Split The Tab


Sep 23, 2010
Paul Kengor’s great piece includes this:

. . . CPUSA, the Democratic Socialists of America, Freedom Road Socialists, and the so-called Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism came together to discuss “how to better unite the left.” Playing host, fittingly, was the worst union in America, the one gleefully marching America toward Greece: the SEIU. The fellow travelers packed the New York City union hall of SEIU 1199 United Healthcare Workers East.

As I understand Detroit filing for bankruptcy it was caused by unions driving employers away. The city is in hock for about 18 billion dollars. Public employee union members are owed 2 billion dollars. I can’t solve all of Detroit”s financial woes, but I can take care of pension funds. Just have solvent unions bail them out. After all, they are brothers and sisters. Now is the time for well-heeled workers of the world to unite. Come on guys, show a little solidarity and give your Detroit brothers a helping hand. Show some class. Don’t force Detroit parasites to run to the federal tax tub for a refill.

Let’s not kid one another. Getting a federal bailout is the reason for the bankruptcy. You don’t have to follow this one. Media will give the public a few months of Theater of the Abyss. At the last minute Barack Taqiyya and Congress will announce they can’t let a city go under. A bailout will follow and the parasite class will heave a sigh of relief. All of that can be avoided.

Hell, teachers’ unions have more money than God, and it came from tax dollars. The University of California’s pension fund reportedly had 50 BILLION dollars a few years ago and that is only one state’s university system albeit the largest one. Emphasis on higher education.

Now that Janet Napolitano who did such a wonderful job in her previous job is going to the land of fruits & nuts she can bailout Detroit’s pension plan by writing a check for a paltry 2 billion. Split the tab among all of the solvent unions and each bite is chump change nowadays.

On the other hand as borders open wider, and American jobs continue to go overseas in keeping with the Democrat party’s global agenda —— equal distribution of poverty —— a cynic might say that Detroit’s government employees will get exactly what they deserve if nobody bails them out.

I want to cover one more topic in Kengor’s article:

On June 11, the day before this piece on “Left unity,” People’s World ran a glowing puff piece on a group of Christians that it plainly adores: Sister Simone Campbell and her band of nuns. They call themselves “the Network,” a self-described “national Catholic social justice lobby.” Campbell and friends have formed the so-called “Nuns on the Bus,” storming across the nation on behalf of “healthcare reform,” Barack Obama, the president’s policies, the agenda of the liberal wing of the Democratic Party, and, of course, “social justice.”


How could the nuns advocate a “life-affirming” vote for a bill that championed abortion funding, and would become a cruise missile at the heart of the religious liberty of the Roman Catholic Church and other pro-life denominations? No worries. “From our reading of the bill,” said Sister Simone Campbell, executive director of Network, “there isn’t any federal funding of abortion.” Quite the contrary, Campbell and her sisters judged the bill not anti-life but pro-life. “For us,” explained Campbell, “tens of thousands of people are dying each year because they don’t have access to healthcare, so that is a life issue.”

Worse, the Network claimed that the nuns who signed the letter represented a vast group of 59,000 sisters nationwide, which was nowhere near accurate. Like Jesus with the loaves, the sisters had demonstrated miraculous powers of multiplication—as did the liberal media, which dutifully reported the nuns’ vast exaggeration. Not so pleased was the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which stated that Obamacare should be explicitly rejected because of its pro-abortion measures.

Sisters in Communism
By Paul Kengor on 7.19.13 @ 6:08AM
The far left finally gets religion.

The American Spectator : Sisters in Communism
There is no surprise there. Nuns are true believers. To be precise Hitler had one standing order for Nazi party recruiters: Recruit from the ranks of the Communists because they make the best fascists. In other words it is easy to convert a believer; it is impossible to convert a person who simply knows better.

Finally, the Detroit scam reminded me of Goofy Annan when he left the UN’s top job. I recall he had to sue to get two pensions. I recently learned that he won:

Despite the seeming double-dipping, Annan is found be eligible to receive both his full pension benefits as a result of his career as a UN staffer, in addition to those benefits provided to a former Secretary-General.

