Stalin was a Progressive


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Many USMB Libs get their little panties in a bunch whenever I call Stalin a "Progressive" and my thoughtful, caring response is usually a variation on, "Wahh wahh wahh too fucking bad"

Here is Pravda from 1940 celebrating one the great Founding Fathers of the Progressive Movement

Progressive = Communist

G. M. Malenkov

Comrade Stalin—Leader of Progressive Mankind

Source: “Pravda Articles”, On the Occasion of the 70th Birthday of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, December 21, 1949
Publisher: Soviet News, London, 1950
Transcription/HTML Markup: Brian Reid
Public Domain: Marxists Internet Archive (2008). You may freely copy, distribute, display and perform this work; as well as make derivative and commercial works. Please credit “Marxists Internet Archive” as your source.

A QUARTER of a century ago Comrade Stalin gave an oath on behalf of the Party to fulfil with credit the behests of Lenin. Comrade Stalin’s oath resounded as a fighting call to the Party, to the working class, to the Soviet people, and was a lode-star in the historic struggle to refashion social life, the struggle for the construction of Socialist society.

Comrade Stalin led our Party and the Soviet people along Lenin’s road. He upheld and developed Lenin’s theory on the possibility of the victory of Socialism in one country. Putting Lenin’s behests into practice, our Party under the leadership of Comrade Stalin, secured the Socialist industrialisation of the country and the collectivisation of agriculture, converting the Soviet Union into a great industrial and collective farm Socialist Power."

Comrade Stalin - Leader of Progressive Mankind
Over 10m people dead only sounds like progress to morons.

[ame=]Snot - Snooze Button - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]The Kochs, Segregation, and Joseph Stalin - YouTube[/ame]
Over 10m people dead only sounds like progress to morons.

Snot - Snooze Button - YouTube

Progressives are history's biggest mass murderers, Staling Hitler and Mao being the Top Three
You don't know what Progressive means.

If you are really so stupid that you would honestly say that Adolf Hitler was Progressive, then you should dress up like Batman and hang yourself in the closet because..... damn, man. You lost the education game.
Progressive = Communist

Conservative education and literacy levels are at their usual all time low...

But I know what you mean about them there Progressive!(Thunder Clasps)

Daddy Koch so loved Stalin, he moved to the USSR, and worked there...
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So I guess that makes Frank a member in good standing with Stalin's most bitter enemy,

the Nazis.
Yes, yes we know, Hitler was a liberal. Mussolini and Franco were both liberal socialist too. I hear Tojo was one of them liberal/socialist/progressive too, right?
Stalin's communism and Hitler's National Socialism were just two competing sides of the same Progressive coin. .. :cool:
Stalin? We didn't seem to mind him too much when he was slaughtering, the Germans...

FDR Called him "Uncle" right after he starved 3 million children to death in the Ukraine in 1933.

Have to wonder what it was like growing up Roosevelt
Stalin? We didn't seem to mind him too much when he was slaughtering, the Germans...

Not at all. Stalin was getting his genocide on disguising it as love for the state while hitler was busy gassing jews and anything not white. FDR rewarded stalin though and ceded off eastern europe to his brand of genocide.
Stalin? We didn't seem to mind him too much when he was slaughtering, the Germans...

Not at all. Stalin was getting his genocide on disguising it as love for the state while hitler was busy gassing jews and anything not white. FDR rewarded stalin though and ceded off eastern europe to his brand of genocide.

Although relations between the Soviet Union and the United States had been strained in the years before World War II, the U.S.-Soviet alliance of 1941–1945 was marked by a great degree of cooperation and was essential to securing the defeat of Nazi Germany. Without the remarkable efforts of the Soviet Union on the Eastern Front, the United States and Great Britain would have been hard pressed to score a decisive military victory over Nazi Germany.

U.S.-Soviet Alliance, 1941?1945 - 1937?1945 - Milestones - Office of the Historian

The only way to dislodge the Soviets from Eastern Europe would have been to go to war with them.

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