Special Master Not Working Out Well For Team Trumpy

Now that he has the “special master” he requested to deal with the documents he hoarded at Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump is already finding reasons to object to the process. Specifically, Trump’s legal team is refusing to talk about whether, or how, Trump actually tried to declassify any of the documents by claiming it would harm their “defense to the merits of any subsequent indictment.”

In other words, they’re saying that if they reveal that Trump didn’t declassify any documents, that could subject him to legal action for stealing and holding highly classified information. Which he did. And if Trump claims he did declassify documents, then he’ll have to prove that in court, and also be subject to possible charges over failure to follow the law regarding declassification. Plus, there’s the whole perjury issue—and the issue of Trump obstructing an investigation—that comes with lying about the whole thing.

On top of this, the special master wants this whole thing wrapped up quickly. Trump objects, because that’s the last thing he wants. And finally, the special master wants to know something that’s been bothering everyone: Why is this thing in front of him instead of being dealt with by the court that issued the search warrant in the first place?

Poor skewey, always into the fiction. What woke black actor will Disney get to play you in the remake of this disaster flick??
Now that he has the “special master” he requested to deal with the documents he hoarded at Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump is already finding reasons to object to the process. Specifically, Trump’s legal team is refusing to talk about whether, or how, Trump actually tried to declassify any of the documents by claiming it would harm their “defense to the merits of any subsequent indictment.”

In other words, they’re saying that if they reveal that Trump didn’t declassify any documents, that could subject him to legal action for stealing and holding highly classified information. Which he did. And if Trump claims he did declassify documents, then he’ll have to prove that in court, and also be subject to possible charges over failure to follow the law regarding declassification. Plus, there’s the whole perjury issue—and the issue of Trump obstructing an investigation—that comes with lying about the whole thing.

On top of this, the special master wants this whole thing wrapped up quickly. Trump objects, because that’s the last thing he wants. And finally, the special master wants to know something that’s been bothering everyone: Why is this thing in front of him instead of being dealt with by the court that issued the search warrant in the first place?

First the Orange Faced Shit Stain requests a Special Master, and now he and his shyster's request to explain the Traitor's declassifying documents found at Shit-A-Lago.

That 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Piece of Shit got the Master he wanted and now he does not like how that Master operates.
Now that he has the “special master” he requested to deal with the documents he hoarded at Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump is already finding reasons to object to the process. Specifically, Trump’s legal team is refusing to talk about whether, or how, Trump actually tried to declassify any of the documents by claiming it would harm their “defense to the merits of any subsequent indictment.”

In other words, they’re saying that if they reveal that Trump didn’t declassify any documents, that could subject him to legal action for stealing and holding highly classified information. Which he did. And if Trump claims he did declassify documents, then he’ll have to prove that in court, and also be subject to possible charges over failure to follow the law regarding declassification. Plus, there’s the whole perjury issue—and the issue of Trump obstructing an investigation—that comes with lying about the whole thing.

On top of this, the special master wants this whole thing wrapped up quickly. Trump objects, because that’s the last thing he wants. And finally, the special master wants to know something that’s been bothering everyone: Why is this thing in front of him instead of being dealt with by the court that issued the search warrant in the first place?

Invisible sources.... LOL from the Daily KOS... :auiqs.jpg: :spinner::auiqs.jpg: :spinner: :auiqs.jpg: :spinner:

Unsourced conjecture... And you all are pushing it as fact...
First the Orange Faced Shit Stain requests a Special Master, and now he and his shyster's request to explain the Traitor's declassifying documents found at Shit-A-Lago.

That 5-Deferment Draft Dodging Piece of Shit got the Master he wanted and now he does not like how that Master operates.
Even the Hill is running with this unknown source... You can't make this up... DESPERATION of the left to make something of this.. Given the last weekend of the left being exposed as hypocrites on the border issues they are desperate to change the narrative.
Now that he has the “special master” he requested to deal with the documents he hoarded at Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump is already finding reasons to object to the process. Specifically, Trump’s legal team is refusing to talk about whether, or how, Trump actually tried to declassify any of the documents by claiming it would harm their “defense to the merits of any subsequent indictment.”
Congratulations, you've got Trump for 100% double sure this time!! ... :thup:
The FBI/DOJ's intent was to damage Trump's reputation, which would bring down support for the Republican party before this coming election. Now there's becoming a better chance that can happen as the 'special master' (chuckle) starts to turn sour on Trump.

