Stacking dead bodies on the White House lawn and grabbing women by the pussy is just locker room talk

They did, moron.

September 24 2020
The Department of Justice announced today that more than 300 individuals in 29 states and Washington, D.C., have been charged for crimes committed adjacent to or under the guise of peaceful demonstrations since the end of May.

To date, of the 94 U.S. Attorneys’ Offices (USAOs), more than 40 USAOs have filed federal charges alleging crimes ranging from attempted murder, assaulting a law enforcement officer, arson, burglary of a federally-licensed firearms dealer, damaging federal property, malicious destruction of property using fire or explosives, felon in possession of a firearm and ammunition, unlawful possession of a destructive device, inciting a riot, felony civil disorder, and others. Violent opportunists have exploited these demonstrations in various ways.
So, why do teabaggers continually bring the 2020 riots up, when anyone brings up the January 6th attempted insurrection?

Two separate incidents.

Did you hear anyone in MIssissippi, comparing their tornado outbreak to the Kentucky outbreak?
Tornados are tornados. Location and level of damage may vary, but they are apples versus apples.

Jan. 6, 2021 was only a few hours of ONE day, with a small percentage of the protestors actually entering the building, many it seems with police assistance. There was no general rioting in the streets, no commercial businesses vandalized, looted, arsoned, etc. as seen during the Summer of 2020. Only fatality was a female demonstrator murdered by a policeman.

Summer of 2020 saw "protests" in scores of cities in most of the states, stretching for a period of nearly 120 days, with tens, but more likely hundreds of thousands involved. Extensive looting, vandalism, arson, etc. of private businesses, also assaults on numerous city and federal buildings, near uncountable assaults and murders, and billions of dollars in damage. About like comparing a green pea to a watermelon.

Correct, in one sense they are two separate incidents, in the sense that a jaywalker versus a multi-vehicle collision with injuries and fatalities are two separate incidents.

We Patriots bring this up because Jan. 6, 2021 was not an attempted insurrection. Only those grossly ignorant of historical examples of insurrections could claim such when there was no firearm mob involved, no one claiming they were the new President, or Congressperson, etc. It was protest escalated out of hand, with evidence suggesting some fifth column implant agitators helping to provoke the incident.

Summer 2020 better fits the historical and military definitions of an insurrection since they started in outlying cities and communities first. Seizing the Capital usually comes later in the process after ground has been secured/captured in the "countryside". It happened in scores of cities and nearly every state. The protests/riots/insurrections ranged fro several weeks to a few months duration. There was widespread vandalism, looting, arson, riots, assaults, murders and other crimes committed. There was also what would amount to declarations of secession ("autonomous zones", etc.).

The arrests amount to a small, single digit percentage of those involved. Most arrests resulted in charges dropped, and very few prosecutions, compared to the vast numbers and timelines involved.

95% Of 2020 U.S. Riots Including 47 Fatalities Linked To Fascist Group Black Lives Matter​

Contrary to corporate media narratives, up to 95 percent of this summer’s riots are linked to Black Lives Matter activism, according to data collected by the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED). The data also show that nearly 6 percent — or more than 1 in 20 — of U.S. protests between May 26 and Sept. 5 involved rioting, looting, and similar violence, including 47 fatalities.

ACLED is a nonprofit organization that tracks conflict across the globe. Its U.S. project that collected the summer protest data is supported by Princeton University. The project’s spreadsheet collating tens of thousands of data points documents 12,045 incidents of U.S. civil unrest from May 26, 2020 to Sept. 5, 2020. May 26 is the day after George Floyd’s death in police custody with enough fentanyl in his system to have died of an overdose if police had never touched him.

Of the 633 incidents coded as riots, 88 percent are recorded as involving Black Lives Matter activists. Data for 51 incidents lack information about the perpetrators’ identities. BLM activists were involved in 95 percent of the riots for which there is information about the perpetrators’ affiliation.

