Speaking of Criminals? REID Again...Bribes Senator? Maybe, Maybe NOT...

The T

George S. Patton Party
May 24, 2009
BREAKING: Harry Reid Received Unbelievably Large Bribe

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is currently under investigation by the Federal Elections Commission for giving nearly $31,000 in campaign funds to his granddaughter, in violation of FEC regulations.

Now, the corrupt leader is weighing in on the Bundy standoff, calling Bundy’s supporters “domestic terrorists.” The Bundy family, on the other hand, are claiming that Reid needs to “be kicked out of office.”
Even more corrupt, it now appears that Reid has played a role in an emerging bribery scandal. According to The Blaze, Senator Reid might have accepted a bribe from a Utah businessman in exchange for making a federal investigation disappear entirely.

Allegedly, Jeremy Johnson was told that the price for making an investigation was $600,000. Johnson also claims to have already paid around $250,000 when he was slapped with a federal lawsuit.

So far, there is no proof that Reid received any bribe money. It was instead paid to an intermediary name Richard Rawie. Johnson spent 96 days in jail for his actions, and has been releasing emails and statements to reinforce his story.
“The truth is the worst thing I think I’ve done was I paid money knowing t was going to influence Harry Reid,” Johnson confessed to a judge, “So I’ve felt all along that I’ve committed bribery of some sort there.”
The office of Harry Reid has made no comment regarding the allegations.
Now I know what the article states regarding NO EVIDENCE that Reid directly received the money...but was sent to an intermediary...

But hey? In Leftist circles? "It's the seriousness of the Charge! HANG HIM"! is what we would be hearing from them, is it not?

Why is it that Reid is involved either directly or indirectly is such shady dealings? I'm sure this is just the proverbial tip of one rather LARGE hunk of ice.

We will see where this goes. Stay tuned.

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