State braces for 'really terrible' budget cuts


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2009
Once again, a struggling economy has dropped state revenues through the floor, presenting California with about a $20 billion deficit for fiscal year 2010-11. But after solving a $17 billion deficit in 2008 and a $60 billion one in 2009, the governor and legislature are running out of things to cut.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's office is predicting severe budget cuts in the next fiscal year to offset a $20 billion plus expected deficit.

On Friday, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger will kick off the latest budget season with the release of the May revise, an annual event in Sacramento where the governor adjusts his January budget proposal to reflect tax receipts from April. Schwarzenegger warned in January that "tough times still lie ahead," but there was hope that the economy would rebound enough to avoid more severe cuts.

It never materialized.

Now, the Capitol community and anyone who relies on state services are bracing for a near-apocalyptic budget plan from the governor. And while his office isn't releasing any early details, it's not offering any reassurances either.

"We had a $20 billion problem in January. The Legislature acted on about $1 billion of that problem. So, we still have a lot to solve," said gubernatorial press secretary Aaron McLear, "and it will require some really terrible cuts because the governor is not going to propose raising taxes."

Schwarzenegger's budget proposal is expected to include monumental cuts to social programs and other state services, but it is only a proposal. The legislature is ultimately tasked with writing the budget – the governor merely has the power to veto all or part of it.

State braces for 'really terrible' budget cuts | budget, governor, legislature - News - The Orange County Register

And they are in a frenzy to boycott AZ??? If AZ wanted to, THEY could sink CA in a flat second!
Slash it to the bloody bone baby, slash it to the bone!

And just who should brace for this terrible cut? The people who work hard for a living and are responsible for themselves. Or do you mean everyone who has a hand in the pot sucking of the state like a leach?

I'll just brace for the give me more, give it to me free, give it to me now rioting and looting.
If CA had just limited the growth of government spending to inflation adjusted for population growth, we'd have a surplus. The government grew faster than that for no other reason than greed.

The state should reduce employment by at least 10%, enact tiered pay cuts ranging from 5 to 20%, freeze pay and hiring, and restructure pensions replacing them with 401K style plans.
Slash it to the bloody bone baby, slash it to the bone!

And just who should brace for this terrible cut? The people who work hard for a living and are responsible for themselves. Or do you mean everyone who has a hand in the pot sucking of the state like a leach?

I'll just brace for the give me more, give it to me free, give it to me now rioting and looting.

You can't possibly be this stupid. The idiots on the streets asking for a free ride are usually the homeless white people. Mexicans are always out there ready to work, to make sure you don't pay $10 for your strawberries, and can get a head of lettuce for under a dollar. They are the ones who do the grunge work that is keeping this economy from the brink. The data proves that they give more to the economy than they use from public services. They pay taxes and don't get a refund. Their checks boost Social Security 7 billion per year, and they'll never even get to use it. SO get your facts straight.

They work harder than most Americans have every worked. In Yuma Arizona, the lettuce farmers cant get anyone BUT Mexicans to do the difficult task of harvesting the lettuce crops, and no, it isn't because of cheap labor either. They do it and it pays about $15/hr, but AMericans are tooo fucking lazy to do it.
Slash it to the bloody bone baby, slash it to the bone!

And just who should brace for this terrible cut? The people who work hard for a living and are responsible for themselves. Or do you mean everyone who has a hand in the pot sucking of the state like a leach?

I'll just brace for the give me more, give it to me free, give it to me now rioting and looting.

You can't possibly be this stupid. The idiots on the streets asking for a free ride are usually the homeless white people. Mexicans are always out there ready to work, to make sure you don't pay $10 for your strawberries, and can get a head of lettuce for under a dollar. They are the ones who do the grunge work that is keeping this economy from the brink. The data proves that they give more to the economy than they use from public services. They pay taxes and don't get a refund. Their checks boost Social Security 7 billion per year, and they'll never even get to use it. SO get your facts straight.
They work harder than most Americans have every worked. In Yuma Arizona, the lettuce farmers cant get anyone BUT Mexicans to do the difficult task of harvesting the lettuce crops, and no, it isn't because of cheap labor either. They do it and it pays about $15/hr, but AMericans are tooo fucking lazy to do it.

