Specific treason charges against Biden


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Reasons for Treason charges against Biden:

1) High gas prices now 52% more than a year ago.
a) Biden canceled Federal land exploration(where 25% of oil is produced today)
b) Biden begs OPEC to increase production...
c) Security of the USA at risk as today USA dependent on foreign oil vs just a year ago the USA was energy independent.
The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957
The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957 for-the-first-time-since-1957/
2) Illegal immigration at ---Migrant encounters at U.S.-Mexico border are at a 21-year high
Migrant encounters at U.S.-Mexico border are at a 21-year high
a) Biden encouraged illegals by saying.."I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border"
Treasonous action by ENCOURAGING law breaking and destruction of people and property in the USA... Treasonous!
b) STOPPED all defensive measures to prevent illegal crossings. Helping illegals break the USA LAW!
The Biden administration is canceling another slate of border wall contracts -- this time, in the Laredo and Rio Grande Valley
sectors, the Department of Homeland Security announced Friday.
3) Order Americans who protest to be arrested by FBI!
Domestic Terrorism'? Biden's AG Tells FBI to Protect School Boards from Parent Protesters

For just these 3 of more reasons Biden should be tried for aiding and abetting the destruction and death of America!
HOW long will this be allowed to gone?
THESE are all FACTS of how Biden's actions are destroying the USA!

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Reasons for Treason charges against Biden:

1) High gas prices now 52% more than a year ago.
a) Biden canceled Federal land exploration(where 25% of oil is produced today)
b) Biden begs OPEC to increase production...
c) Security of the USA at risk as today USA dependent on foreign oil vs just a year ago the USA was energy independent.
The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957
The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957 for-the-first-time-since-1957/
2) Illegal immigration at ---Migrant encounters at U.S.-Mexico border are at a 21-year high
Migrant encounters at U.S.-Mexico border are at a 21-year high
a) Biden encouraged illegals by saying.."I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border"
Treasonous action by ENCOURAGING law breaking and destruction of people and property in the USA... Treasonous!
b) STOPPED all defensive measures to prevent illegal crossings. Helping illegals break the USA LAW!
The Biden administration is canceling another slate of border wall contracts -- this time, in the Laredo and Rio Grande Valley
sectors, the Department of Homeland Security announced Friday.
3) Order Americans who protest to be arrested by FBI!
Domestic Terrorism'? Biden's AG Tells FBI to Protect School Boards from Parent Protesters

For just these 3 of more reasons Biden should be tried for aiding and abetting the destruction and death of America!
HOW long will this be allowed to gone?
THESE are all FACTS of how Biden's actions are destroying the USA!

View attachment 550475

"1) High gas prices now 52% more than a year ago."

Reasons for Treason charges against Biden:

1) High gas prices now 52% more than a year ago.
a) Biden canceled Federal land exploration(where 25% of oil is produced today)
b) Biden begs OPEC to increase production...
c) Security of the USA at risk as today USA dependent on foreign oil vs just a year ago the USA was energy independent.
The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957
The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957 for-the-first-time-since-1957/
2) Illegal immigration at ---Migrant encounters at U.S.-Mexico border are at a 21-year high
Migrant encounters at U.S.-Mexico border are at a 21-year high
a) Biden encouraged illegals by saying.."I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border"
Treasonous action by ENCOURAGING law breaking and destruction of people and property in the USA... Treasonous!
b) STOPPED all defensive measures to prevent illegal crossings. Helping illegals break the USA LAW!
The Biden administration is canceling another slate of border wall contracts -- this time, in the Laredo and Rio Grande Valley
sectors, the Department of Homeland Security announced Friday.
3) Order Americans who protest to be arrested by FBI!
Domestic Terrorism'? Biden's AG Tells FBI to Protect School Boards from Parent Protesters

For just these 3 of more reasons Biden should be tried for aiding and abetting the destruction and death of America!
HOW long will this be allowed to gone?
THESE are all FACTS of how Biden's actions are destroying the USA!

View attachment 550475
none of yer whinefest is considered as treason, derpa.
1) High gas prices now 52% more than a year ago.
a) Biden canceled Federal land exploration(where 25% of oil is produced today)
b) Biden begs OPEC to increase production...

1. but not much above where they were two years ago.

a. ...And yet, the White House is on pace to hand out more oil and gas drilling permits this year than any under President Trump and the most since George W. Bush left the Oval Office.

b. Would not have been necessary had the last guy not threatened them into cutting production to save the profits of our oil companies.

Domestic oil production is up compared to Biden's first full month in office...

if we are going to charge presidents for gas price increases it will be a long list. Gas was 19 cents a gallon when I started driving.
The only conspiracy theory I'm starting to think actually exists is that somebody secretly put something our nation's water supply that has resulted in so many of you being on the verge of brain dead.
none of yer whinefest is considered as treason, derpa.