As Trump's popularity declines, the FBI/DOJ will face less risk of an uprising when Trump is charged for his crimes.

None of this is going to stop the investigation and bringing charges against Trump. That continues to hinge on Trump's popularity and his ability to cause rioting and deaths of many Americans on the streets.
Nice fiction, duck. We know your opinion. Have you got anything factual to add to the discussion?
Now that he has the “special master” he requested to deal with the documents he hoarded at Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump is already finding reasons to object to the process. Specifically, Trump’s legal team is refusing to talk about whether, or how, Trump actually tried to declassify any of the documents by claiming it would harm their “defense to the merits of any subsequent indictment.”

In other words, they’re saying that if they reveal that Trump didn’t declassify any documents, that could subject him to legal action for stealing and holding highly classified information. Which he did. And if Trump claims he did declassify documents, then he’ll have to prove that in court, and also be subject to possible charges over failure to follow the law regarding declassification. Plus, there’s the whole perjury issue—and the issue of Trump obstructing an investigation—that comes with lying about the whole thing.

On top of this, the special master wants this whole thing wrapped up quickly. Trump objects, because that’s the last thing he wants. And finally, the special master wants to know something that’s been bothering everyone: Why is this thing in front of him instead of being dealt with by the court that issued the search warrant in the first place?

It definitely is not;
What do you mean?... its working perfectly to delay this witch hunt until the GOP takes back the government....
Are you living in a closet? Do you know 2+2=4? The special master is calling Trump out, and his lawyers blinked. What happened to the claim by Trump that the documents were de-classified? Answer his lawyers are waiting for the indictment, for which Trump has no defense;
President Trump doesn't owe the neo-groomers a fuckin' thing.

To the brownshirts: Prove the documents were classified. And then prove you didn't masturbate in Barron's closet while wearing Melania's lipstick and heels.

This is just a few crumbs for the 2% marginalized fringefucks that can't live in a world with Trump. The other 98% are seeing it for what it is - nazi shit.
Trumps lawyers backed out of proving declassification, because oit never happened; Trump lawyers don't want to say if he declassified documents in FBI search

Now that he has the “special master” he requested to deal with the documents he hoarded at Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump is already finding reasons to object to the process. Specifically, Trump’s legal team is refusing to talk about whether, or how, Trump actually tried to declassify any of the documents by claiming it would harm their “defense to the merits of any subsequent indictment.”

In other words, they’re saying that if they reveal that Trump didn’t declassify any documents, that could subject him to legal action for stealing and holding highly classified information. Which he did. And if Trump claims he did declassify documents, then he’ll have to prove that in court, and also be subject to possible charges over failure to follow the law regarding declassification. Plus, there’s the whole perjury issue—and the issue of Trump obstructing an investigation—that comes with lying about the whole thing.

On top of this, the special master wants this whole thing wrapped up quickly. Trump objects, because that’s the last thing he wants. And finally, the special master wants to know something that’s been bothering everyone: Why is this thing in front of him instead of being dealt with by the court that issued the search warrant in the first place?

Your assessment on the article is 90% incorrect emotional interpretation
Nice fiction, duck. We know your opinion. Have you got anything factual to add to the discussion?
Yea, Trumps lawyers blinked about explaining how the documents were de-classified. OOPs! That's going to hurt. All this talk by the orange headed liar, and?
Now that he has the “special master” he requested to deal with the documents he hoarded at Mar-a-Lago, Donald Trump is already finding reasons to object to the process. Specifically, Trump’s legal team is refusing to talk about whether, or how, Trump actually tried to declassify any of the documents by claiming it would harm their “defense to the merits of any subsequent indictment.”

In other words, they’re saying that if they reveal that Trump didn’t declassify any documents, that could subject him to legal action for stealing and holding highly classified information. Which he did. And if Trump claims he did declassify documents, then he’ll have to prove that in court, and also be subject to possible charges over failure to follow the law regarding declassification. Plus, there’s the whole perjury issue—and the issue of Trump obstructing an investigation—that comes with lying about the whole thing.

On top of this, the special master wants this whole thing wrapped up quickly. Trump objects, because that’s the last thing he wants. And finally, the special master wants to know something that’s been bothering everyone: Why is this thing in front of him instead of being dealt with by the court that issued the search warrant in the first place?

Trump doesn’t have to prove anything in court. The Fedbois are the ones that have to prove their silly accusations.


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