State Department spokeswoman notes D-Day in answer on 'strong relationship' with Germany

why in the hell did we have so many killed in WWII to help France and the UK, who we now treat like shit, not to mention GERMANY.
The reason that the US had so many killed in WWII is because the US populace was being crushed under the cruel iron-gripped fascism of the infamous Democrat tyrant, Franklin Roosevelt.

A very cruel and sadistic slave driver, who enslaved more Americans than any person in history, Roosevelt sent them to their deaths.

Learn some history, jackass.

Oh blame it on FDR. Give me a break. You might want to blame it on the state of Israel , I mean it was Judea that declared war on Germany in 1933. Read some history.

Israel didn't exist during WWII....good gawd

Oh my goodness, they just hadn't declared themselves a state yet, but boy the jews of the world united to declare war on Germany in 1933. I am trying to be nice, but its getting hard.
Rescuing the Germans from a mad man is what has constituted our long standing relationship with the German people to this very day and recognizing D-Day was a huge part of it...... Showing the German's in West Germany how it was to live free as opposed to East Germany afterwards (where you had Soviet control) was yet another great thing to remember..

Remember the east German's were killed if tried to cross the wall or line in which separated the east from the West, and that was yet another trying time for millions of Germans living in the west that soon we're reunited with loved ones from the East, and all due to the outstanding accomplishments of Ronald Reagan who was instrumental in getting Michelle Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall.

The German's know how significant D-Day was for them, and how costly it was for us.

Nothing wrong with the comments unless one thinks that there is something wrong with America, and that Nazi Germany should still be alive today.

Millions upon millions of Germans know what D-Day meant for their future, and we know the price we paid for that future.
We didn`t do it alone I hope you know.
List of Allied forces in the Normandy Campaign - Wikipedia
My Taid was in the Royal Welch Fusiliers. They went in on D+6 which was about a week after the initial landing.
So basically the point she was making was since D-Day and the end of WW2 Germany and the United States have had a long and for the most part successful relationship how dare her.
So basically the point she was making was since D-Day and the end of WW2 Germany and the United States have had a long and for the most part successful relationship how dare her.
Yes, in the most stupid and classless possible way. Stupid trickles down from the top.
So basically the point she was making was since D-Day and the end of WW2 Germany and the United States have had a long and for the most part successful relationship how dare her.
Yes, in the most stupid and classless possible way. Stupid trickles down from the top.
Oh bull fucking shit the only stupid thing here is the people who see scandal and outrage in everything if you guys found an offensive word in your alphabet soup you would find a way to blame the Trump administration for that.
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What a fool.

State Department spokeswoman notes D-Day in answer on 'strong relationship' with Germany - CNNPolitics

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Washington (CNN)State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert on Tuesday cited the D-Day invasion during an answer about the current state of US-German relations.

"We have a very strong relationship with the government of Germany," Nauert said. "Looking back in the history books, today is the 71st anniversary of the speech that announced the Marshall Plan. Tomorrow is the anniversary of the D-Day invasion. We obviously have a very long history with the government of Germany, and we have a strong relationship with the government of Germany."
Nauert's comment came during a press briefing Tuesday after she was asked about controversial remarks by the US ambassadors to Germany and Israel.
Richard Grenell, the US envoy to Germany, turned heads when he did an interview with the far-right news site Breitbart. In the interview, Grenell criticized the German government and said he wants to "empower" European conservatives. The ambassador was criticized for politicizing diplomacy at a time when US-German relations are strained over Trump's withdrawals from the Iran deal and the Paris climate accord and his imposition of steel and aluminum tariffs on the European Union.

When asked about Grenell's remarks on Tuesday, Nauert offered a broad answer about ambassadors having "a right to express their opinion."
"Regardless of whether or not you all like it, sometimes these things are what ambassadors say," Nauert said before going on to invoke D-Day and the Marshall Plan.

