"Sputnik Moment?"... Are we the Soviet Union Circa 1957?...


Diamond Member
Mar 16, 2009
Coimhéad fearg fhear na foighde™
Seriously, why didn't the President say this is the time for a Modern Apollo Moment?...

Sputnik was the Soviet's Accomplishment... Apollo was ours... and our Response to Sputnik and the Threat it Posed.

Who is Dominating, or has the Potential to Dominate the World with Green Energy the way the Soviets could have with Sputnik and their Previous Work on the Hydrogen Bomb?

For the Love of GOD, this is a Silly, Childish Analogy on the part of the President Designed to Target the Childish and Silly in his Base.

The Truth of the Matter is that the Countries we are Competing with Economically don't give (2) Shits about the Environment like we do, and their lack of Regulation and Poor Working Standards is why OUR Companies are going there to do Business...

Obama and his People would Suggest that MORE Regulation on OUR part to make the World a Greener Place is the Answer...

And as with THE Liberals before him who Thought that if we would just Disarm, others would be Honest and follow our Lead, he is now Wrong if he Thinks China is going to Cripple it's Exploding Economy with Regulations...

It's Absurd, and only a Childish Mind could Consider such Silliness.

Or the Mind of a Liberal.


I have to admit I fell for some of the pre-speech bs.

the story was he was freezing discretionary spending.

then during his speech he replaced the word "spend" with the word 'invest'.

Spending didn't work and neither will investing. You can call a pile of shit a dozen roses, but that won't keep it from stinking.
You have to remember which side Obama feels most comfortable on. It's Sputnik, it's American soldiers as jackals, its the Little Red Book
"I want to shrink it a size that I can drown it in the bath tub"

Grover Norquist
I have to admit I fell for some of the pre-speech bs.

the story was he was freezing discretionary spending.

then during his speech he replaced the word "spend" with the word 'invest'.

Spending didn't work and neither will investing. You can call a pile of shit a dozen roses, but that won't keep it from stinking.

Seriously, why didn't the President say this is the time for a Modern Apollo Moment?...

Sputnik was the Soviet's Accomplishment... Apollo was ours... and our Response to Sputnik and the Threat it Posed.

Who is Dominating, or has the Potential to Dominate the World with Green Energy the way the Soviets could have with Sputnik and their Previous Work on the Hydrogen Bomb?

For the Love of GOD, this is a Silly, Childish Analogy on the part of the President Designed to Target the Childish and Silly in his Base.

The Truth of the Matter is that the Countries we are Competing with Economically don't give (2) Shits about the Environment like we do, and their lack of Regulation and Poor Working Standards is why OUR Companies are going there to do Business...

Obama and his People would Suggest that MORE Regulation on OUR part to make the World a Greener Place is the Answer...

And as with THE Liberals before him who Thought that if we would just Disarm, others would be Honest and follow our Lead, he is now Wrong if he Thinks China is going to Cripple it's Exploding Economy with Regulations...

It's Absurd, and only a Childish Mind could Consider such Silliness.

Or the Mind of a Liberal.



:lol:His point went over someone's head. :rofl:
You have to remember which side Obama feels most comfortable on. It's Sputnik, it's American soldiers as jackals, its the Little Red Book

:rofl: I loving the fact that none of you got what he was saying, and must of missed what he was talking about just before he said that. :lol:
It's a bit revealing of his depth that Tha Malcontent does not know what the President means when he says "Sputnik moment".

Again, We didn't have a Sputnik Moment... The Soviets did.

And there is no Threat to our Country from Green Energy like there was with the Soviets Sputnik Moment and Hydrogen Bomb Technology.

The Chinese will Continue to Kick our Ass in "Green Technology" and other things because they Pay their Workers for Shit and do NOT Care about Environmental Regulations...

We simply can't Compete with the Current Regulations we Saddle ourselves with, and what Obama and the Left would like to do is Cripple our Country even Further with Green Regulations, Hoping that if they Dictate that we have to go Green, that a Market will Magically Develop...

Well, it will... And it has... In China and elsewhere...

We can't Compete with China's Wages or Lack of Regulation, and I Garun-damn-tee you that the President and his Party will Continue to try to Punish the American Companies that stay here with MORE Regulations that the Chinese will NOT Follow, and also by Demanding that American Companies Pay Wages that are simply NOT Competitive even in our own Market, much less when Compared to China or India.


This is Mal's "jumping the shark" moment. :D

Illustrate it... Or just post a Pic:


^That's about all you Posted, Lu-Lu...

Try Taking Issue with my OP and second post, if you Feel that you can.


Apollo was a response to sputnik. Sputnik was a paradigm shift. Sputnik was the invention of the wheel. Apollo was a new innovation and application of the wheel. See the difference?
Apollo was a response to sputnik. Sputnik was a paradigm shift. Sputnik was the invention of the wheel. Apollo was a new innovation and application of the wheel. See the difference?

I do, and Solar Panels have been on DPS Schools since the 1970's...

"Sputnik Moment" my Ass.

And by the way, DPS can't Dispose of nor Repair them... So they sit.



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