And I'm assuming you have data to back up all that you claim. If so please provide a link with this data so I can provde you with plenty of links that show how much these people are costing us in education, health, and our prison system, especially in California. Then we can have a real debate.
Hi Dart:

Slash it to the bloody bone baby, slash it to the bone!

And just who should brace for this terrible cut? The people who work hard for a living and are responsible for themselves. Or do you mean everyone who has a hand in the pot sucking of the state like a leach?

I'll just brace for the give me more, give it to me free, give it to me now rioting and looting.

You can't possibly be this stupid.

No. Syrenn is right and Dart is the real idiot :)cuckoo:)!

The idiots on the streets asking for a free ride are usually the homeless white people.

If Dart were not an IDIOT, then perhaps he could read my recent Topic (here) explaining how the white people are being 'displaced' from JOBS by the 20 to 30 MILLION goddamned Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals running around loose EVERYWHERE. Unscrupulous American Employers are 'hiring' the goddamned Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals to undercut the competition, but American Workers are the casualties that end up living in Tent Cities and on the streets.

[ame=""]This Is Where The Displaced American Workers Live[/ame]

Mexicans are always out there ready to work, to make sure you don't pay $10 for your strawberries, and can get a head of lettuce for under a dollar.

We are not talking about "Mexicans" you idiot! We are talking about the difference between coming to the USA 'legally' through the front door 'and' coming here "ILLEGALLY" through the back door. Dart is too damn STUPID to understand the difference between coming out of the bank with money 'legally' and ILLEGALLY!!!! BTW, Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals come to the USA ILLEGALLY from all over the earth and NOT just from Mexico ...

They are the ones who do the grunge work that is keeping this economy from the brink.

Nobody can be this STUPID!!! Illegal Aliens take JOBS from real Americans and take bread out of the mouths of real American children! The USA does not have enough JOBS for Americans, but this Dart IDIOT :)cuckoo:) is worrying about the citizens of other countries over the interests of real Americans!!!

The data proves that they give more to the economy than they use from public services.

Listen here you Dartman IDIOT: Illegal Aliens kill 25 real U.S. Citizens EVERY DAY right here in America (12 by murder). That means your goddamned Illegal Aliens kill 10,000 real U.S. Citizens EVERY YEAR, so that 'your' unscrupulous U.S. Employers can have their cheap Illegal Alien labor pool!!!! Allowing Illegal Aliens to steal JOBS from U.S. Workers lowers the wages of EVERYONE in the local job market, which lowers the tax base and destroys the local consumer base for goods and services. The STUPID idiots in California are suffering from severe budget deficits, because American Workers have been displaced from JOBS by your goddamned Illegal Aliens!!! If the people in California are THAT STUPID and are willing to allow Americans to be 'displaced' out of the local JOB markets to live in Tent Cities, then California can drown in a sea of DEBT and slide off into the Pacific Ocean. BTW, the death of each and every U.S. Citizen by 'your' Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals will hang over YOUR HEAD forever and ever, because YOU continue pandering to the Open Border Lobby and the unscrupulous U.S. Employers making a buck off of the Illegal Alien Labor Trade.

They pay taxes and don't get a refund.

Nobody can be THIS STUPID!!! Illegal Aliens work many times for less than half the price of real U.S. Citizens. Illegal Aliens running loose in any job market lower the wages of EVERYONE doing the same job! Masons in my area made 24 dollars per hour some 5 years ago, but now the few jobs around pay 14 dollars per hour. Do you know why? I do! There is a long line of Illegal Aliens willing to work for 10 dollars per hour and any American that wants a mason job must compete with 10 to 20 Illegal Aliens living in one house. The idea that a massive Illegal Alien Labor Pool helps the local tax base is STUPID :)cuckoo:).

Guess what? Displaced Americans cannot pay taxes to support the local schools! Displaced Americans cannot make their house payments and end up in bankruptcy! Too many displaced Americans in your neighborhood means nobody can make a good offer on your house, which means home prices go SOUTH and everyone in the neighborhood ends up with houses under water (mortgage amount greater than home value). However, complete IDIOTS like Dart :)confused:) have no idea about what I am even talking about. They think that 20 to 30 MORE goddamned Illegal Aliens in the local Illegal Labor Pool is good news for everyone :)cuckoo:) ...

Their checks boost Social Security 7 billion per year, and they'll never even get to use it. SO get your facts straight.