In her next speech later in the day she noted the strong relationship between Japan and the US thanks to the joint military strikes on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. "A day that will burn bright in the memories of our two countries. Today Japan radiates a fierce glow of determination, and has shed her skin of imperialism that so tormented her children in years past."

20 Japanese journalists there to cover the speech immediately offered her a Tanto (hari kari knife).
par for the course -- if Obama said this or anyone in his admin said this -- conservatives will be doing the same shit so-called liberals are doing now

This is childish -- we all knew what she meant to say -- it is better to have a Nazi free Germany than one ran by Nazis -- right?
What a fool.

State Department spokeswoman notes D-Day in answer on 'strong relationship' with Germany - CNNPolitics

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Washington (CNN)State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert on Tuesday cited the D-Day invasion during an answer about the current state of US-German relations.

"We have a very strong relationship with the government of Germany," Nauert said. "Looking back in the history books, today is the 71st anniversary of the speech that announced the Marshall Plan. Tomorrow is the anniversary of the D-Day invasion. We obviously have a very long history with the government of Germany, and we have a strong relationship with the government of Germany."
Nauert's comment came during a press briefing Tuesday after she was asked about controversial remarks by the US ambassadors to Germany and Israel.
Richard Grenell, the US envoy to Germany, turned heads when he did an interview with the far-right news site Breitbart. In the interview, Grenell criticized the German government and said he wants to "empower" European conservatives. The ambassador was criticized for politicizing diplomacy at a time when US-German relations are strained over Trump's withdrawals from the Iran deal and the Paris climate accord and his imposition of steel and aluminum tariffs on the European Union.

When asked about Grenell's remarks on Tuesday, Nauert offered a broad answer about ambassadors having "a right to express their opinion."
"Regardless of whether or not you all like it, sometimes these things are what ambassadors say," Nauert said before going on to invoke D-Day and the Marshall Plan.

You want us to pretend D-Day never happened? You afraid it might hurt some German’s feelings or something?
What a fool.

State Department spokeswoman notes D-Day in answer on 'strong relationship' with Germany - CNNPolitics

Video at link

Washington (CNN)State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert on Tuesday cited the D-Day invasion during an answer about the current state of US-German relations.

"We have a very strong relationship with the government of Germany," Nauert said. "Looking back in the history books, today is the 71st anniversary of the speech that announced the Marshall Plan. Tomorrow is the anniversary of the D-Day invasion. We obviously have a very long history with the government of Germany, and we have a strong relationship with the government of Germany."
Nauert's comment came during a press briefing Tuesday after she was asked about controversial remarks by the US ambassadors to Germany and Israel.
Richard Grenell, the US envoy to Germany, turned heads when he did an interview with the far-right news site Breitbart. In the interview, Grenell criticized the German government and said he wants to "empower" European conservatives. The ambassador was criticized for politicizing diplomacy at a time when US-German relations are strained over Trump's withdrawals from the Iran deal and the Paris climate accord and his imposition of steel and aluminum tariffs on the European Union.

When asked about Grenell's remarks on Tuesday, Nauert offered a broad answer about ambassadors having "a right to express their opinion."
"Regardless of whether or not you all like it, sometimes these things are what ambassadors say," Nauert said before going on to invoke D-Day and the Marshall Plan.

Hmmmm, she states accurately that we have a long history with germany and points to D-Day as one example of that. She also brought up the Marshall Plan which kept germany out of the soviet sphere. I don't see a reason for your mock outrage. What else you got?
What a fool.

State Department spokeswoman notes D-Day in answer on 'strong relationship' with Germany - CNNPolitics

Video at link

Washington (CNN)State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert on Tuesday cited the D-Day invasion during an answer about the current state of US-German relations.