Could be...too bad utter incompetence is not impeachable. If so, it would be a slam dunk.

The Democrats did lower the bar quite a bit though with their two bogus impeachments of Trump which were based on little more than "orange man bad".
Creepy Joe's mere presence in the Oval Office is a national security threat. No one takes that moron seriously...lol
Evidently you do what with all the hair pulling and rending of clothing you people perform daily.
Could be...too bad utter incompetence is not impeachable. If so, it would be a slam dunk.

The Democrats did lower the bar quite a bit though with their two bogus impeachments of Trump which were based on little more than "orange man bad".
They were trying to be like the GOP when it went after Clinton for beating out the Reaganites.
Violations of both Constitution and Immigration law

Surrendering Border and National Security to Cartels& Coyotes, according to his own Immigration Czar

Aidibg and abetting,, Facilitation of Drug, Human, Child, & sex trafficking

Child trafficking, Child endangerment

Influence Peddling, Russian Money Laundering
- According to Treasury Dept & FBI

Holding illegal children in Biden Kiddie Cages longer than the law allows

Perjury, Extortion

For a start...
1. but not much above where they were two years ago.

a. ...And yet, the White House is on pace to hand out more oil and gas drilling permits this year than any under President Trump and the most since George W. Bush left the Oval Office.

b. Would not have been necessary had the last guy not threatened them into cutting production to save the profits of our oil companies.

Domestic oil production is up compared to Biden's first full month in office...

View attachment 550491
But the steps taken by the administration to date on fossil fuels are more modest, including a temporary suspension on new oil and gas leases on federal lands that a judge blocked last month, blocked petroleum sales in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) and cancellation of the Keystone XL oil pipeline from Canada.
I read your submission: Despite a Pledge to Ban It, Oil and Gas Permitting Is Up Under Biden
That was for leases AlREADY approved in the past for exploration!
Biden has stopped ALL leases for exploration. NOT for leases where exploration has been approved already.

And you didn't report the whole link:

The threat to upend a 75-year strategic alliance, which has not been previously reported, was central to the U.S. pressure campaign that led to a landmark global deal to slash oil supply as demand collapsed in the coronavirus pandemic - scoring a diplomatic victory for the White House.
Also funding of terrorists?
Saudi and U.S. officials have said the Houthis are armed by Iran, which Tehran denies. The backing of Senate Republicans over Yemen had proved crucial for Saudi Arabia last year. The Senate upheld Trump vetoes of several measures seeking to end U.S. weapons sales and other military support to Saudi Arabia amid outrage over the Yemen conflict, which has caused more than 100,000 deaths and triggered a humanitarian crisis.

NoW you tell me which would be a better economic benefit to Americans:
1) Gas independence i.e. not depending on foreign oil?
2) Reducing deaths caused by OPEC funding Iran?
Biden is Totally favoring the terrorists, another charge of TREASON!
Just like how that soldier is in prison for speaking his mind about the incompetent Biden Pentagon.....Biden should be in prison right next to that solider for his incompetence.
Reasons for Treason charges against Biden:

1) High gas prices now 52% more than a year ago.
a) Biden canceled Federal land exploration(where 25% of oil is produced today)
b) Biden begs OPEC to increase production...
c) Security of the USA at risk as today USA dependent on foreign oil vs just a year ago the USA was energy independent.
The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957
The United States Was Energy Independent in 2019 for the First Time Since 1957 for-the-first-time-since-1957/
2) Illegal immigration at ---Migrant encounters at U.S.-Mexico border are at a 21-year high
Migrant encounters at U.S.-Mexico border are at a 21-year high
a) Biden encouraged illegals by saying.."I would in fact make sure that there is immediately a surge to the border"
Treasonous action by ENCOURAGING law breaking and destruction of people and property in the USA... Treasonous!
b) STOPPED all defensive measures to prevent illegal crossings. Helping illegals break the USA LAW!
The Biden administration is canceling another slate of border wall contracts -- this time, in the Laredo and Rio Grande Valley
sectors, the Department of Homeland Security announced Friday.
3) Order Americans who protest to be arrested by FBI!
Domestic Terrorism'? Biden's AG Tells FBI to Protect School Boards from Parent Protesters

For just these 3 of more reasons Biden should be tried for aiding and abetting the destruction and death of America!
HOW long will this be allowed to gone?
THESE are all FACTS of how Biden's actions are destroying the USA!

View attachment 550475
You literally have to be one of the dumbest people on here, and that is saying a lot. Nothing you brought up is reason to bring treason charges. We will continue locking up your kind, though, if you continue to break the law.

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