Spread your wings and fly, my sweet beagle baby.


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May 19, 2013
Two months before her 17th birthday, I had to say goodbye. I've had Polly since she was 8 weeks old. My daughter "puppy sat" her over July 4th weekend. The owners picked her up Monday and called a few days later, saying she wouldn't eat and wouldn't stop crying and howling for us. They asked if I wanted her. My son went to pick her up and bring her home. When he got to the driveway and opened the car door, she started howling, wagging her tail, and ran to the front door. This is Polly (with my daughter Hailee) the day she came "home".


Very, very sorry to hear that. We know the time will come but it's always devastating when it happens. Hope you can deal with the pain and grief as best as one can.

Sure looks like she knew how to pick the person who would be hers.
Two months before her 17th birthday, I had to say goodbye. I've had Polly since she was 8 weeks old. My daughter "puppy sat" her over July 4th weekend. The owners picked her up Monday and called a few days later, saying she wouldn't eat and wouldn't stop crying and howling for us. They asked if I wanted her. My son went to pick her up and bring her home. When he got to the driveway and opened the car door, she started howling, wagging her tail, and ran to the front door. This is Polly (with my daughter Hailee) the day she came "home".

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Damn Dogs! Everyone thinks I'm obsessed with my dog but if I can I take him everywhere with me. 4 hour rides up north. 2 day trips to Florida from Michigan. What a companion he is to me. God I love that dog. He means everything to me. But when his time comes, I have to be a big boy and man up and move on. It's life. Actually losing dogs is a good way to teach a kid about death.

I love movies where they say "I'd rather shoot 1000 men than 1 horse".

I had a beagle once. What a character she was. But she was the best beagle. I let her off leash and she'd always come back after about 15-20 minutes. Not a lot of beagles come back. You have to go find them. Thank god they yelp.

So I got a PBGV because Beagles shed. Turns out, the dog can track deer. I got lucky. Tracking deer is so easy with my dog now.

Are you going to get another one? This one's my last dog. If he lives to 17 that means 9 more years. I'll be ready to retire so I want a gym membership and to travel without worrying about a dog. The timing should be perfect. Plus I don't want to die on a dog. I take too good of care of them. No one else will kiss his ass like I do. He has me wrapped around his finger. They have funny personalities huh?
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Damn Dogs! Everyone thinks I'm obsessed with my dog but if I can I take him everywhere with me. 4 hour rides up north. 2 day trips to Florida from Michigan. What a companion he is to me. God I love that dog. He means everything to me. But when his time comes, I have to be a big boy and man up and move on. It's life. Actually losing dogs is a good way to teach a kid about death.

I love movies where they say "I'd rather shoot 1000 men than 1 horse".

I had a beagle once. What a character she was. But she was the best beagle. I let her off leash and she'd always come back after about 15-20 minutes. Not a lot of beagles come back. You have to go find them. Thank god they yelp.

So I got a PBGV because Beagles shed. Turns out, the dog can track deer. I got lucky. Tracking deer is so easy with my dog now.

Are you going to get another one? This one's my last dog. If he lives to 17 that means 9 more years. I'll be ready to retire so I want a gym membership and to travel without worrying about a dog. The timing should be perfect. Plus I don't want to die on a dog. I take too good of care of them. No one else will kiss his ass like I do. He has me wrapped around his finger. They have funny personalities huh?
It's too soon for another. I have another beagle (Copper) that I've got to keep from getting depressed over his buddy being gone.
It's too soon for another. I have another beagle (Copper) that I've got to keep from getting depressed over his buddy being gone.
Spoil him. Take him for walks. Off leash if you trust he won't run away. Let him chase some rabbits.

We used to say "where's the dog?" and I'd look down the row of FDR trees planted during the recession and I'd see a deer run past, then 20 second later I'd see her running after them and barking. LOL. My dog now knows not to chase a deer that isn't shot. He knows he can't catch them. So he just barks and chases them off and then walks back to me like he's tough. So cute.

And he doesn't know how to run rabbits in circles. So he just chases them into the brush then he stops. A beagles goes in and keeps pushing them. Too bad I don't rabbit hunt.

My dog now finds all my deer. I don't even have to be a good tracker. I just take him to where I shot the deer and he runs off. 2 minutes later he's sniffing a dead deer's ass. God I love this dog.