Right here is where Dartman proves himself to be a complete and utter FOOL!!!! Dart is talking about Illegal Alien Foreign Nationals (citizens of other countries) making contributions to the Social Security System using Social Security Numbers stolen from real U.S. Citizens! The Illegal Alien broke the law by:

1. Entering the USA Illegally.
2. Forging Documentation to steal a JOB from an American.
3. Signing Employment Documentation using the forged Documentation.
4. Cashing the check using forged Documentation.
5. Transferring Illegal Funds across state lines using forged Documentation.

Dart is endorsing the breaking of ALL of our Laws, so that some unscrupulous U.S. Employer can undercut the competition using Illegal Aliens from his Cheap Illegal Alien Labor Pool!!! The fact that 25 US Citizens are killed by his Illegal Aliens does not even become part of the equation, because all Dart is worrying about is helping people obtain Illegal Profits from the Illegal Alien Slave Trade.

They work harder than most Americans have every worked.

Dart is for rewarding bank robbers with ILLEGAL money, so long as they work hard! This idiot will never know the difference between 'legal' and 'ILLEGAL' ...

In Yuma Arizona, the lettuce farmers cant get anyone BUT Mexicans to do the difficult task of harvesting the lettuce crops, and no, it isn't because of cheap labor either.

That is because the unscrupulous employer has already 'displaced' the local American Workers from the local job market by paying such LOW WAGES to Illegal Aliens! Once the local employers prove to everyone that hiring Illegal Aliens is a good thing, then the Americans must move to other areas where the Govt 'is' enforcing the Immigration and Employment Laws.

They do it and it pays about $15/hr, but AMericans are tooo fucking lazy to do it.

We have 20 MILLION Americans looking for a JOB and Dart really believes that Americans would rather starve than take a $15.00 per hour JOB. No sir. The local farmers are hooked on the cheap Illegal Labor and nobody is enforcing the Laws 'and' Illegal Profits come easy when Govt continues looking the other way ...


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Slash it to the bloody bone baby, slash it to the bone!

And just who should brace for this terrible cut? The people who work hard for a living and are responsible for themselves. Or do you mean everyone who has a hand in the pot sucking of the state like a leach?

I'll just brace for the give me more, give it to me free, give it to me now rioting and looting.

You can't possibly be this stupid. The idiots on the streets asking for a free ride are usually the homeless white people. Mexicans are always out there ready to work, to make sure you don't pay $10 for your strawberries, and can get a head of lettuce for under a dollar. They are the ones who do the grunge work that is keeping this economy from the brink. The data proves that they give more to the economy than they use from public services. They pay taxes and don't get a refund. Their checks boost Social Security 7 billion per year, and they'll never even get to use it. SO get your facts straight.
They work harder than most Americans have every worked. In Yuma Arizona, the lettuce farmers cant get anyone BUT Mexicans to do the difficult task of harvesting the lettuce crops, and no, it isn't because of cheap labor either. They do it and it pays about $15/hr, but AMericans are tooo fucking lazy to do it.

And I'm assuming you have data to back up all that you claim. If so please provide a link with this data so I can provde you with plenty of links that show how much these people are costing us in education, health, and our prison system, especially in California. Then we can have a real debate.

Couldn't agree more.

Hope he comes up with a few links.

I'd be very interested to read how much the illegals are doing for us as opposed to how much they are costing us.

Don't think it even comes close.
This is just the tip of the iceberg. State governments across the country are broke.
Tip of the iceberg? The states are coming back from the near depression Bushie "led" us into with his incompetence and lact of or any understanding at all of domestic policy.
The bigger issue as to why States, Counties, and Cities are growing broke is public employee unions.

Paying above market compensation with huge pensions that allow such employees to retire in their 50s (and then often, double dip with another job), is not good fiscal policy.
The bigger issue as to why States, Counties, and Cities are growing broke is public employee unions.

Paying above market compensation with huge pensions that allow such employees to retire in their 50s (and then often, double dip with another job), is not good fiscal policy.

Agreed, all unions need to go!

d'Artagnan? is that is? Actually I KNOW its the low life americans who are going to get their checks pulled. Do you really think I care if street people dont get a check the first of the month to buy drugs, alcohol and cigarettes?

It's the over paid padded special interest groups who's money is going to dry up. WOOHOO! It's all of the pet aid programs that will stop handing out checks. Its career social service users that will suddenly have to OMG find a job! Its not getting a whopping government raise. Its about saying NO. NO more.

