Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s new debt limit negotiating proposal will include broad moves to restrict food assistance for millions of low-income Americans

Holy shit, you're stupid. The House passes the debt limit bill, then it goes to the Senate, then it goes to the President. The Senate and the President have no responsibilities in raising the debt limit or crafting the bill.
yes, it goes through all three....so all three are part of it's passage. Xiden ducking responsiblity and saying he's not part of it, is well a lie.
Where is your link to evidence?


Millions of men have dropped out of the workforce, leaving companies struggling to fill jobs: It's "a matter of our national identity"​

A large number of American men of prime working age — between 25 and 54 years old — are not working or even looking for work, resulting in a major hole in the American economy.

In 1953, 98% of men in that age range had a job or were looking for one. That number has fallen ever since. Today, 7.2 million men have essentially dropped out of the workforce.
And there's no such thing as ''free'' anything.

The use of the word ''free'' is just a socialist's intellectually dishonest way of saying take from those who are responsible and who do produce at the barrel of a government gun and redistribute the fruits of their labor to those who reject personal responsibility.

''From each according to his ability, to each according to his need,'' I think it was...
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There are millions of families who have both parents working full time but because of stagnant wages still Have to rely on nutritional assistance programs just to buy food. The republicans in general have always had the mentality that Being poor is a lifestyle choice and that the only people on welfare are those who are lazy.
Except what about the lazy, entitled people who DON’T work - either parent - because other people are providing them with food stampsL All McCathy is saying is that there should be work requirements to continuing receiving the charity program.

And being poor IS likely a lifestyle choice. They chose to have babies they couldn’t afford and drop out of school rather than complete some sort of job prepparation.
Republican policies don’t support that. They consistently oppose things like free or subsidized childcare.
No, they place restrictions on them. We can’t continue to just give money from responsible people to irresponsible people. The responsible people are having trouble paying their own bills.
Why do you reject personal responsibility?
She’s a leftist. It’s what they do.

It’s also why she and others like her resent the Jews so much. Here we had a poor, uneducated population of immigrants fleeing horrific persecution and bigotry, moving into cold-water tenements, and a generation later, their kids are all college graduates (as was the case in my family) or small business owners, with houses in the suburbs.
She’s a leftist. It’s what they do.

To me, that whole ''leftist'' and ''rightist '' language is meaningless. They're just arbitrary terms that tend to serve to keep dialogue dumbed down and void of any supporting fundamental principles.

The routine use of that language, in my view, is a cheap, lazy means of echoing a learned/programmed agenda without bearing any interest, responsibility, expectation or the capacity to express any germane, fundamental principles in support of any of the spew.

But I digress.

It’s also why she and others like her resent the Jews so much.

Here we had a poor, uneducated population of immigrants fleeing horrific persecution and bigotry, moving into cold-water tenements, and a generation later, their kids are all college graduates (as was the case in my family) or small business owners, with houses in the suburbs.

I dunno about who resents Jews and who doesn't, so won't speak on it.
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WE WILL CRASH THE ECONOMY UNLESS YOU AGREE TO CUT NUTRITION ASSISTANCE FOR POOR CHILDREN does not feel like a winning strategy to me. Americans just aren't that mean. They want to help poor, hungry children.

Whether its a "winning" strategy or not has yet to be seen.

But it sounds like a smart , well thought out strategery.

America's food prices are out of fucking control. Reducing the amount of money chasing these limited number of groceries should help- the old supply-demand theorem from Econ 101.

Whether the GOP is going to be able to explain these ideas to the electorate and profit at the polls is another question. But the Republicans are being "held responsible" by the liberal media for food inflation anyhow, so they'd be damned fools not to address it.
Whether its a "winning" strategy or not has yet to be seen.

But it sounds like a smart , well thought out strategery.

America's food prices are out of fucking control. Reducing the amount of money chasing these limited number of groceries should help- the old supply-demand theorem from Econ 101.

