State Department Has Spent None Of The $120 Million Allocated To Fight Russian Interference


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has cast doubt on his own agency’s ability to combat foreign governments.

The State Department has spent $0 of $120 million allocated by Congress to combat foreign efforts to influence U.S. elections, The New York Times reported on Sunday.

Despite the massive budget, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has done little to thwart a sweeping influence campaign by the Russian government, and an office tasked with countering such efforts has no employees that even speak Russian due to an ongoing hiring freeze.

Tillerson himself has continued to doubt the ability of his department to combat Russia, and just last month said that if Moscow wanted to meddle, it was “going to find ways to do that.”

The report comes as American intelligence officials and lawmakers warn that the Kremlin is, once again, working to influence upcoming elections, using a coordinated campaign of social media trolls and disinformation in an attempt to sway voters.

More: State Department Has Spent None Of The $120 Million Allocated To Fight Russian Interference

Why is Trump doing NOTHING to fight Russian meddling in our elections? Actually, $120 million seems like a very small amount for such a momentous task.
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Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has cast doubt on his own agency’s ability to combat foreign governments.

The State Department has spent $0 of $120 million allocated by Congress to combat foreign efforts to influence U.S. elections, The New York Times reported on Sunday.

Despite the massive budget, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has done little to thwart a sweeping influence campaign by the Russian government, and an office tasked with countering such efforts has no employees that even speak Russian due to an ongoing hiring freeze.

Tillerson himself has continued to doubt the ability of his department to combat Russia, and just last month said that if Moscow wanted to meddle, it was “going to find ways to do that.”

The report comes as American intelligence officials and lawmakers warn that the Kremlin is, once again, working to influence upcoming elections, using a coordinated campaign of social media trolls and disinformation in an attempt to sway voters.

More: State Department Has Spent None Of The $120 Million Allocated To Fight Russian Interference

Why is Trump doing NOTHING to fight Russian meddling in our elections? Actually, $120 million seems like a very small amount for such a momentous task.

How much does the huffy post pay you to post their click bait? I think you're one of them ruskies.

Trump's fear of Putin is now starting to affect our national security.
Anyone who thinks Russia "interfered" is literally, and I do not say this lightly, mentally fucking ill.
Anyone who thinks Russia "interfered" is literally, and I do not say this lightly, mentally fucking ill.

Actually your willingness to remain ignorant is what borders on mentally ill. Russia interfers with elections all over the world, to include this country. The only people that do not know that are you Trump zealots whose heads are too far up Trump's ass for you to get enough oxygen and it is causing your brain damage.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has cast doubt on his own agency’s ability to combat foreign governments.

The State Department has spent $0 of $120 million allocated by Congress to combat foreign efforts to influence U.S. elections, The New York Times reported on Sunday.

Despite the massive budget, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has done little to thwart a sweeping influence campaign by the Russian government, and an office tasked with countering such efforts has no employees that even speak Russian due to an ongoing hiring freeze.

Tillerson himself has continued to doubt the ability of his department to combat Russia, and just last month said that if Moscow wanted to meddle, it was “going to find ways to do that.”

The report comes as American intelligence officials and lawmakers warn that the Kremlin is, once again, working to influence upcoming elections, using a coordinated campaign of social media trolls and disinformation in an attempt to sway voters.

More: State Department Has Spent None Of The $120 Million Allocated To Fight Russian Interference

Why is Trump doing NOTHING to fight Russian meddling in our elections? Actually, $120 million seems like a very small amount for such a momentous task.

I guess you don't know that the Office of Social Media Counterintelligence is super secret and "off the books".

It's probably run out of the basement at a Cheetos factory.
Five guys are probably just finishing their first semester of I Know You Are But What Am I ~ 101
Anyone who thinks Russia "interfered" is literally, and I do not say this lightly, mentally fucking ill.
and who are you ? some Trump Gimp writing under a pseudonym ... I am afraid its you who is mentally ill chump
CIA corrects director's Russian election meddling claim - CNNPolitics

Oct 20, 2017 - Six intelligence leaders -- including Pompeo and Trump's DNI Dan Coats -- were asked by lawmakers on the Senate intelligence committee whether they agree that Russian intelligence agencies were responsible for hacking and the leaking of information to influence the US election. All six said yes.
British ex-spy reveals Kremlin blocked Trump from naming Mitt Romney as secretary of state: report

Former MI6 spy Christopher Steele has reportedly told special counsel Robert Mueller that he believes the Russian government directly intervened to block President Donald Trump from appointing Mitt Romney as his secretary of state.

In a New Yorker profile of Steele published Monday, reporter Jane Mayer writes that Steele — who authored the infamous Fusion GPS dossier alleging deep ties between President Donald Trump and the Russian government — wrote a memo in late 2016 claiming that Russia worked to stop then-President elect Trump from making noted Russia hawk Romney his chief diplomat.

“This memo, which did not surface publicly with the others, is shorter than the rest, and is based on one source, described as ‘a senior Russian official,'” writes Mayer. “The official said that he was merely relaying talk circulating in the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, but what he’d heard was astonishing: people were saying that the Kremlin had intervened to block Trump’s initial choice for Secretary of State, Mitt Romney.”

As Mayer notes, however, Trump had plenty of reasons to reject Romney as his secretary of state other than his views on Russia, including Romney’s own blistering criticism of Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign. Trump did eventually pass over Romney and instead named former ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson as his top diplomat.

British ex-spy reveals Kremlin blocked Trump from naming Mitt Romney as secretary of state: report
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has cast doubt on his own agency’s ability to combat foreign governments.

The State Department has spent $0 of $120 million allocated by Congress to combat foreign efforts to influence U.S. elections, The New York Times reported on Sunday.

Despite the massive budget, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has done little to thwart a sweeping influence campaign by the Russian government, and an office tasked with countering such efforts has no employees that even speak Russian due to an ongoing hiring freeze.

Tillerson himself has continued to doubt the ability of his department to combat Russia, and just last month said that if Moscow wanted to meddle, it was “going to find ways to do that.”

The report comes as American intelligence officials and lawmakers warn that the Kremlin is, once again, working to influence upcoming elections, using a coordinated campaign of social media trolls and disinformation in an attempt to sway voters.

More: State Department Has Spent None Of The $120 Million Allocated To Fight Russian Interference

Why is Trump doing NOTHING to fight Russian meddling in our elections? Actually, $120 million seems like a very small amount for such a momentous task.

What interference?
What interference?
the one Trump s political nominee is referring to:1peleas:
Intelligence Director Says Agencies Agree on Russian Meddling ...
Jul 21, 2017 - ASPEN, Colorado — Daniel Coats, the director of national intelligence, said Friday there is no dissent inside U.S. intelligence agencies about the conclusion that Russia used hacking and fake news to interfere in the 2016 presidential election — despite comments by his boss, President Donald Trump, that ...:bigboy:

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