Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s new debt limit negotiating proposal will include broad moves to restrict food assistance for millions of low-income Americans

A family I grew up with bought a small, busy store. I helped out a lot because I had worked at Safeway for 5 years when I was younger. A lot of their customers were on welfare. No one ever seemed embarrassed about it.

The first of the month is called Mother's Day in these places. Women get their welfare checks, Food Stamps, etc.

This weekend these women go out drinking and dancing, get drunk with their boyfriends, and so on.

A lot of these pigs would stand around outside the entry door to the store. There they would hook up with other scumbags who would buy their Foodstamps for fifty cents on the dollar.

The scumbags would have Foodstamps to sell, or use to buy really cheap food. And the pigs who were on the Food stamp program would get more cash to use going dancing Ang getting drunk.

I HATE the Food stamp program. Why should taxpayers pay to support these worthless scumbags. Most can, and should work to earn their own fucking food.

Imo, anyone applying for any kind of welfare, Section Eight, Foodstamps, etc., should be STERILIZED before they get a fucking dime.

A lot of these pigs use their bodies as baby-dropping machines to increase their stinking welfare checks.
Let me tell you about Food Stamps. My daughter was on Food Stamps because her husband split after his deployment to Afghanistan, leaving her with two kids. He never sent her a dime. They were living with me, and she worked for TSA 50 miles away. I paid all the bills that were left on her by her husband that she couldn't pay. Child support took over a year to be ordered because he lived in another state. I was a poorly paid public school teacher. The Food Stamps as you call it helped keep a roof over our heads.
WE WILL CRASH THE ECONOMY UNLESS YOU AGREE TO CUT NUTRITION ASSISTANCE FOR POOR CHILDREN does not feel like a winning strategy to me. Americans just aren't that mean. They want to help poor, hungry children.

Good. Time for the freeloaders to get off of their butts and buy their own food. I'm tired of the Socialists stealing from the working class and giving to the worthless class. Now, I still believe in charity and helping them in true need, but I'm tired of the inner city gangstas sucking America's tit and giving nothing in return.
If you don’t want these people having children, then stop forcing them to have children.

Forcing them to have children? Maybe you just don’t know just how it all works. With few exceptions, two willing adults engage in intercourse, CHOOSE not to use birth control and pregnancy results. I have no idea how you equate this to the government forcing women to have babies. Must be that screw loose that every lefty has clanking around in the vast empty space in their heads.
You can’t tell people not to have kids until they can afford them, and then ban abortion.

If you don’t want these people having children, then stop forcing them to have children. You can’t ban abortion and cut benefits to poor families That’s not gonna work at all.

Furthermore, there is a very strong legal case to be made that if the state is forcing people to have children they can’t afford to raise, then the state has an legal obligation to pay poor families sufficient money to raise these children they’re forced to have.

Don’t you just love the law of unintended consequences?
you do realize there are other options between having a kid, and an abortion right?
No I did not. It's the House's responsibility. Period.
haha yes you did....becuase the HOUSE can't unilaterally pass the law...the US Senate has to pass it, and the President has to sign it.

If the House passes something and the US Senate votes it down...it's not the Houses responsiblity it failed...furthermore, if it passes both chambers and the President vetoes it, or pocket vetoes it...it's not the Houses fault.

Not surprised to see the President ducking responsilbity...typical
WE WILL CRASH THE ECONOMY UNLESS YOU AGREE TO CUT NUTRITION ASSISTANCE FOR POOR CHILDREN does not feel like a winning strategy to me. Americans just aren't that mean. They want to help poor, hungry children.

The system is being abused in a large way and needs to be fixed. I don't see anything wrong with a work requirement. Democrats are against making people work.
Fuck welfare.

If you want your children to have something to eat then provide for them.

Getting the government to steal money from other people to pay for your kid's food means you are a worthless piece of shit that is too sorry to pay for the welfare of the children you have.
I’m starting to think maybe we should go back to the concept of orphanages. We got rid of them because it was thought children would be better off with their parents - even if the parents weren’t able to provide for them - but really….is this actually helpful to children to see that one doesn’t have to work and be responsible for themselves?

Maybe a good orphanage system, where children are educated, nicely fed, provided medical care, and surrounded by adults who work for a living would be to their benefit. At age 16, they would all be expected to get part-time jobs during their last two years of high school.

Parents would be allowed weekly visits, and if and when parents got jobs, they could apply to take their kids home.
Let me tell you about Food Stamps. My daughter was on Food Stamps because her husband split after his deployment to Afghanistan, leaving her with two kids. He never sent her a dime. They were living with me, and she worked for TSA 50 miles away. I paid all the bills that were left on her by her husband that she couldn't pay. Child support took over a year to be ordered because he lived in another state. I was a poorly paid public school teacher. The Food Stamps as you call it helped keep a roof over our heads.
But you say that your daughter is working. All McCarthy is saying is that in order for people to get food stamps is to have a job. What if your daughter did NOT work. Would you still think it’s fair for other people, who ARE working, to have to chip in to pay for your family’s support?
I’m starting to think maybe we should go back to the concept of orphanages. We got rid of them because it was thought children would be better off with their parents - even if the parents weren’t able to provide for them - but really….is this actually helpful to children to see that one doesn’t have to work and be responsible for themselves?

Maybe a good orphanage system, where children are educated, nicely fed, provided medical care, and surrounded by adults who work for a living would be to their benefit. At age 16, they would all be expected to get part-time jobs during their last two years of high school.

Parents would be allowed weekly visits, and if and when parents got jobs, they could apply to take their kids home.

The Liberals have taught the worthless ghetto assholes that they are not responsible for anything, including taking care of their children.

That is despicable and the cause of the filthy entitlement welfare mindset that the welfare queens have that somebody else should provide food and health care for their children.
The Liberals have taught the worthless ghetto assholes that they are not responsible for anything, including taking care of their children.

That is despicable and the cause of the filthy entitlement welfare mindset that the welfare queens have that somebody else should provide food and health care for their children.
Yes, and that’s why I brought up the idea of orphanages. This way, parents will be encouraged to support their own children, and if not, they (the kids) will still be fed and taken care of.

It will also address the welfare mothers who have no job and happily have kid after kid after kid with no consideration for the fact they can’t afford to feed them.
Good. Time for the freeloaders to get off of their butts and buy their own food. I'm tired of the Socialists stealing from the working class and giving to the worthless class. Now, I still believe in charity and helping them in true need, but I'm tired of the inner city gangstas sucking America's tit and giving nothing in return.

Just look at how indignant the leftists get when it’s proposed that people getting welfare should have to at least have a job. Horrors.
Just look at how indignant the leftists get when it’s proposed that people getting welfare should have to at least have a job. Horrors.
Which is impossible when we allow
Millions of new welfare bums across the southern border each year who are sucking up welfare benefits meant for Americans

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