Whether the GOP is going to be able to explain these ideas to the electorate and profit at the polls is another question. But the Republicans are being "held responsible" by the liberal media for food inflation anyhow, so they'd be damned fools not to address it.
This is true. The people on food stamps, living in multigenerational apartments with all adults on food stamps, are buying better cuts of meat than people who have to pay for it themselves.
Whether its a "winning" strategy or not has yet to be seen.

But it sounds like a smart , well thought out strategery.

America's food prices are out of fucking control. Reducing the amount of money chasing these limited number of groceries should help- the old supply-demand theorem from Econ 101.

Whether the GOP is going to be able to explain these ideas to the electorate and profit at the polls is another question. But the Republicans are being "held responsible" by the liberal media for food inflation anyhow, so they'd be damned fools not to address it.
I’ve gotten very strong in the last year or so. While it used to take me two trips to the car to bring in the $100 of groceries I bought, I can now carry it all in one hand.
You can’t tell people not to have kids until they can afford them, and then ban abortion.

If you don’t want these people having children, then stop forcing them to have children. You can’t ban abortion and cut benefits to poor families That’s not gonna work at all.

Furthermore, there is a very strong legal case to be made that if the state is forcing people to have children they can’t afford to raise, then the state has an legal obligation to pay poor families sufficient money to raise these children they’re forced to have.

Don’t you just love the law of unintended consequences?
I wouldn't ban abortion, if I had the power to make that decision.

But I would still expect people to be responsible when they have children.

Have a kid they can't afford? Fine. Want welfare? Fine. Get sterilized first. Otherwise go to Hell, fuckyouverymuch.

The woman should also be required to identify the sperm donor of the welfare recipient, so he can be sterilized too.
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I wouldn't ban abortion, if I had the power to make that decision.

But I would still expect people to be responsible when they have children. Have a kid they can't afford? Fine. Want welfare? Get sterilized first. Otherwise go to Hell, fuckyouverymuch.
The vast majority of unwanted pregnancies are from a failure to use birth control. Until we stop paying young women to have illegitimate children, there is no incentive for them to protect against an unwanted pregnancy.

Stop paying after kid #2, and watch the illegitimacy rate plummet.
WE WILL CRASH THE ECONOMY UNLESS YOU AGREE TO CUT NUTRITION ASSISTANCE FOR POOR CHILDREN does not feel like a winning strategy to me. Americans just aren't that mean. They want to help poor, hungry children.

/---/ All he is saying, is if you want a free handout, then you have to work to earn it.
A family I grew up with bought a small, busy store. I helped out a lot because I had worked at Safeway for 5 years when I was younger. A lot of their customers were on welfare. No one ever seemed embarrassed about it.

The first of the month is called Mother's Day in these places. Women get their welfare checks, Food Stamps, etc.

This weekend these women go out drinking and dancing, get drunk with their boyfriends, and so on.

A lot of these pigs would stand around outside the entry door to the store. There they would hook up with other scumbags who would buy their Foodstamps for fifty cents on the dollar.

The scumbags would have Foodstamps to sell, or use to buy really cheap food. And the pigs who were on the Food stamp program would get more cash to use going dancing Ang getting drunk.

I HATE the Food stamp program. Why should taxpayers pay to support these worthless scumbags. Most can, and should work to earn their own fucking food.

Imo, anyone applying for any kind of welfare, Section Eight, Foodstamps, etc., should be STERILIZED before they get a fucking dime.

A lot of these pigs use their bodies as baby-dropping machines to increase their stinking welfare checks.

So you perceive a few people take advantage of the system so the whole system should be cut entirely..

Does that make sense... How about the woman who was at home relying on those foodstamps to feed her children? Did you meet her?

Also you want women to be sterised or you will starve their children? Think about that
WE WILL CRASH THE ECONOMY UNLESS YOU AGREE TO CUT NUTRITION ASSISTANCE FOR POOR CHILDREN does not feel like a winning strategy to me. Americans just aren't that mean. They want to help poor, hungry children.

Fuck welfare.

If you want your children to have something to eat then provide for them.

Getting the government to steal money from other people to pay for your kid's food means you are a worthless piece of shit that is too sorry to pay for the welfare of the children you have.

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