Sports Players Stop Politics in Everything

Say what now?

I'm not even going to try ... we always had to open up our tape recorders getting into Dead concerts ... make sure we weren't sneaking booze in ... boot-leg tapes, backpacks full of drugs, nudity ... all fine but dammit you couldn't bring booze in ...
Maybe you should ask his fans that paid for the tickets.
Judging by the debris they were flinging at him, I'm guessing they were pissed. That is beside the point, I am asking was Kanye within his rights of "free speech" or not? You are dodging the question and as I expected Clayton and the rest are silent.
The people of Alabama just elected a sports coach to the Senate who doesn't even know the basics of the U.S. government. How does having some football or knowledge of some other sport qualify anyone for public service? If people hate people in the entertainment world from "Hollywood," why would they love people in sports? How do people in sports know more than people in entertainment?
Because he’s not a career politician. People on the Right realized a while ago that career politicians are not sacrificing anything for public office. They use the office to enrich themselves and are bribed by big corporations.

Most politicians never really talk about policies. They just say “I’m good and care about people, unlike my opponent”.

The people are supposed to run the government. Not career technocrats. People who elected the football coach expressed that by electing him
I don't watch sports anymore. Are they giving lectures during the games or on ESPN ?

I don't watch sports anymore, although I used to watch some football. I just think that it is hilarious that people who are angry at folks in the entertainment industry for getting political seem to love sports people who get political. This coach tuberville couldn't even name the three branches of government, and yet the people of Alabama elected him to the Senate. This is pathetic. How ignorant are the people of Alabama?
Maybe you should ask his fans that paid for the tickets.
Judging by the debris they were flinging at him, I'm guessing they were pissed. That is beside the point, I am asking was Kanye within his rights of "free speech" or not? You are dodging the question and as I expected Clayton and the rest are silent.
Is someone asking for a refund? What in hell are you going on about?

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