What in the world makes you think that I want the budget cut for just the illegals. Did I even mention them in my post that you quoted?

I want EVERYTHING cut. I want All of it stopped now. All of it cut right back to the bloody bone! Really sorry your handicapped but im not redoing every corner in this city on the off chance your wheel chair is going to roll over it. Sorry you have 5 children and want us to pay for you child care. I'm sorry but you are going to have to use the money you have to *SHOCK* to pay for food and housing...and not drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. I dont care if your old or young, male or female, legal or illegal, black, white or green, if your have your hand in the till sorry but its going to pull back a stump now.

but if you want to get into the illegals...i would be happy to start on that one too.
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I'd be willing to pay 10 bucks for a head of lettuce and do without strawberries just to see this country the way it used to be just a few years ago!
dartagnan - proof please. Me thinks you are just parroting what the liberals want you to believe.
Tip of the iceberg? The states are coming back from the near depression Bushie "led" us into with his incompetence and lact of or any understanding at all of domestic policy.

Are you sure???? When it comes to lack of anything, Mr. Obama takes the cake!
I'd be willing to pay 10 bucks for a head of lettuce and do without strawberries just to see this country the way it used to be just a few years ago!

I am more for the "will work for food" sigh holders, you know the ones getting the checks and handouts, giving up something for those checks they are getting and doing some ....oh my gosh! Farm work! Not in your life would you ever see that.

See your over simplifying the problem. Its not just the illegals "doing jobs that americans should be getting" is the lazy americans who don't want to do the work! Ever see any of the bum's on the street asking for farm work? Ever see any of the bum's looking for dishwasher jobs? Ever see any of those women with 5 kids looking for a housekeeping job?

The problem califronia has is NOT just the illegals. Its everyone who thinks they are entitled to something. That the government and world owes them a place to stay and a free living.
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I'd be willing to pay 10 bucks for a head of lettuce and do without strawberries just to see this country the way it used to be just a few years ago!

I am more for the "will work for food" sigh holders, you know the ones getting the checks and handouts, giving up something for those checks they are getting and doing some ....oh my gosh! Farm work! Not in your life would you ever see that.

See your over simplifying the problem. Its not just the illegals "doing jobs that americans should be getting" is the lazy americans who don't want to do the work! Ever see any of the bum's on the street asking for farm work? Ever see any of the bum's looking for dishwasher jobs? Ever see any of those women with 5 kids looking for a housekeeping job?

The problem califronia has is NOT just the illegals. Its everyone who thinks they are entitled to something. That the government and world owes them a place to stay and a free living.

Those are usually people who have dropped out of life. You get those in ALL races. Farm work WAS done by americans not so long ago. But when most became educated and this country continues to progress and prosper, they had no need for them thus the bracero program which is something that could be brought back. Housekeeping was also done by americans and many still do it; many americans washed dishes, did waitressing, bused tables - but as a means to work themselves through college. These jobs need to still be avialbable for those who have no choice but to work there for the same reason. Many of the homeless in CA choose to be - most are war veterans who also dropped out of life. Most illegals in CA do NOT have jobs. CA is still and always will be the welfare state and not necesarily to give to americans but to give to those who come here illegally - some say they don't qualify for welfare??? Think again - they DO qualify for foodstamps and for the whole pie when they have their first child in this country....which they do and continue to have no matter their economic status - after all, tio Sam will see that they don't starve, get free medical, free education, etc.
Those are usually people who have dropped out of life. You get those in ALL races.

I did not mention any one group, I mean everyone!. Exactly, they have dorpped out of life and do not want to do anything but yell and scream for services.

Farm work WAS done by americans not so long ago.

And it would now appear that a good deal of americans think that this kind of work is beneith them. Or why bother to do it when they will get a welfare check.

Many of the homeless in CA choose to be

And there is the problem, THEY CHOOSE TO BE. Simple to me if that is the way they want to live. Let them.

CA is still and always will be the welfare state and not necesarily to give to americans but to give to those who come here illegally - some say they don't qualify for welfare??? Think again - they DO qualify for foodstamps and for the whole pie when they have their first child in this country....which they do and continue to have no matter their economic status - after all, tio Sam will see that they don't starve, get free medical, free education, etc.

And brother did you say a mouth full there! 100% on the mark.

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