STALINS's Red Banner Raised on Top of Norwegian Mountain. Why have we not banned the STALIN´S flag?


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Same as nazi swastika... COMMIES killed millions
The nazi flag with a swastika symbol is banned. Why have we not banned the STALIN´S flag? USSR were as criminal as the Nazi Germans were. Did they not together start ww2 by invading Poland? Did they not occupy the Baltics and expel NATIVE people to far east (GULAG ) ? Did they not do the Holdomor?
The USSR empire no longer exists so Norway is under no obligation to entertain any Muscovite interest in Svalbard

When are you going to come to terms with the fact that your fellow Biden supporters LOVE Soviet communism, and have for decades?

We? Who is we? Americans have a 1st Amendment right to fly any flag they want. Why should we worry about freaking Norway?

And in this I completely agree. At least in the US, people have the right to fly any flag they want. The Gay Pride Flag, the Soviet Flag, the NSDAP Flag, even the flag of the NCR or Enclave if they so choose. And I actually strongly support those rights. Does not matter if I agree with them or not, it is their Constitutional right and I fully support it.

But not the Caesar's Legion Flag, because screw those guys.

On your own property, yes.

Notice, your reference is talking about where a city owned US flag was removed and another put in its place.

That is a complete and utter failure.
I SEE YOUR point, once again USA IS REAL DEMOCRACY, still, my point is that National - Socialist and commie totalitarian flags ´d be threaten equally. do we agree on this ?
I SEE YOUR point, once again USA IS REAL DEMOCRACY, still, my point is that National - Socialist and commie totalitarian flags ´d be threaten equally. do we agree on this ?

No. Only cry-baby whiners and snowflakes are threatened by a flag. A Communist flag is no more threatening to me than a US flag or the flag of any other republic should be a threat to anybody else.

Only people with a totalitarian mindset want to end free speech and free expression of others. Like those that in the US scream to remove any Confederate Flags. Ultimately, they are the same thing, totalitarians who feel threatened by others having their own opinions, and insisting that everybody think exactly as they do.

And yes, I would object strongly to the removal of a Soviet flag from a war memorial, as I object to the removal of any war memorials. I even protested when Ukraine removed war memorials to Soviet dead from WWII. They are memorials to the fallen, and are a threat to nobody unless they believe in rewriting history and want to eradicate the past.

Snitwin, don't try to twist what I say, or put thoughts or words into my mouth. I said absolutely nothing like what you did, and implying I did is offensive.
so you are a supporter of Moscow imperialism and a big fan of stalinists´ Nazi collaborationists ?

Where in the hell did I ever say that? Nowhere, I promise you.

I am simply disgusted by and detest people that scream they are the only ones who have rights. That they should be free to do whatever they want, and anybody they think opposes their beliefs should be silenced and shunned.

You really seem to have no clue what "freedom" is. But that's alright, a lot of people do not understand it either. They want to believe it only applies to them and nobody else.

This is why I have been laughing at you for years now. And once again, as I have told you many times do not try and claim to know what I think. Because I promise you will be wrong every damned time.

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