Early estimates from insurance agencies say the cost of this summer’s rioting will set a record surpassing that of the 1992 Rodney King riots, which cost an inflation-adjusted $1.2 billion. Much of that will be paid by taxpayers in the form of overtime and hazard pay for police and EMTs, emergency room visits, destruction of public property, and more. Of course, rioters are inflicting these costs during a time governments, and the people who fund them, have fewer resources due to coronavirus shutdowns and pent-up entitlement obligations.

A look at an interactive map illustrating the data shows just how widespread the summer BLM-linked rioting has been. It has not been limited merely to anarchist strongholds such as Portland, Oregon, or locales that saw media-spotlighted violent interactions between police and suspects, but has stretched across both major and minor U.S. cities and included dozens of locales with no violent police incidents this summer.

Why Congress won't investigate the 2020 summer riots

Policing Portland's protests: 1,000 arrests, handful of prosecutions

Two-thirds of voters want Congress to investigate the 2020 riots ...

Here's A List Of Cities Hit By Riots In The Last 3 Months

The Real Insurrection: The BLM Riots - The American Spectator | USA

Here's why most arrested rioters will not be prosecuted

2020-2023 United States racial unrest - Wikipedia

Melania was a millionaire before she met trump.
IDK why you leftists hate women so much.
Melania Trump admitted that the message on her "I really don’t care, do u?" jacket—which she wore on a trip to visit immigrant kids at a border detention center—was directed at the media.

"It's obvious I didn't wear the jacket for the children. I wore the jacket to go on the plane and off the plane," the First Lady told ABC News on Friday Night. "And it was for the people and for the left-wing media who are criticizing me."

Sure..............but Malaria, never wore that jacket before or after her visit with kids.
She lies as much as her rotten husband. is one for the hypocritical "christians".

Did Melania Trump Say 'Who Gives a F*ck about Christmas ...​

Snopes › Fact Check

Claim: In a July 2018 audio recording, first lady Melania Trump can be heard saying: "Who gives a fuck about Christmas stuff and decoration?"
Fact check by Snopes: Correct Attribution

A recording of Melania Trump captures her complaining in ...​

The New York Times › U.S. › Elections

Nov 30, 2020 — Melania Trump, the first lady, delivered a profanity-laced rant about White House Christmas decorations and mocked the plight of migrant ...
Tornados are tornados. Location and level of damage may vary, but they are apples versus apples.
Riots are riots.
Damage is damage.

Locations matter.
Reasons matter.
Who was at risk matters.

If a tornado hit Oklahoma City and wiped it out, it would have much more of an impact, than Rolling Fork, Mississippi.

Jan. 6, 2021 was only a few hours of ONE day, with a small percentage of the protestors actually entering the building, many it seems with police assistance. There was no general rioting in the streets, no commercial businesses vandalized, looted, arsoned, etc. as seen during the Summer of 2020. Only fatality was a female demonstrator murdered by a policeman.

Summer of 2020 saw "protests" in scores of cities in most of the states, stretching for a period of nearly 120 days, with tens, but more likely hundreds of thousands involved. Extensive looting, vandalism, arson, etc. of private businesses, also assaults on numerous city and federal buildings, near uncountable assaults and murders, and billions of dollars in damage. About like comparing a green pea to a watermelon.

Correct, in one sense they are two separate incidents, in the sense that a jaywalker versus a multi-vehicle collision with injuries and fatalities are two separate incidents.

We Patriots bring this up because Jan. 6, 2021 was not an attempted insurrection. Only those grossly ignorant of historical examples of insurrections could claim such when there was no firearm mob involved, no one claiming they were the new President, or Congressperson, etc. It was protest escalated out of hand, with evidence suggesting some fifth column implant agitators helping to provoke the incident.

Summer 2020 better fits the historical and military definitions of an insurrection since they started in outlying cities and communities first. Seizing the Capital usually comes later in the process after ground has been secured/captured in the "countryside". It happened in scores of cities and nearly every state. The protests/riots/insurrections ranged fro several weeks to a few months duration. There was widespread vandalism, looting, arson, riots, assaults, murders and other crimes committed. There was also what would amount to declarations of secession ("autonomous zones", etc.).

