Special Counsel Jack Smith is refusing to turn over to Trump's lawyers half the Records cited in June Indictment

Jackass Smith

What a crooked sniveling jerk Jack Smith is. Trump's lawyers need those records for discovery purposes.

They tried to get those top secret documents from trump for damn near two years. I thought refusing to release documents was the way trump wanted to do it.

Special Counsel Jack Smith is refusing to turn over to Trump's lawyers half the Records cited in June Indictment​

What a crooked sniveling jerk Jack Smith is. Trump's lawyers need those records for discovery purposes.

WHAT GREAT NEWS! That will only accelerate the collapse of his entire case while further proving his case is a sham.
What is it about full and complete discovery that this ambulance chaser doesn't get....
Fuck trump and his lawyers. He's going down.

I've been hearing that since 2017 after you tards assured the world that Trump had no chance of winning, after assuring the world that he would drop out and wasn't even a serious candidate. Two impeachments, three committees, four indictments and 91 charges later, Trump is kicking Biden's ass, stronger than ever, gaining popularity every day, spot on and getting ready to screw your dead skull.

We couldn't have done it without your fake rigged electing the absolute worst flaming asshole traitor Joe Biden.



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