Stalin was a Progressive

Over 10m people dead only sounds like progress to morons.

Snot - Snooze Button - YouTube

Progressives are history's biggest mass murderers, Stalin, Hitler and Mao being the Top Three

And what of Teddy Roosevelt who ran for the presidency on the Progressive party ticket? Think the American people missed that? And Teddy not only ran on that Progressive ticket but did so after serving as a Republican president, and after Progressive Teddy was out of office he had the Republican party select his boy, Taft. So how many more progressives are the Republicans hiding?
Over 10m people dead only sounds like progress to morons.

Snot - Snooze Button - YouTube

Progressives are history's biggest mass murderers, Stalin, Hitler and Mao being the Top Three

And what of Teddy Roosevelt who ran for the presidency on the Progressive party ticket? Think the American people missed that? And Teddy not only ran on that Progressive ticket but did so after serving as a Republican president, and after Progressive Teddy was out of office he had the Republican party select his boy, Taft. So how many more progressives are the Republicans hiding?

Doesn't matter -- "Progressive" is a meaningless hack term used by hacks like Frank to describe a general bag of demons. First you dump every demon you can think of in there, even if they were mortally opposed to each other (Hitler/Stalin), then you declare that your current opponent in the here and now belongs there too.

It's a bag of insanity sealed in a box of psychosis pinned under a 16-ton weight of random irrelevance. It's a crutch used by hacks who would like to participate in political debate yet but just don't know anything about it. Actually I think Glenn Beck made it up, they ingest and repeat without knowing what the words mean, kinda like singing in a foreign language.

Want to see a disappearing act? Ask them to define it. Won't happen.
The crusader that is frank is like most other conservatives. Trying to compare progressives to those that owned slaves, that progressives still try to keep blacks enslaved with food stamps and other safety nets and it's conservatives who truly love the black man (if he would just get off his lazy butt and act white of course); that progressives are the brothers of Hitler and the nazis even though it's conservatives like themselves that hate unions and intellectuals just like the nazis did. The latest one now - stalin was a progressive. Really. All this to take the focus off of what conservatives are really about. Trying to seek the superior moral justification for their selfishness (Galbraith).
I define progressive as someone who knowingly or not wants us to progress toward tyranny, totalitarian fascism and communism

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Why does the Right persist with these hollow accusations: that the left is somehow committed to the same agenda as card carrying Communists. Now we are told that Stalin was not only a Progressive but the leader of all Progressive men.

Based on what; the title of your thread as authored by some obscure Russian journalist writing for the Pravda? It’ll take more than that to convince me of any nexus between Communism and Progressivism.
Let’s take a look at the period known as the Progressive Era and analyze who some of the major players in the Progressive movement were from 1890-(the beginning of the era} until 1932- {when it supposedly ended; according to many historians.}
File:president Theodore Roosevelt, 1904.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
File:William Howard Taft, Bain bw photo portrait, 1908.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
File:Thomas Woodrow Wilson, Harris & Ewing bw photo portrait, 1919.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No matter how you try to obfuscate the truth, no one will associate these three presidents with Stalin or Communism. These leaders have collectively been dubbed the Progressive presidents; perhaps due to cohesiveness of common goals under the Progressive umbrella. Now, honestly, tell me of any Communist regime that has ever promoted rights for women, Blacks other minorities or anyone else? Tell me of any communist organization or nation of that era that would encourage capitalism. You can’t.
However, I can point to progressives like Henry Ford to cement my argument. Do you dare to call him a communist?
What historians have identified as "business progressivism", with its emphasis on efficiency and typified by Henry Ford and Herbert Hoover[79] reached an apogee in the 1920s. Wik, for example, argues that Ford's "views on technology and the mechanization of rural America were generally enlightened, progressive, and often far ahead of his times."[80]
Tindall stresses the continuing importance of the Progressive movement in the South in the 1920s involving increased democracy, efficient government, corporate regulation, social justice, and governmental public service.[81][82] William Link finds political progressivism dominant in most of the South in the 1920s.[83] Likewise it was influential in Midwest.[84]

And; the eerie silence that wafts over this thread, now that the true nature of progressivism has been revealed, tells more than the false machinations heard over at Faux Noise.
Teddy Roosevelt and Wilson were Progressive, as I've defined.

progressive is someone who knowingly or not, wants us to progress toward tyranny, totalitarian fascism and communism
I define progressive as someone who knowingly or not wants us to progress toward tyranny, totalitarian fascism and communism

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

I define sanctimonious vacuous bullshit as purporting to define an alleged political philosophy in one sentence, from a phone using Tapatalk while waiting in line at the convenience store to pay for a bag of Doritos.
I define progressive as someone who knowingly or not wants us to progress toward tyranny, totalitarian fascism and communism

Sent from my XT1080 using Tapatalk

I define sanctimonious vacuous bullshit as purporting to define an alleged political philosophy in one sentence, from a phone using Tapatalk while waiting in line at the convenience store to pay for a bag of Doritos.