The arrests amount to a small, single digit percentage of those involved. Most arrests resulted in charges dropped, and very few prosecutions, compared to the vast numbers and timelines involved.

95% Of 2020 U.S. Riots Including 47 Fatalities Linked To Fascist Group Black Lives Matter​

Contrary to corporate media narratives, up to 95 percent of this summer’s riots are linked to Black Lives Matter activism, according to data collected by the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED). The data also show that nearly 6 percent — or more than 1 in 20 — of U.S. protests between May 26 and Sept. 5 involved rioting, looting, and similar violence, including 47 fatalities.

ACLED is a nonprofit organization that tracks conflict across the globe. Its U.S. project that collected the summer protest data is supported by Princeton University. The project’s spreadsheet collating tens of thousands of data points documents 12,045 incidents of U.S. civil unrest from May 26, 2020 to Sept. 5, 2020. May 26 is the day after George Floyd’s death in police custody with enough fentanyl in his system to have died of an overdose if police had never touched him.

Of the 633 incidents coded as riots, 88 percent are recorded as involving Black Lives Matter activists. Data for 51 incidents lack information about the perpetrators’ identities. BLM activists were involved in 95 percent of the riots for which there is information about the perpetrators’ affiliation.

Early estimates from insurance agencies say the cost of this summer’s rioting will set a record surpassing that of the 1992 Rodney King riots, which cost an inflation-adjusted $1.2 billion. Much of that will be paid by taxpayers in the form of overtime and hazard pay for police and EMTs, emergency room visits, destruction of public property, and more. Of course, rioters are inflicting these costs during a time governments, and the people who fund them, have fewer resources due to coronavirus shutdowns and pent-up entitlement obligations.

A look at an interactive map illustrating the data shows just how widespread the summer BLM-linked rioting has been. It has not been limited merely to anarchist strongholds such as Portland, Oregon, or locales that saw media-spotlighted violent interactions between police and suspects, but has stretched across both major and minor U.S. cities and included dozens of locales with no violent police incidents this summer.

Why Congress won't investigate the 2020 summer riots

Policing Portland's protests: 1,000 arrests, handful of prosecutions

Two-thirds of voters want Congress to investigate the 2020 riots ...

Here's A List Of Cities Hit By Riots In The Last 3 Months

The Real Insurrection: The BLM Riots - The American Spectator | USA

Here's why most arrested rioters will not be prosecuted

2020-2023 United States racial unrest - Wikipedia

So...............republicans, continue to TRY to compare the two different incidents.
I don't see anyone making excuses for Biden. Nothing like the Trump lemmings making excuses for Trump.
What is your point?
I guess ignoring the obvious is ok. Name one Democrat who has called out Biden on anything….I’ll wait.
Because Obama is black, he scared the hell out of white supremacists. No matter what he did they would criticize it. If the shoe fits GMC, wear it. I feel Obama was a good President. Not perfect.
Obungler sucked eggs, not because of his race, but he is a fucking Communist like you. Had Allen West or other good Conservative black been POTUS, I would support him.
So, why do teabaggers continually bring the 2020 riots up, when anyone brings up the January 6th attempted insurrection?

Two separate incidents.
Yeah, we know you lying leftard asswipes would like to separate them, but unfortunately for you they're joined at the hip.

Did any of the people you mentioned spend 800 days in jail without charges?


You little Stalinist piglets don't even have a stump of a hambone to stand on.
Yeah, we know you lying leftard asswipes would like to separate them, but unfortunately for you they're joined at the hip.
No, they aren't, you stupid fucking teabaggers, are trying to mash a square peg into a round hole..........again.
Did any of the people you mentioned spend 800 days in jail without charges?

