State Dept, Blinkin tells nothing but the truth

It looks like WWIII is about to happen and it might be what the elite want.

There is also legislation in the pipeline being pushed by the Republicans opposing any attempts by the White House to try to condition behavior by suspending weapons shipments to good friend and ally Israel, not that Biden would really go that route. The Congress has also been putting intense pressure on universities to clamp down on Pro-Palestinian groups on campus by claiming they are antisemites while not doing the same vis-a-vis the sometimes violent supporters of Israel, and the universities are obliging, canceling the graduation of protesters or even expelling them. Donald Trump has recently told a largely Jewish audience that he will deport any anti-Israel protesters if he becomes president, an interesting proposal as most of those demonstrating are native born American citizens and many of them are Jewish. He has also called on Israel to “finish” what it is doing to the Palestinians, clearly meaning that they should be exterminated or forced to emigrate, and has also told Jewish donors that today’s atmosphere in the US is very much like “before the holocaust.” No longer the loudmouth who called for an end to foolish wars, Trump has now in addition said that if he had been president when the Russian intervention into Ukraine had taken place, he would have bombed them. Likewise for China if it were to attack Taiwan. Either move would almost certainly start World War 3 even though neither Ukraine nor Taiwan is a vital security interest of the US but Trump is too stupid to know that. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is, for his part, urging that the US release for deployment in Ukraine advanced missile systems that would be able to strike deep into Russia. As dumb ideas go that it about as dumb as it gets, as the Russians have already indicated that they would respond with everything they have, meaning US military targets worldwide would be considered fair game for retaliation possibly using nuclear weapons.
What has Israel done for Americans in the past week?
when it comes to his beloved Israel. Maybe blocking aid is in US interests, so why not just say so in the first place? What else is the administration lying about? It's not a big deal, we have very little credibility left in the world to lose. State Dept Official Resigns Over 'Falsified' Report Claiming Israel Not Blocking Aid to Gaza
Does it give you any pause at all to be opposed to Biden and his lying administration on everything EXCEPT when it comes to Israel?


Didn't think so.
I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. This doesn't seem to make any sense. I'm pretty much opposed to Biden lying about the illegal assault on the US, the selective support for the UN, the lying to goad Russia into a nuclear war, the assault on our energy systems, the collapsing of the financial and justice systems here, and his trying to divide the country on racial lines. And in general, everything, Israel is just a symptom of a larger buffoon posing as a leader. I hope this clarifies it for you.
Does it give you any pause at all to be opposed to Biden and his lying administration on everything EXCEPT when it comes to Israel?
I'm not sure I understand what you're asking. This doesn't seem to make any sense. I'm pretty much opposed to Biden lying about the illegal assault on the US, the selective support for the UN, the lying to goad Russia into a nuclear war, the assault on our energy systems, the collapsing of the financial and justice systems here, and his trying to divide the country on racial lines. And in general, everything, Israel is just a symptom of a larger buffoon posing as a leader. I hope this clarifies it for you.
There is no doubt Genocide Joe is a demented buffoon, but i doubt very much he runs things.
Yes, I know. We should have known better than to trust all those high ranking democrats who said Saddam had WMD's. We learned a lesson, there. DON'T TRUST DEMOCRATS.
Korea, Cuba, Viet Nam, Grenada, Panama, Syria, Lebanon, Asscrackistan, Iraq, you name it the people in power lied to us, started military actions and blew up the deficit and stifled our freedoms at home and we the shitheads just let them walk on by with nary a discouraging word. We deserve all that is coming to us. It won't be pretty but it will be what we asked for, no more or no less.

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