Really sucks losing a dog. I remember I had to put the beagle down. That sucked. Swore i'd never get another dog. I only got this one because my mom died of Alzheimers and we (my dad and I) needed something to cheer us up. But my dad refuses to help me with the dog. I wouldn't have got the dog if I knew he wouldn't babysit. Oh well. He goes everywhere with me and when he can't, I figure something out.

Everyone says I need to relax. i work from home I'm with him all day. He's spoiled and won't mind if I go to the gym 2 hours a day. Fuck that. I'd be worrying about him being sad and alone the whole time. Seriously, last dog ever! I'll be the perfect age to travel and get a gym membership. Retired. But then I'll get lonely. Maybe I'll meet a woman instead.
It's too soon for another. I have another beagle (Copper) that I've got to keep from getting depressed over his buddy being gone.
From 1935 to 1942, Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “tree army” — Civilian Conservation Corps and Works Progress Administration workers — planted more than 220 million trees in a 1,300-mile zone bisecting the Great Plains from Canada to Texas.

Two months before her 17th birthday, I had to say goodbye. I've had Polly since she was 8 weeks old. My daughter "puppy sat" her over July 4th weekend. The owners picked her up Monday and called a few days later, saying she wouldn't eat and wouldn't stop crying and howling for us. They asked if I wanted her. My son went to pick her up and bring her home. When he got to the driveway and opened the car door, she started howling, wagging her tail, and ran to the front door. This is Polly (with my daughter Hailee) the day she came "home".

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Saying goodbye is such a hard thing to do.

Love and best thoughts from all of us puppy lovers.

Two months before her 17th birthday, I had to say goodbye. I've had Polly since she was 8 weeks old. My daughter "puppy sat" her over July 4th weekend. The owners picked her up Monday and called a few days later, saying she wouldn't eat and wouldn't stop crying and howling for us. They asked if I wanted her. My son went to pick her up and bring her home. When he got to the driveway and opened the car door, she started howling, wagging her tail, and ran to the front door. This is Polly (with my daughter Hailee) the day she came "home".

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Sorry for your loss.

Two months before her 17th birthday, I had to say goodbye. I've had Polly since she was 8 weeks old. My daughter "puppy sat" her over July 4th weekend. The owners picked her up Monday and called a few days later, saying she wouldn't eat and wouldn't stop crying and howling for us. They asked if I wanted her. My son went to pick her up and bring her home. When he got to the driveway and opened the car door, she started howling, wagging her tail, and ran to the front door. This is Polly (with my daughter Hailee) the day she came "home".

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I am so sorry. These are the hard parts of having a pet. I hope the memory of the unconditonal love and devotion get you through.
Two months before her 17th birthday, I had to say goodbye. I've had Polly since she was 8 weeks old. My daughter "puppy sat" her over July 4th weekend. The owners picked her up Monday and called a few days later, saying she wouldn't eat and wouldn't stop crying and howling for us. They asked if I wanted her. My son went to pick her up and bring her home. When he got to the driveway and opened the car door, she started howling, wagging her tail, and ran to the front door. This is Polly (with my daughter Hailee) the day she came "home".

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Sorry for your loss. He lived a long life in dog years.
Two months before her 17th birthday, I had to say goodbye. I've had Polly since she was 8 weeks old. My daughter "puppy sat" her over July 4th weekend. The owners picked her up Monday and called a few days later, saying she wouldn't eat and wouldn't stop crying and howling for us. They asked if I wanted her. My son went to pick her up and bring her home. When he got to the driveway and opened the car door, she started howling, wagging her tail, and ran to the front door. This is Polly (with my daughter Hailee) the day she came "home".

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I’m sorry Aye, it’s never easy :smiliehug:
Two months before her 17th birthday, I had to say goodbye. I've had Polly since she was 8 weeks old. My daughter "puppy sat" her over July 4th weekend. The owners picked her up Monday and called a few days later, saying she wouldn't eat and wouldn't stop crying and howling for us. They asked if I wanted her. My son went to pick her up and bring her home. When he got to the driveway and opened the car door, she started howling, wagging her tail, and ran to the front door. This is Polly (with my daughter Hailee) the day she came "home".

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Parting is such sweet sorrow.

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