Stalin was a Progressive

libs are so blissfully ignorant of their sordid past and hypocrisy

It kinda figures that the same crowd that doesn't know the difference between Liberal and leftist is equally clueless about the difference between fascism and communism.

-- which is why they come up with cockamamie labels like "progressive". Because defining terms is for thinkers. Can't have that going on in a Murka.
you're in denial loser

the whole history if the American Progressive movement is one of racism and a desire for eugenics

Hitler greatly admitted the American Progressive movement

the confused and willfully ignorant one is you
the LEFT ARE THE INTOLERANT ONES; the ones with speech codes on college campuses; the ones who drive away and shout down people holding differnet views

you are what you project onto the other side
libs are so blissfully ignorant of their sordid past and hypocrisy

It kinda figures that the same crowd that doesn't know the difference between Liberal and leftist is equally clueless about the difference between fascism and communism.

-- which is why they come up with cockamamie labels like "progressive". Because defining terms is for thinkers. Can't have that going on in a Murka.

So you don't consider yourself to be a Progressive?
in what way do your views differ from Progressive's views?
you're in denial loser

the whole history if the American Progressive movement is one of racism and a desire for eugenics

Hitler greatly admitted the American Progressive movement

the confused and willfully ignorant one is you
the LEFT ARE THE INTOLERANT ONES; the ones with speech codes on college campuses; the ones who drive away and shout down people holding differnet views

you are what you project onto the other side
Josef Mengele and Margaret Sanger Singer would have been best of friends

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libs are so blissfully ignorant of their sordid past and hypocrisy

It kinda figures that the same crowd that doesn't know the difference between Liberal and leftist is equally clueless about the difference between fascism and communism.

-- which is why they come up with cockamamie labels like "progressive". Because defining terms is for thinkers. Can't have that going on in a Murka.

So you don't consider yourself to be a Progressive?
in what way do your views differ from Progressive's views?

No one has ever defined this elusive term, so no, even if I was simpleminded enough to believe in labels like you are, I don't have any description for this one. So -- no.

How my views "differ" from something that doesn't exist is a non-question.
It won't be long before someone claims Stalin was one of America's founding fathers. On these boards, posters can make any person, any belief, any ideology into anybody or anything they want. I don't know that anyone accepts some of this stuff, but I suspect some might.
Still Marx did congratulate Lincoln on his election to president.
And Hitler was a conservative. He believed Christianity is great, was traditional on issues like gay marriage and the role of women in society. He also strongly believed in a national security state and was prejuidiced like many conservatives in the US at that time (KKK for example).
What point do you want to make, almost no progessives support Stalin and almost no conservatives Hitler.
When asked in a debate during the 2008 presidential primaries if she considers herself a liberal, Hillary Clinton said she prefers “the word progressive” because liberalism “has been turned up on its head and made to seem as though it is a word that describes big government.”

Read more: Can progressives define what to be a ?progressive? actually means? | The Daily Caller

Of course, when we create our own definitions, they sound so correct, and it is so easy to believe in a definition that fits one's politics. But, there are real definitions, accepted definitions, definitions used in the college classrooms, and in adult life-they do exist. Most college book stores have small booklets with the definitions, histories and examples of the various political ideologies, but most of us like to create our own.
Many USMB Libs get their little panties in a bunch whenever I call Stalin a "Progressive" and my thoughtful, caring response is usually a variation on, "Wahh wahh wahh too fucking bad"

Here is Pravda from 1940 celebrating one the great Founding Fathers of the Progressive Movement

Progressive = Communist

G. M. Malenkov

Comrade Stalin—Leader of Progressive Mankind

Source: “Pravda Articles”, On the Occasion of the 70th Birthday of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, December 21, 1949
Publisher: Soviet News, London, 1950
Transcription/HTML Markup: Brian Reid
Public Domain: Marxists Internet Archive (2008). You may freely copy, distribute, display and perform this work; as well as make derivative and commercial works. Please credit “Marxists Internet Archive” as your source.

A QUARTER of a century ago Comrade Stalin gave an oath on behalf of the Party to fulfil with credit the behests of Lenin. Comrade Stalin’s oath resounded as a fighting call to the Party, to the working class, to the Soviet people, and was a lode-star in the historic struggle to refashion social life, the struggle for the construction of Socialist society.

Comrade Stalin led our Party and the Soviet people along Lenin’s road. He upheld and developed Lenin’s theory on the possibility of the victory of Socialism in one country. Putting Lenin’s behests into practice, our Party under the leadership of Comrade Stalin, secured the Socialist industrialisation of the country and the collectivisation of agriculture, converting the Soviet Union into a great industrial and collective farm Socialist Power."

