Stampede of the wise in liberal cities to the conservative states to fight !!!

Look at who is on who’s side ??

The liberals have the women and conservatives the men

The stoopid liberal states women will erupt in massive rapes of the women who voted for the criminals to be let loose

Women are about to see how stoopid they have been

The INCEL has spoken
Really stoopid liberal states has had the wise leaving fast the last many years and now has much more with a stampede

The wise and ones with the power law enforcement are moving fast to the conservative states to fight the stoopid loser liberals

Those aren't "the wise".

This poster thinks the wise are the ones defunding the police

Can’t be that stooopid so must be just a liar
If they agree with you they are about as far from "wise" as you can get, incel.

Learn history on how men protect children and the women

They protect them by not letting them get fooled by crooks

They protect them from stopping them from making their decisions

They protect them by stopping Adam type men that goes along with women instead of correcting them from bringing in the harm
Really stoopid liberal states has had the wise leaving fast the last many years and now has much more with a stampede

The wise and ones with the power law enforcement are moving fast to the conservative states to fight the stoopid loser liberals

That would be amazing if they all left the NYC force. NYC would EXPLODE in a riot of crime and there is little they could do to replace them other than do the very crackdown they have opposed and ask Trump for the very help they vowed never to ask. And New York State might finally flip back to a RED state.

its happening-----the city is already exploding in crime. -----the only people left here will be those incapable of running away
Good. Good. Let the world see what this insane catharsis and black genuflection over a 2-bit felon being killed, treating him as if he were a saint and the insane overreaction of shutting down police, tying their hands so now you can't even look cross at a black person does to the city! Just wait until some black guy with a gun goes on a murder spree unstopped by the police because the police were defended, no cops were available and the man could not be subdued because they weren't allowed to use a choke hold to get him down, no mace, not even force and the guy is 6'6" and strong. Just wait until because of that, people get killed. Just wait until stores close due to rampant crime and people are afraid to walk the streets due to brash gangs with no fear of reprisal. I can't wait. I can't wait for the celebs and politicians and mouthpieces like Al Sharpton and Sheila Jackson Lee all come out and try to claim it is "the white man's fault" or Trump's fault. I can't wait to see unmitigated unrestricted progressivism blow up once again in America's face.
Really stoopid liberal states has had the wise leaving fast the last many years and now has much more with a stampede

The wise and ones with the power law enforcement are moving fast to the conservative states to fight the stoopid loser liberals

That would be amazing if they all left the NYC force. NYC would EXPLODE in a riot of crime and there is little they could do to replace them other than do the very crackdown they have opposed and ask Trump for the very help they vowed never to ask. And New York State might finally flip back to a RED state.

its happening-----the city is already exploding in crime. -----the only people left here will be those incapable of running away
Good. Good. Let the world see what this insane catharsis and black genuflection over a 2-bit felon being killed, treating him as if he were a saint and the insane overreaction of shutting down police, tying their hands so now you can't even look cross at a black person does to the city! Just wait until some black guy with a gun goes on a murder spree unstopped by the police because the police were defended, no cops were available and the man could not be subdued because they weren't allowed to use a choke hold to get him down, no mace, not even force and the guy is 6'6" and strong. Just wait until because of that, people get killed. Just wait until stores close due to rampant crime and people are afraid to walk the streets due to brash gangs with no fear of reprisal. I can't wait. I can't wait for the celebs and politicians and mouthpieces like Al Sharpton and Sheila Jackson Lee all come out and try to claim it is "the white man's fault" or Trump's fault. I can't wait to see unmitigated unrestricted progressivism blow up once again in America's face.

sit tight----there are all sorts of perverted "progams" in the works galvanized by our "elected" scum. It
will happen suddenly-----THE SHIT WILL HIT THE FAN.
I live in a diverse city------for now I do not leave my apartment. I just tune into the morning news to hear
just how many DIED in the crossfire

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