You're right.
NO ONE spent 800 days imprisoned without charges.
So, why are you bringing that up?
You little Stalinist piglets don't even have a stump of a hambone to stand on.
Communist teabaggers, don't even have that, your arguments are laughable.
I am a Randite. Can't stand RINOS either. And the biggest loser was McGovern. Or Maybe Mondale. Oh ,yes. Hitlery. That bitch lost TWICE and never won. The pig lost to Obama AND Trump. But I bet YOU voted for her.
Snsou is another loser who feel his life would be wonderful if it was not for Democrat politicians. Blaming everything negative on a political party. A COP OUT OF DEALING WITH THE REALITY OF LIFE. Looking for someone or something to blame except himself. Look at yourself, dude. Grow a couple and take responsibility for your life.
All democrat politicians are not the same nor are all Republican politicians the same.
Not only isn' happening, but it's going to come back to bite you in the ass.
Trumpism lost the Presidency, the house and the Senate, for the Republicans, in 2020. It lost over 40 lawsuits trying to challenge the 2020 election. Almost every candidate in 2022, who ran on the 2020 election being rigged, lost. Trump is losing Republican supporters and more importantly big money donors.
You think that is winning. That proves you are a loser.
I guess ignoring the obvious is ok. Name one Democrat who has called out Biden on anything….I’ll wait.
That is an easy one. Thanks for the assist.
Plus it is very differnt saying nothing as opposed to standing up when Trump makes mistakes or Biden makes mistakes. Trump minions will not accept one criticism of their messiah.

Snsou is another loser who feel his life would be wonderful if it was not for Democrat politicians. Blaming everything negative on a political party. A COP OUT OF DEALING WITH THE REALITY OF LIFE. Looking for someone or something to blame except himself. Look at yourself, dude. Grow a couple and take responsibility for your life.
All democrat politicians are not the same nor are all Republican politicians the same.
Never said they were. Actually ,Dems were pretty much OK until they turned "WOKE". Bill Clinton was OK except for his personal life. But his bitch wife was a monster. A Feminazi and Man hater. It is funny that 2 men she despised whipped her to a fare thee well.
Well there's "locker room talk", then there's actual photo evidence and accusations of misconduct;







Etc. Etc. Etc. ....

There is no misconduct in those photos. As if Biden, if he were a perv, would do such a thing so openly. No, it doesn't compute.
What the photos show is a man who is overly affectionate, too much of a toucher type person, not mindful of 'borders', and hasn't learned a particular lesson, in the new generations, that being too touchy/affectionate makes women 'uncomfortable'.

But that's not evidence of predation of any kind. A competent defense attorney could shred that argument on cross, as it should be shredded.
Well, I guess they weren't stupid enough to videotape themselves vandalizing.
Most all the rioting took place at night, limiting news cameras covering the riots from positive ID.
There were more, I'm sure because September was only a month after the riots stopped.
A pretty good track record given the time it was published.

Wow! That’s some top notch lying to yourself you have there. Your groomers will be proud!
There is no misconduct in those photos. As if Biden, if he were a perv, would do such a thing so openly. No, it doesn't compute.
What the photos show is a man who is overly affectionate, too much of a toucher type person, not mindful of 'borders', and hasn't learned a particular lesson, in the new generations, that being too touchy/affectionate makes women 'uncomfortable'.

But that's not evidence of predation of any kind. A competent defense attorney could shred that argument on cross, as it should be shredded.

Michael Jackson was overly affectionate with children.
Stacking dead bodies on the White House lawn, on January 6th, and grabbing women by the pussy is just locker room talk in Trump world.
Family values at the highest level.

You think that is winning. That proves you are a loser.
You know, you fuckers are so goddamn STUPID I've decided I'm going to stop talking to you.

Because responding to you just legitimizes your idiotic bullshit.

You don't deserve to be responded to, you deserve to be trampled under foot.

Leftards are a bunch of scumbag liars and they do t deserve the time of day.

They deserve ridicule, and a good swift HARD kick in the ass on their way out the door

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