Split up the 9th Appellate court - too big, too slow,too liberal!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
As judges on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals weigh the legality of President Trumpā€™s immigration executive order, a Republican push to split up the controversial court -- and shrink its clout -- is gaining steam on Capitol Hill.

Republican Sens. Jeff Flake and John McCain of Arizona introduced legislation last month to carve six states out of the San Francisco-based court circuit and create a brand new 12th Circuit.

They argue that the 9th is too big, too liberal and too slow resolving cases. If they succeed, only California, Oregon, Hawaii and two island districts would remain in the 9th's judicial fiefdom.
ā€œIt represents 20 percent of the population -- and 40 percent of the land mass is in that jurisdiction. Itā€™s just too big,ā€ Flake told Fox News on Wednesday. ā€œWe have a bedrock principle of swift justice and if you live in Arizona or anywhere in the 9th Circuit, you just donā€™t have it.ā€

Flake says it typically takes the court 15 months to hand down a decision.

ā€œItā€™s far too long,ā€ he added.
Eighteen of the courtā€™s 25 active judges have been appointed by Democrats. Former President George W. Bush appointed six justices, while former President Barack Obama appointed seven.
Republicans push bill to split up ā€˜nutty 9th Circuitā€™
Interesting...............you bitched for the longest time that Obama was a dictator, and now you are trying to give Trump enough power to become one. Are you going to advocate getting rid of anything or anyone that disagrees with Trump?
My understanding is their appeal rulings are overturned much of the time. That is saying something is wrong
The Ninth Circuit Is the 'Most Overturned Court in the U.S.'

Liberal Ninth Circuit Court Is Overturned in Recent Years 80% of Time

Interesting...............you bitched for the longest time that Obama was a dictator, and now you are trying to give Trump enough power to become one. Are you going to advocate getting rid of anything or anyone that disagrees with Trump?
As judges on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals weigh the legality of President Trumpā€™s immigration executive order, a Republican push to split up the controversial court -- and shrink its clout -- is gaining steam on Capitol Hill.

Republican Sens. Jeff Flake and John McCain of Arizona introduced legislation last month to carve six states out of the San Francisco-based court circuit and create a brand new 12th Circuit.

They argue that the 9th is too big, too liberal and too slow resolving cases. If they succeed, only California, Oregon, Hawaii and two island districts would remain in the 9th's judicial fiefdom.
ā€œIt represents 20 percent of the population -- and 40 percent of the land mass is in that jurisdiction. Itā€™s just too big,ā€ Flake told Fox News on Wednesday. ā€œWe have a bedrock principle of swift justice and if you live in Arizona or anywhere in the 9th Circuit, you just donā€™t have it.ā€

Flake says it typically takes the court 15 months to hand down a decision.

ā€œItā€™s far too long,ā€ he added.
Eighteen of the courtā€™s 25 active judges have been appointed by Democrats. Former President George W. Bush appointed six justices, while former President Barack Obama appointed seven.
Republicans push bill to split up ā€˜nutty 9th Circuitā€™

Yes, I have been seeing this also long before this ruling. They are either the number1, or number 2 court to be overturned on a % basis in the country. Since it gets the LEAST or next to LEAST amount of decisions correct, it should be dismantled. If it is number 2, then number 1 should be dissolved also. Why in the world would any American want judges giving opinions, who get it wrong over 75% of the time. It is a waste of energy, and I think we need an e-mail campaign since all the evidence is there for public consumption, to dissolve this court!

As Perry Mason used to say----->they are incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial! If they are that wrong THIS MUCH, take their robes from them.

Any lefty want to disagree-)
Why in the world would any American want judges giving opinions, who get it wrong over 75% of the time.

Only if you are a Dem on a mission...
As judges on the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals weigh the legality of President Trumpā€™s immigration executive order, a Republican push to split up the controversial court -- and shrink its clout -- is gaining steam on Capitol Hill.

Republican Sens. Jeff Flake and John McCain of Arizona introduced legislation last month to carve six states out of the San Francisco-based court circuit and create a brand new 12th Circuit.

They argue that the 9th is too big, too liberal and too slow resolving cases. If they succeed, only California, Oregon, Hawaii and two island districts would remain in the 9th's judicial fiefdom.
ā€œIt represents 20 percent of the population -- and 40 percent of the land mass is in that jurisdiction. Itā€™s just too big,ā€ Flake told Fox News on Wednesday. ā€œWe have a bedrock principle of swift justice and if you live in Arizona or anywhere in the 9th Circuit, you just donā€™t have it.ā€

Flake says it typically takes the court 15 months to hand down a decision.

ā€œItā€™s far too long,ā€ he added.
Eighteen of the courtā€™s 25 active judges have been appointed by Democrats. Former President George W. Bush appointed six justices, while former President Barack Obama appointed seven.
Republicans push bill to split up ā€˜nutty 9th Circuitā€™

Yes, I have been seeing this also long before this ruling. They are either the number1, or number 2 court to be overturned on a % basis in the country. Since it gets the LEAST or next to LEAST amount of decisions correct, it should be dismantled. If it is number 2, then number 1 should be dissolved also. Why in the world would any American want judges giving opinions, who get it wrong over 75% of the time. It is a waste of energy, and I think we need an e-mail campaign since all the evidence is there for public consumption, to dissolve this court!

As Perry Mason used to say----->they are incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial! If they are that wrong THIS MUCH, take their robes from them.

Any lefty want to disagree-)
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Interesting...............you bitched for the longest time that Obama was a dictator, and now you are trying to give Trump enough power to become one. Are you going to advocate getting rid of anything or anyone that disagrees with Trump?

Enough power....hmmm... That's what you think this 1952 Congressional legislation is about...giving Trump power???

Screen Shot 2017-02-10 at 10.34.01 PM.png

Page 188..Suspension of Entry by President...
ā€œWhenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate,ā€
And historically this was because the Supreme court in 1948 said the courts didn't have responsibility to the electorate.
So it became a SCOTUS finding and writing for the Supreme Court in 1948 (in Chicago & Southern Air Lines v. Waterman), Justice Robert Jackson ā€” FDRā€™s former attorney general and the chief prosecutor at Nuremburg ā€” explained that decisions involving foreign policy, including alien threats to national security, are ā€œpolitical, not judicialā€ in nature. Thus, they are confided by our Constitution to the political departments of the government, Executive and Legislative. They are delicate, complex, and involve large elements of prophecy. They are and should be undertaken only by those directly responsible to the people whose welfare they advance or imperil. They are decisions of a kind for which the Judiciary has neither aptitude, facilities nor responsibility and have long been held to belong in the domain of political power not subject to judicial intrusion or inquiry.

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