and don't want the goddamn government stealing my money to pay for some body else's welfare.

Is that too hard for you idiot Moon Bats to understand?
So you don't believe you have any obligation to the country and the citizens of where you live...

So you are anti American, you don't care if US Citizens to starve to death. You don't like your fellow citizens enough...

I presume you would expect to be ignored as well.. So if you asked a cop for help or you home was on fire, you don't want help either..

If you find paying for a society too much... Should go live in Somalia or the Congo...
That has always been in the Republican playbook

Balance the budget on the backs of the poor
How about "severely restrict Marxist wealth redistribution"?
You know, taking money from earners and giving it away to those who didn't earn it.
America has 7 million able-bodied men who have been out of the work force since the Covid scam started and are living of the taxpayers, refusing to go back to work. Thanks, President Biden.
Many of those just retired.
And Biden didn't shut down the Economy in 2020,
that would be under trump.

Blame it on Governors, it's what you do, but FACT is that trump is a very poor Leader.
Screenshot 2023-04-17 at 9.51.56 AM.png
How about "severely restrict Marxist wealth redistribution"?
You know, taking money from earners and giving it away to those who didn't earn it.
You never figured out that taxation stuff did you
WE WILL CRASH THE ECONOMY UNLESS YOU AGREE TO CUT NUTRITION ASSISTANCE FOR POOR CHILDREN does not feel like a winning strategy to me. Americans just aren't that mean. They want to help poor, hungry children.

Translation: Senate DemoKKKrats and the president prefer to fund their war in Ukraine over providing food for hungry kids.
WE WILL CRASH THE ECONOMY UNLESS YOU AGREE TO CUT NUTRITION ASSISTANCE FOR POOR CHILDREN does not feel like a winning strategy to me. Americans just aren't that mean. They want to help poor, hungry children.

Gonna screw their own base.


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