The Banality of Evil in America?

If the Russians had tortured and killed Brittany Griner, would you say the same?

Not even close to the same thing. Griner was INVITED to come to Russia, and then the Russians nabbed her on a pretextual charge because they were upset that Biden imposed sanctions on them and got most of the rest of the world to go along with them.

Gonzalo went to Ukraine because American women would have nothing to do with his misogyny, married a Ukrainian woman, but then still proceeded to violate the laws of the Ukraine.
Ukie Flag Americans.jpg
I'm the kind of American who is happy to see stupid people eliminated by Natural Selection.

Oh, and I don't fly a Ukrainian Flag.

I think that the Ukrainians and Russians need to sit down and hammer out a peace agreement everyone can live with because the war has become kind of pointless from a cost-benefit analysis.

The difference is I wouldn't go to Kyiv or Moscow and start screaming that, because the audience isn't terribly receptive at this point. Both sides are suffering from the "Sunk-cost" fallacy- that they've given up so much blood and treasure, so we should keep doing it.

The Banality of Evil in America?

12 Jan 2024 ~~ By Rep. Kieth Self

“The trouble with Eichmann was precisely that so many were like him, and that the many were neither perverted nor sadistic, that they were, and still are, terribly and terrifyingly normal.” ― Hannah Arendt, Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil
How could a nation as advanced as Germany at the turn of the last century, embrace or even tolerate the tyranny of National Socialism? Why did German citizens, many of them sophisticated, so easily conform to and participate in the rabid antisemitic worldview of Adolf Hitler?
History tends to focus on the sinister leaders of WWII: Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels, and Adolf Eichmann. These malevolent men were only part of the equation. The state- sponsored ghettos, concentration camps, and systematic murders of more than six million Jews would not have been possible without the tolerance and participation of the German people.Can something similar happen again today in America?
This is the issue of the banality of evil. How ordinary people can become instruments of wickedness against fellow citizens.
Here is some background. Prior to WWII, the prospect of a once peaceful, productive people inflicting inhumanity on mankind again through obedience to a tyrannical government seemed implausible.
The shattered post-World War I German economy was ripe ground for a socialist government to offer attractive solutions to a struggling people. With hyperinflation, vast unemployment, and desperation among working class people, the Nazi Party funded public projects and work schemes might have seemed like a good idea. Throw in public animosity against a struggling democracy, and you had the beginnings of the Third Reich.
Once Germans came under the Nazi spell, demonizing the Jewish people by creating a climate of hostility towards them followed.
We are seeing in real time our own government lull Americans to sleep with mass welfare, bailouts, spiraling government spending, and healthcare mandates – all instituted by “experts”.
Progressives tested the theory of controlling American lives during the COVID-19 pandemic while also weaponizing the federal government against a certain segment of our population. It proved so successful that corporate board members and everyday citizens are now submitting to, tolerating, and even participating in this wicked scheme.
While the silence of progressive politicians embracing the tyranny imposed on our liberty during the pandemic was stunning, radical Members of Congress promoting antisemitism is disgusting. Their puppets are leftovers from Antifa and the Black Lives Matter movements masquerading as pro-Palestinians. They are following with their eyes wide shut; promulgating protests in support of Hamas while attempting to justify the horrific actions of October 7th.
Unfortunately, the potential for this horrible point in human history repeating itself no longer seems farfetched. Shockingly, while America was largely responsible for the demise of National Socialism after WWII, our government may now be a catalyst for the re-emergence of the banality of evil, where ordinary citizens yield to its tyranny. Can it happen here?

Who is really running this administration? Certainly, Biden us not.....
We are being told to follow what our leader tells us, Just as Hitler and yes, Joe Stalin did in the 20th Century.
The question one must ask is, are we repeating the errors of the past, just as George Orwell prophetically wrote?
I was surprised that no one has been aghast at the two vile Hitler like speeches Joe Biden made, One in dark blood red in Philadelphoa and another most recent in Valley Forge about White Supremacy and the MAGA's while shaking his fists.