As Kofi Annan Wins a Double UN Pension, a Roberta Annan at UNDP
By Matthew Russell Lee, Exclusive

Inner City Press: Investigative Reporting from the United Nations

Apparently, the ol’ Goofer is doing a mite better than alright since he retired from the UN in 2006. After ten years as secretary-general it was reported in 2007 that he accumulated high-priced digs around the globe. One in Tangier, Morocco, another near Geneva, Switzerland, and a NYC apartment. Not bad for a former tour guide in Ghana.

If I remember the ol’ Goofer’s gig when he was the UN’s secretary-general he was all about eliminating poverty. I do not know how much poverty he eliminated in Morocco, but I am pretty sure he does NOT spend a lot of time eliminating poverty in Switzerland.

Goofy is not even an American parasite and he did alright on the dues and assessments Americans pay to the UN. For those of us who would like to see America out of the UN, and the UN out of America, Goofy’s pensions are one more slap in the face delivered by parasites.
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Detroit’s union members are owed over 9 billion dollars —— not 2 billion as I said previously:

Quote OP

Public employee union members are owed 2 billion dollars.
Paul Kengor’s great piece includes this:

. . . CPUSA, the Democratic Socialists of America, Freedom Road Socialists, and the so-called Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism came together to discuss “how to better unite the left.” Playing host, fittingly, was the worst union in America, the one gleefully marching America toward Greece: the SEIU. The fellow travelers packed the New York City union hall of SEIU 1199 United Healthcare Workers East.

As I understand Detroit filing for bankruptcy it was caused by unions driving employers away. The city is in hock for about 18 billion dollars. Public employee union members are owed 2 billion dollars. I can’t solve all of Detroit”s financial woes, but I can take care of pension funds. Just have solvent unions bail them out. After all, they are brothers and sisters. Now is the time for well-heeled workers of the world to unite. Come on guys, show a little solidarity and give your Detroit brothers a helping hand. Show some class. Don’t force Detroit parasites to run to the federal tax tub for a refill.

Let’s not kid one another. Getting a federal bailout is the reason for the bankruptcy. You don’t have to follow this one. Media will give the public a few months of Theater of the Abyss. At the last minute Barack Taqiyya and Congress will announce they can’t let a city go under. A bailout will follow and the parasite class will heave a sigh of relief. All of that can be avoided.

Hell, teachers’ unions have more money than God, and it came from tax dollars. The University of California’s pension fund reportedly had 50 BILLION dollars a few years ago and that is only one state’s university system albeit the largest one. Emphasis on higher education.

Now that Janet Napolitano who did such a wonderful job in her previous job is going to the land of fruits & nuts she can bailout Detroit’s pension plan by writing a check for a paltry 2 billion. Split the tab among all of the solvent unions and each bite is chump change nowadays.

On the other hand as borders open wider, and American jobs continue to go overseas in keeping with the Democrat party’s global agenda —— equal distribution of poverty —— a cynic might say that Detroit’s government employees will get exactly what they deserve if nobody bails them out.

I want to cover one more topic in Kengor’s article:

On June 11, the day before this piece on “Left unity,” People’s World ran a glowing puff piece on a group of Christians that it plainly adores: Sister Simone Campbell and her band of nuns. They call themselves “the Network,” a self-described “national Catholic social justice lobby.” Campbell and friends have formed the so-called “Nuns on the Bus,” storming across the nation on behalf of “healthcare reform,” Barack Obama, the president’s policies, the agenda of the liberal wing of the Democratic Party, and, of course, “social justice.”


How could the nuns advocate a “life-affirming” vote for a bill that championed abortion funding, and would become a cruise missile at the heart of the religious liberty of the Roman Catholic Church and other pro-life denominations? No worries. “From our reading of the bill,” said Sister Simone Campbell, executive director of Network, “there isn’t any federal funding of abortion.” Quite the contrary, Campbell and her sisters judged the bill not anti-life but pro-life. “For us,” explained Campbell, “tens of thousands of people are dying each year because they don’t have access to healthcare, so that is a life issue.”

Worse, the Network claimed that the nuns who signed the letter represented a vast group of 59,000 sisters nationwide, which was nowhere near accurate. Like Jesus with the loaves, the sisters had demonstrated miraculous powers of multiplication—as did the liberal media, which dutifully reported the nuns’ vast exaggeration. Not so pleased was the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, which stated that Obamacare should be explicitly rejected because of its pro-abortion measures.