"We have a very strong relationship with the government of Germany," Nauert said. "Looking back in the history books, today is the 71st anniversary of the speech that announced the Marshall Plan. Tomorrow is the anniversary of the D-Day invasion. We obviously have a very long history with the government of Germany, and we have a strong relationship with the government of Germany."
Nauert's comment came during a press briefing Tuesday after she was asked about controversial remarks by the US ambassadors to Germany and Israel.
Richard Grenell, the US envoy to Germany, turned heads when he did an interview with the far-right news site Breitbart. In the interview, Grenell criticized the German government and said he wants to "empower" European conservatives. The ambassador was criticized for politicizing diplomacy at a time when US-German relations are strained over Trump's withdrawals from the Iran deal and the Paris climate accord and his imposition of steel and aluminum tariffs on the European Union.

When asked about Grenell's remarks on Tuesday, Nauert offered a broad answer about ambassadors having "a right to express their opinion."
"Regardless of whether or not you all like it, sometimes these things are what ambassadors say," Nauert said before going on to invoke D-Day and the Marshall Plan.

Hmmmm, she states accurately that we have a long history with germany and points to D-Day as one example of that. She also brought up the Marshall Plan which kept germany out of the soviet sphere. I don't see a reason for your mock outrage. What else you got?
What a fool.

State Department spokeswoman notes D-Day in answer on 'strong relationship' with Germany - CNNPolitics

Video at link

Washington (CNN)State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert on Tuesday cited the D-Day invasion during an answer about the current state of US-German relations.

"We have a very strong relationship with the government of Germany," Nauert said. "Looking back in the history books, today is the 71st anniversary of the speech that announced the Marshall Plan. Tomorrow is the anniversary of the D-Day invasion. We obviously have a very long history with the government of Germany, and we have a strong relationship with the government of Germany."
Nauert's comment came during a press briefing Tuesday after she was asked about controversial remarks by the US ambassadors to Germany and Israel.
Richard Grenell, the US envoy to Germany, turned heads when he did an interview with the far-right news site Breitbart. In the interview, Grenell criticized the German government and said he wants to "empower" European conservatives. The ambassador was criticized for politicizing diplomacy at a time when US-German relations are strained over Trump's withdrawals from the Iran deal and the Paris climate accord and his imposition of steel and aluminum tariffs on the European Union.

When asked about Grenell's remarks on Tuesday, Nauert offered a broad answer about ambassadors having "a right to express their opinion."
"Regardless of whether or not you all like it, sometimes these things are what ambassadors say," Nauert said before going on to invoke D-Day and the Marshall Plan.

Hmmmm, she states accurately that we have a long history with germany and points to D-Day as one example of that. She also brought up the Marshall Plan which kept germany out of the soviet sphere. I don't see a reason for your mock outrage. What else you got?

Point out where I am wrong.
What a fool.

State Department spokeswoman notes D-Day in answer on 'strong relationship' with Germany - CNNPolitics

Video at link

Washington (CNN)State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert on Tuesday cited the D-Day invasion during an answer about the current state of US-German relations.

"We have a very strong relationship with the government of Germany," Nauert said. "Looking back in the history books, today is the 71st anniversary of the speech that announced the Marshall Plan. Tomorrow is the anniversary of the D-Day invasion. We obviously have a very long history with the government of Germany, and we have a strong relationship with the government of Germany."
Nauert's comment came during a press briefing Tuesday after she was asked about controversial remarks by the US ambassadors to Germany and Israel.
Richard Grenell, the US envoy to Germany, turned heads when he did an interview with the far-right news site Breitbart. In the interview, Grenell criticized the German government and said he wants to "empower" European conservatives. The ambassador was criticized for politicizing diplomacy at a time when US-German relations are strained over Trump's withdrawals from the Iran deal and the Paris climate accord and his imposition of steel and aluminum tariffs on the European Union.

When asked about Grenell's remarks on Tuesday, Nauert offered a broad answer about ambassadors having "a right to express their opinion."
"Regardless of whether or not you all like it, sometimes these things are what ambassadors say," Nauert said before going on to invoke D-Day and the Marshall Plan.
So freeing the German people from the Nazi's was a bad thing ?