Is didums all upset?
"Upset" like this ...

It's called ridicule, dood. If you ever want to be taken seriously, try breaking a synapse sweat.
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Over 10m people dead only sounds like progress to morons.

Snot - Snooze Button - YouTube

Progressives are history's biggest mass murderers, Staling Hitler and Mao being the Top Three
You don't know what Progressive means.

If you are really so stupid that you would honestly say that Adolf Hitler was Progressive, then you should dress up like Batman and hang yourself in the closet because..... damn, man. You lost the education game.

The National SOCIALIST Worker's Party is always called the far right, but they believed in SOCIALISM -(Progressive); an all encompassing, all control big government (progressive); there style of social justice (progressive); absolute gun control (progressive) and the list can go on and on. Big government and socialism are leftist and progressive.

The was very little that separated Stalin and Hitler's rule!
What is an American "Progressive" why the spiffy new title? Is it Democrat? No. Liberal? No. Conservative or Republican? Nope.

Well that just leaves the ideology and personalities Progressives admire: Mao, Stalin and Hitler
Progressives are history's biggest mass murderers, Staling Hitler and Mao being the Top Three
You don't know what Progressive means.

If you are really so stupid that you would honestly say that Adolf Hitler was Progressive, then you should dress up like Batman and hang yourself in the closet because..... damn, man. You lost the education game.

The National SOCIALIST Worker's Party is always called the far right, but they believed in SOCIALISM -(Progressive); an all encompassing, all control big government (progressive); there style of social justice (progressive); absolute gun control (progressive) and the list can go on and on. Big government and socialism are leftist and progressive.

The was very little that separated Stalin and Hitler's rule!

  1. The NSDAP had little to do with "socialism" other than having adopted a term that was trendy in 1920 (an adjective to which Hitler himself objected); they were indeed far right, as exemplified by übernationalism, militarism, appeals to tradition, past glories and religion, and persecutions of minorities;
  2. Size of government has absolutely zero to do with "left", "right", "progressive" or "regressive"';
  3. The NSDAP did not practice absolute gun control (nor do we);
  4. The very first prisoners at Dachau were communists, who represented a perceived threat to the NSDAP (along with liberals and "progressives");
  5. True, the list can go on and on.
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Teddy Roosevelt and Wilson were Progressive, as I've defined.

progressive is someone who knowingly or not, wants us to progress toward tyranny, totalitarian fascism and communism

Pray, how do you "want" something -- and not know it?


Pray, how do you push for communism and fascism at the same time?


Didn't think this through, didja?
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What is an American "Progressive" why the spiffy new title? Is it Democrat? No. Liberal? No. Conservative or Republican? Nope.

Well that just leaves the ideology and personalities Progressives admire: Mao, Stalin and Hitler

Non sequitur. You've attempted to define something by ipse dixit elimination of what it is not. That doesn't make a definition.

Even if it made any sense at all, what would this make those who oppose "progressivism"?

-- Regressives.
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What is an American "Progressive" why the spiffy new title? Is it Democrat? No. Liberal? No. Conservative or Republican? Nope.

Well that just leaves the ideology and personalities Progressives admire: Mao, Stalin and Hitler

Non sequitur. You've attempted to define something by ipse dixit elimination of what it is not. That doesn't make a definition.

Even if it made any sense at all, what would this make those who oppose "progressivism"?

-- Regressives.

Yeah, totally. Regressive. That's so hurtful. I'm against your progress toward Fascism so I must be a Regressive

You're the Progressives! Boldly marching forward to a Brave new world! The workers will control the means of production!
Either you're a conservatard or you're a full blown communist.

There's no in between setting.
What is an American "Progressive" why the spiffy new title? Is it Democrat? No. Liberal? No. Conservative or Republican? Nope.

Well that just leaves the ideology and personalities Progressives admire: Mao, Stalin and Hitler

Non sequitur. You've attempted to define something by ipse dixit elimination of what it is not. That doesn't make a definition.

Even if it made any sense at all, what would this make those who oppose "progressivism"?

-- Regressives.

Yeah, totally. Regressive. That's so hurtful. I'm against your progress toward Fascism so I must be a Regressive

You're the Progressives! Boldly marching forward to a Brave new world! The workers will control the means of production!

Nah ah :nono: -- progress toward fascism and communism simultaneously, remember? We're kind of bipolar that way. :cuckoo:
Non sequitur. You've attempted to define something by ipse dixit elimination of what it is not. That doesn't make a definition.

Even if it made any sense at all, what would this make those who oppose "progressivism"?

-- Regressives.

Yeah, totally. Regressive. That's so hurtful. I'm against your progress toward Fascism so I must be a Regressive

You're the Progressives! Boldly marching forward to a Brave new world! The workers will control the means of production!

Nah ah :nono: -- progress toward fascism and communism simultaneously, remember? We're kind of bipolar that way. :cuckoo:


nothing bipolar about it; a member of the Italian Communist party; a SOCIALIST; and UNION MEMBER; is credited wth inventing fascism

must be a coincidence

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