Spoon Fed Nation


Jul 23, 2012
I wonder how many people in this country really see what is going on with the economy? 21 TRILLION dollars at least and maybe as much as 34 TRILLION stored in off shore secret accounts? That figure isnt just US accounts but world wide. And the top 20 banks of the world manage most of those accounts. People are upset over EBT/SNAP funding? The program spends about 7.5 billion a year, the bank bailout was 750 billion.....to the very people who help hide 21 TRILLION dollars. War on drugs? 16000 people died of perscription narcotics overdoses last year on the pills that are making many rich people even richer. Government regulation? The banks told congress that they simply would not agree to more regulations. Try that with income taxes and you will be in prison. Apple tax sheltering 10.7 billion in income overseas. Why? Because the stakeholders at Apple would rather buy an island than pay their legal share of taxes. I can not be the only person who sees the writing on the wall. Our government no longer exisits, it has been replaced by a corporation. Why did this happen? Its easier for the masses to believe spoon fed media than research and learn. Its easier to blame than fix.
As part of his "Win the Future" program, Mr. Obama called for "taking responsibility for our deficits, by cutting wasteful, excessive spending wherever we find it." If Mr. Obama wins re-election, and his budget projections prove accurate, the National Debt will top $20 trillion in 2016, the final year of his second term. If GDP grows at an annual rate of 3%, it will take $120 of debt to create $100 dollars of GDP. (similar to Italy). More simply put, a household that earns $100,000 will need loans of $120,000 to support that income. Bottom line, the US is heading into bankruptcy and the American dream is becoming a nightmare.

Millions of parasites swarming all over the US economy and sucking the life out of hard working families and their children. Almost 50% of US citizens don't pay federal income taxes while Obama campaigns for the other 50% to pay their fair share. The Greek socialists would be proud of these figures.


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