Well, the Nazis did have a true government run health care system. D-Day is a sad day for the OP. Just think how many people lost their health care when the Allies defeated the Nazis.
On the surface, of course it's an odd comment. In reality, it is a success for the German people, especially after 5 years of war, bombs dropped on the German people. The Germans were saved from fascism, D Day shortened the war by at least a year, maybe more.

We killed thousands of Germans and also kept them in POW's that most died in. Learn history. As bad as Trump saying Canada burned the WH down in the war of 1812. Fire bombed Dresden. Destroyed Germany. And the Germans have been paying for it since to the Jews.

Idiots are in the wh.

You are an idiot. And you bitch about Jews while supporting their policies...idiot schizoid would be the medical term.
What a fool.

State Department spokeswoman notes D-Day in answer on 'strong relationship' with Germany - CNNPolitics

Video at link

Washington (CNN)State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert on Tuesday cited the D-Day invasion during an answer about the current state of US-German relations.

"We have a very strong relationship with the government of Germany," Nauert said. "Looking back in the history books, today is the 71st anniversary of the speech that announced the Marshall Plan. Tomorrow is the anniversary of the D-Day invasion. We obviously have a very long history with the government of Germany, and we have a strong relationship with the government of Germany."
Nauert's comment came during a press briefing Tuesday after she was asked about controversial remarks by the US ambassadors to Germany and Israel.
Richard Grenell, the US envoy to Germany, turned heads when he did an interview with the far-right news site Breitbart. In the interview, Grenell criticized the German government and said he wants to "empower" European conservatives. The ambassador was criticized for politicizing diplomacy at a time when US-German relations are strained over Trump's withdrawals from the Iran deal and the Paris climate accord and his imposition of steel and aluminum tariffs on the European Union.

When asked about Grenell's remarks on Tuesday, Nauert offered a broad answer about ambassadors having "a right to express their opinion."
"Regardless of whether or not you all like it, sometimes these things are what ambassadors say," Nauert said before going on to invoke D-Day and the Marshall Plan.
So freeing the German people from the Nazi's was a bad thing ?

Well, the Nazis did have a true government run health care system. D-Day is a sad day for the OP. Just think how many people lost their health care when the Allies defeated the Nazis.
On the surface, of course it's an odd comment. In reality, it is a success for the German people, especially after 5 years of war, bombs dropped on the German people. The Germans were saved from fascism, D Day shortened the war by at least a year, maybe more.

We killed thousands of Germans and also kept them in POW's that most died in. Learn history. As bad as Trump saying Canada burned the WH down in the war of 1812. Fire bombed Dresden. Destroyed Germany. And the Germans have been paying for it since to the Jews.

Idiots are in the wh.
You blaming this country for what Nazi Germany caused us to do ?? You ought to be arrested today no matter where you are, and you should be escorted out of this country ASAP. You talk as a traitor to this country, and you ought not to be here. Period.
Rescuing the Germans from a mad man is what has constituted our long standing relationship with the German people to this very day and recognizing D-Day was a huge part of it...... Showing the German's in West Germany how it was to live free as opposed to East Germany afterwards (where you had Soviet control) was yet another great thing to remember..

Remember the east German's were killed if tried to cross the wall or line in which separated the east from the West, and that was yet another trying time for millions of Germans living in the west that soon we're reunited with loved ones from the East, and all due to the outstanding accomplishments of Ronald Reagan who was instrumental in getting Michelle Gorbachev to tear down the Berlin Wall.

The German's know how significant D-Day was for them, and how costly it was for us.

Nothing wrong with the comments unless one thinks that there is something wrong with America, and that Nazi Germany should still be alive today.

Millions upon millions of Germans know what D-Day meant for their future, and we know the price we paid for that future.
We didn`t do it alone I hope you know.
List of Allied forces in the Normandy Campaign - Wikipedia
Your point being ? You another anti-American here ??

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