Comrade Stalin - Leader of Progressive Mankind

Yes Old Joe was a Progressive Socialist as was his evil twin Adolph
When asked in a debate during the 2008 presidential primaries if she considers herself a liberal, Hillary Clinton said she prefers “the word progressive” because liberalism “has been turned up on its head and made to seem as though it is a word that describes big government.”

Read more: Can progressives define what to be a ?progressive? actually means? | The Daily Caller

Of course, when we create our own definitions, they sound so correct, and it is so easy to believe in a definition that fits one's politics. But, there are real definitions, accepted definitions, definitions used in the college classrooms, and in adult life-they do exist. Most college book stores have small booklets with the definitions, histories and examples of the various political ideologies, but most of us like to create our own.

Re creating words - creating a definition to suit an ideology has been used by socio-fascists for a very long time time.

The Bolsheviks [Russian Communists] in their early Days were opposed to the Mensheviks - Bolshevik translates to Party of the Majority
Menshevik translates to Party of the Minority

In reality the Bolsheviks were the party of the MInority - but they commandeered the word and it suited their agenda.

Homosexuals are a sad lot of degenerates - yet they run around calling themselves "Gay" - when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Liberal , used to describe the political ideology in USAisone of the biggest Oxymorons currently in use - Liberals [and the self morphed progressive] are among the most rigid and closed minded people society has ever bred.
When asked in a debate during the 2008 presidential primaries if she considers herself a liberal, Hillary Clinton said she prefers “the word progressive” because liberalism “has been turned up on its head and made to seem as though it is a word that describes big government.”

Read more: Can progressives define what to be a ?progressive? actually means? | The Daily Caller

Of course, when we create our own definitions, they sound so correct, and it is so easy to believe in a definition that fits one's politics. But, there are real definitions, accepted definitions, definitions used in the college classrooms, and in adult life-they do exist. Most college book stores have small booklets with the definitions, histories and examples of the various political ideologies, but most of us like to create our own.

Exactly, and you don't even have to define what you're talking about -- you just know it's "evil". :rofl:

That's why I love pressing the issue and watching them go "awk, but, splut splut splut, er, ah, um, I mean, you know, whatever, you're just Hitler, that's all...".
Give 'em a rope, sit back and watch. :popcorn:

It can be really funny. One guy actually posted a picture of Nazis shooting people into an open grave and that was his definition of "progressive". And this guy is a Moderator. That's how little definitions matter to some wags.
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And Hitler was a conservative. He believed Christianity is great, was traditional on issues like gay marriage and the role of women in society. He also strongly believed in a national security state and was prejuidiced like many conservatives in the US at that time (KKK for example).
What point do you want to make, almost no progessives support Stalin and almost no conservatives Hitler.
And another required historical correction: The KKK was the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party.

KKK Terrorist Arm of the Democratic Party | National Black Republican Association
So I guess that makes Frank a member in good standing with Stalin's most bitter enemy,

the Nazis.

You progressives can't seem to shake that whole binary thinking handicap, can you?

Hey, ya want binary thought, Frank covered that in yesterday's logical multi-car collision:

What is an American "Progressive" why the spiffy new title? Is it Democrat? No. Liberal? No. Conservative or Republican? Nope.

Well that just leaves the ideology and personalities Progressives admire: Mao, Stalin and Hitler

Doesn't get much more binary than that. Although to be fair -- I gotta give that last post of yours above an honorable mention. :salute:

'Sup Dave -- welcome back. :eusa_angel:
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Over 10m people dead only sounds like progress to morons.

Snot - Snooze Button - YouTube

Progressives are history's biggest mass murderers, Stalin, Hitler and Mao being the Top Three khans have them beat....

Not even close.... Stalin alone killed more people than all the Khans...ever... What's astonishing is, according to some figures, the progressives have killed more people than the Black Death did.
When asked in a debate during the 2008 presidential primaries if she considers herself a liberal, Hillary Clinton said she prefers “the word progressive” because liberalism “has been turned up on its head and made to seem as though it is a word that describes big government.”

Read more: Can progressives define what to be a ?progressive? actually means? | The Daily Caller

She's right about the morph of "liberal". I doubt a quarter of posters on this forum can even smell a proper definition. But she doesn't give us a definition of "progressive" either. The simple assumption is that it relates to "progress". Who's against progress?

On the other hand Westwall here claims Progressives are the ones who shoot people into mass graves. So are we saying that Hillary Clinton shoots people into mass graves? That's what it has to mean after all --- unless you and Westwall don't agree on what that murky definition is -- which would make the whole term meaningless bullshit and you're each individually just winging it.

Which way you wanna run with this ball? :popcorn:

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