Bed wetting leftist filth is a malignant cancer. These malevolent pieces of shit deserve everything that's going to happen to them after the collapse.
Griner wasn't a "drug smuggler". She had a prescription for a CBD product from her doctor.
Convicted in a court of law. Just a moment ago you were mumbling some shit about the laws/prerogative of the country you're in... Nice to see you can keep your "convictions" (pun intended) flexible...
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Not even close to the same thing. Griner was INVITED to come to Russia, and then the Russians nabbed her on a pretextual charge because they were upset that Biden imposed sanctions on them and got most of the rest of the world to go along with them.

Gonzalo went to Ukraine because American women would have nothing to do with his misogyny, married a Ukrainian woman, but then still proceeded to violate the laws of the Ukraine.
Yeah and in your mind, Julian Assange should be hung by the neck. We must always support the establishment. Lol.

Shit libs are the worst.
Yeah and in your mind, Julian Assange should be hung by the neck. We must always support the establishment. Lol.

Shit libs are the worst.
Posts like his, and many others here are just more incontrovertible proof that there is no going back. The nation to a sufficient extent is terminally polarized. When one side can cheer the death of an American citizen at the hands of a dependent/ally on the grounds that they take a different political view than they do... Well it tells you everything you need to know. They aren't ProAmerican.
They are pro Party. If they were ProAmerican, it wouldn't make any difference short of rape or murder what this man did, the US should have demanded in no uncertain terms the release of its citizen within 24 hours, or Ukraine never sees another US dollar, bullet, blanket, or bandage. It's not a discussion or debate. It's exactly what's going to happen. Lira would have been on the next plane out of Kiev before the sun had set. But no... He was guilty of "wrong think"; so many of his "fellow":laugh: Americans, and the Biden Administration just blow it off, or in some cases take joy in his outcome. There's no coming back from this type of selective intervention on behalf of the US Government. Stick a fork in it. It's all over but the cryin'...
Convicted in a court of law. Just a moment ago you mumbling some shit about the laws/prerogative of the country you're in... Nice to see you can keep your "convictions" (pun intended) flexible...

Moron, do you seriously think America would cut millitary aid to Ukraine because some Kremlin propaganda tool got arrested there?

Griner getting 10 years for prescribed medication and other Americans getting baselessly arested just showed to the world yet again what backward, corrupt shit hole Russia is.
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Posts like his, and many others here are just more incontrovertible proof that there is no going back. The nation to a sufficient extent is terminally polarized. When one side can cheer the death of an American citizen at the hands of a dependent/ally on the grounds that they take a different political view than they do... Well it tells you everything you need to know. They aren't ProAmerican.
They are pro Party. If they were ProAmerican, it wouldn't make any difference short of rape or murder what this man did, the US should have demanded in no uncertain terms the release of its citizen within 24 hours, or Ukraine never sees another US dollar, bullet, blanket, or bandage. It's not a discussion or debate. It's exactly what's going to happen. Lira would have been on the next plane out of Kiev before the sun had set. But no... He was guilty of "wrong think"; so many of his "fellow":laugh: Americans, and the Biden Administration just blow it off, or in some cases take joy in his outcome. There's no coming back from this type of selective intervention on behalf of the US Government. Stick a fork in it. It's all over but the cryin'...

Nobody is cheering his death dumb ass.

He seems to have died from pneumonia at a hospital.

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Convicted in a court of law. Just a moment ago you were mumbling some shit about the laws/prerogative of the country you're in... Nice to see you can keep your "convictions" (pun intended) flexible...
So was Navalny
Bullshit peddler, he died from pnuemonia.


Not exactly a shocker for someone who smoked two packs a day.
Good point.

That said, would he have still died if he hadn't broken Ukrainian law and ended up in a prison? Probably not. It would have been much better for all involved if Ukraine had just expelled him.
Good point.

That said, would he have still died if he hadn't broken Ukrainian law and ended up in a prison? Probably not. It would have been much better for all involved if Ukraine had just expelled him.

Woulda coulda. No one could have known he would croak like that.

Obviously he himself didn't know as he never even asked for American gov to get him out while he was on bail, at home. Instead he sought asylum in Hungary (and was declined).

To me that indicates that he was either a total paranoid nutbag or more likely had some legal problems in the states.

And btw, changes against him include feeding intelligence to Russians. Fuck him.
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Good point.

That said, would he have still died if he hadn't broken Ukrainian law and ended up in a prison? Probably not. It would have been much better for all involved if Ukraine had just expelled him.

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