Sisters in Communism
By Paul Kengor on 7.19.13 @ 6:08AM
The far left finally gets religion.

The American Spectator : Sisters in Communism
There is no surprise there. Nuns are true believers. To be precise Hitler had one standing order for Nazi party recruiters: Recruit from the ranks of the Communists because they make the best fascists. In other words it is easy to convert a believer; it is impossible to convert a person who simply knows better.

Finally, the Detroit scam reminded me of Goofy Annan when he left the UN’s top job. I recall he had to sue to get two pensions. I recently learned that he won:

Despite the seeming double-dipping, Annan is found be eligible to receive both his full pension benefits as a result of his career as a UN staffer, in addition to those benefits provided to a former Secretary-General.

As Kofi Annan Wins a Double UN Pension, a Roberta Annan at UNDP
By Matthew Russell Lee, Exclusive

Inner City Press: Investigative Reporting from the United Nations

Apparently, the ol’ Goofer is doing a mite better than alright since he retired from the UN in 2006. After ten years as secretary-general it was reported in 2007 that he accumulated high-priced digs around the globe. One in Tangier, Morocco, another near Geneva, Switzerland, and a NYC apartment. Not bad for a former tour guide in Ghana.

If I remember the ol’ Goofer’s gig when he was the UN’s secretary-general he was all about eliminating poverty. I do not know how much poverty he eliminated in Morocco, but I am pretty sure he does NOT spend a lot of time eliminating poverty in Switzerland.

Goofy is not even an American parasite and he did alright on the dues and assessments Americans pay to the UN. For those of us who would like to see America out of the UN, and the UN out of America, Goofy’s pensions are one more slap in the face delivered by parasites.

Unions driving employers away. Heaven forbid people ask for fair wages and benefits. Wall street sold some derivatives to Detroit. Bet they collect before workers get their pensions, and I'll bet there won't be any complaints there.
Free trade has helped turn America including Detroit into more of a service economy and the multi billionaires and corporations are doing just fine. Obama the "socialist" has been pushing free trade including his trans pacific partnership and nobody notices. The news media is not allowed to discuss it so anti labor patriots are left to blame pensioners and unions for Americas economic woes.
Unions driving employers away. Heaven forbid people ask for fair wages and benefits. Wall street sold some derivatives to Detroit. Bet they collect before workers get their pensions, and I'll bet there won't be any complaints there.
Free trade has helped turn America including Detroit into more of a service economy and the multi billionaires and corporations are doing just fine. Obama the "socialist" has been pushing free trade including his trans pacific partnership and nobody notices. The news media is not allowed to discuss it so anti labor patriots are left to blame pensioners and unions for Americas economic woes.

To jasonnfree: You should have stopped at fair wages. PRIVATE SECTOR unions should have been restricted to negotiating wages and only wages. Holding owners and top executives accountable for settlements in countless law suits would have eliminated unsafe working conditions. Pension benefits, job tenure, vacations, etc. are not, and never were, the philosophical or legitimate business of labor unions.

Government employee unions should not be allowed because they bury towns, cities, and states under a mountain of a debt not to mention the massive transfer of wealth going from wealth creators to the government. Government employee unions are relatively new. Government employee unions should be disallowed again. Liberal icon FDR, among others, opposed them:

“It is impossible to bargain collectively with the government.”​

That wasn’t Newt Gingrich, or Ron Paul, or Ronald Reagan talking. That was George Meany -- the former president of the A.F.L.-C.I.O -- in 1955. Government unions are unremarkable today, but the labor movement once thought the idea absurd.


When government unions strike, they strike against taxpayers. F.D.R. considered this “unthinkable and intolerable.”

This is one of the few times where the use of the phrase “common good” serves the public rather than serve the government:

Public sector unions insist on laws that serve their interests -- at the expense of the common good.

F.D.R. Warned Us
James Sherk is the Bradley fellow in labor policy at the Center for Data Analysis at the Heritage Foundation.
Updated September 16, 2011, 11:11 AM

F.D.R. Warned Us About Public Sector Unions - Room for Debate - NYTimes.com

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