Spicer Confirms Trump Is A Conspiracy Theorist


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
“He believes what he believes,” press secretary Sean Spicer said of Trump’s claim that millions voted illegally.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer confirmed on Tuesday that his boss, the president of the United States, is a committed conspiracy theorist.

There is no other way to interpret what transpired at Spicer’s daily briefing. On repeated occasions, reporters asked him why Donald Trump continues to argue that 3 to 5 million undocumented immigrants voted illegally in the 2016 election. And on each occasion, Spicer responded that Trump says it because he believes it to be true.

“The president does believe that,” Spicer told one reporter.

It’s a “longstanding belief,” he told another.

“He’s believed this for a long time,” he said to a third.

There is no evidence that millions of votes were cast illegally. In fact, multiple outlets and fact checkers have called such allegations bunk … repeatedly.

More: Trump Spokesman Confirms Trump Is A Conspiracy Theorist

Does not give me a warm feeling that we have a conspiracy theorist president in the White House. That leaves him wide open to foreign governments playing with his mind. Scary...
“He believes what he believes,” press secretary Sean Spicer said of Trump’s claim that millions voted illegally.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer confirmed on Tuesday that his boss, the president of the United States, is a committed conspiracy theorist.

There is no other way to interpret what transpired at Spicer’s daily briefing. On repeated occasions, reporters asked him why Donald Trump continues to argue that 3 to 5 million undocumented immigrants voted illegally in the 2016 election. And on each occasion, Spicer responded that Trump says it because he believes it to be true.

“The president does believe that,” Spicer told one reporter.

It’s a “longstanding belief,” he told another.

“He’s believed this for a long time,” he said to a third.

There is no evidence that millions of votes were cast illegally. In fact, multiple outlets and fact checkers have called such allegations bunk … repeatedly.

More: Trump Spokesman Confirms Trump Is A Conspiracy Theorist

Does not give me a warm feeling that we have a conspiracy theorist president in the White House. That leaves him wide open to foreign governments playing with his mind. Scary...

Yep, I feel extremely confident that if the same type of recounts that happened in Wisconsin that actually ADDED votes ton Trump's lead happened in the 20 states the Hildebeast won (14 of which had no voter ID laws) that massive voting fraud like was reported by Project Veritas would be revealed.
“He believes what he believes,” press secretary Sean Spicer said of Trump’s claim that millions voted illegally.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer confirmed on Tuesday that his boss, the president of the United States, is a committed conspiracy theorist.

There is no other way to interpret what transpired at Spicer’s daily briefing. On repeated occasions, reporters asked him why Donald Trump continues to argue that 3 to 5 million undocumented immigrants voted illegally in the 2016 election. And on each occasion, Spicer responded that Trump says it because he believes it to be true.

“The president does believe that,” Spicer told one reporter.

It’s a “longstanding belief,” he told another.

“He’s believed this for a long time,” he said to a third.

There is no evidence that millions of votes were cast illegally. In fact, multiple outlets and fact checkers have called such allegations bunk … repeatedly.

More: Trump Spokesman Confirms Trump Is A Conspiracy Theorist

Does not give me a warm feeling that we have a conspiracy theorist president in the White House. That leaves him wide open to foreign governments playing with his mind. Scary...
It is a very serious thing to believe that our voting process let slip 3-5 million illegal votes. Drumplethinskin needs to call for an indepth investigation.......having that many illegal votes seriously undercuts our Democratic Process and needs to be found out!
That depends on your point of view, in the Soviet Union it was called upholding the party line.
Like the 19 dead people who voted for Hills. Shocking!

19 Dead People 'Registered to Vote for Hillary Clinton'
19 people.....only 2,999,981 more cases to go.

Ever hear of Project Veritas? This undercover operation was pretty damning. My educated guess based on a number of factors is that anything less than a 65 percent Trump vote would not have been enough. The ones that are delusional are those like yourself that doesn't believe that it didn't matter about the Wikileaks revelations and the sparse crowds that showed up for infrequent Hitlery appearances....how she was given debate questions in advance. Sooooo many questions about the slush fund disguised as a foundation, the raping, pillaging and plundering of Haiti while withholding charitable donations to them. Suffice to say, the Clinton and Bush crime families have stolen billions and have committed NUMEROUS crimes against humanity....but yet you bitch that she didn't win because she was a leftard!

Integrity and honor doesn't mean shit to a commie like you because the end justifies the means.

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