State of Israel is a Terrorist Jewish State

The Goldstone United Nations report has hit a nerve with the Israeli government because it high-lights one piece of the truth that has gone on for decades. The true facts on the ground and the realities of truth are clearly in the Palestinian people’s favor. United States Ambassador Susan Rice called for the an end to “anti-Israel vitriol” attacks at the United Nation in Jerusalem while the United States-European and the State of Israel play out two weeks of war games. The United States and the State of Israel are the master of mass media manipulation of the truth to cover their path of sins and crimes of the past. Prime Minister Netanyahu address to the United Nation in Sept. 2009 epitomizes this so well. Talking about the Goldstone Report, Holocaust and the Islamic terrorists as Israeli’s right to do anything to defend her self.
What the State of Israel has done in the name of defense is to create a Slowocaust with a very sophisticated high tech military industrial complex over the last sixty years. Today it is only Israelis that can make better military hardware and software than the United States military industrial complex. For two weeks they will test the software and hardware of these missiles near Gaza and the West Bank where the Palestinian people have been living imprisoned under Israel military control for years. So something as simple as a plane helicopter, or jet flying over head has a totally different meaning and feeling that someone who lives under imprisoned occupation for so long.
The latest military actions the State of Israel that has done outside borders of Israel proper must be investigated and those worthy of trial must be tried before the International Court of Law. Including the bombings, military attacks and occupation of Lebanon, Syria, Gaza, West Bank and Iraq. Only after the State of Israel has been held accountable for its illegal military and social action against the Palestinian people and dramatic internal political changes are made. Then the State of Israel should be respected as South Africa and Germany are today within the global community of nations.
So if United States Ambassador Susan Rice wants to bring an end to the “anti-Israel vitriol” attacks by the international community of nations. Have the United States government put the pressure on the government of Israel to change her evil ways of today and to make amends with the Palestinian people. The transformation of Germany and South Africa would have never taken place without the global international pressure being applied. The same kind of international pressure has to be applied on the State of Israel to make the reforms that are needed to gain acceptance and respect within the international community of nations.
Peace Reform Initiative in the Middle East
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The Goldstone United Nations report ......
The latest military actions the State of Israel that has done outside borders of Israel proper must be investigated and those worthy of trial must be tried before the International Court of Law. Including the bombings, military attacks and occupation of Lebanon, Syria, Gaza, West Bank and Iran. ......s.

Attacks by israel against iran?

I realize you are a total fucking idiot, but at least pretend you know what you are talking about? Being a lying turd like shogun pussy/sunni asshole will only embarrass yourself...
The Goldstone United Nations report ......
The latest military actions the State of Israel that has done outside borders of Israel proper must be investigated and those worthy of trial must be tried before the International Court of Law. Including the bombings, military attacks and occupation of Lebanon, Syria, Gaza, West Bank and Iran. ......s.

Attacks by israel against iran?

I realize you are a total fucking idiot, but at least pretend you know what you are talking about? Being a lying turd like shogun pussy/sunni asshole will only embarrass yourself...

still hiding from behind a block user function, pussy?


tell us more about embarrassment, kikesauce.
Israel is an apartheid fascist state that has the world's largest open air concentration camp.

The Zionist rulers need to be arrested and charged with murder and other crimes against humanity in the World Court.
Too expensive.
Send Iran the tools they want.:evil:
BOOOOOM. Problem over.:eek::cool:
blessed be Allah the all knowing and all wise.

If Allah is all-knowing, why are Muslims the most backward and unsuccessful people in the world?

Then, again, what can one say about a religion based on an illiterate, cave dwelling pedophile married to a 6 year-old?
Depends on how you define unsuccessful :eusa_angel:[/QUOTE]

Economically, culturally, societally. In all respects, Islamic countries are among the most regressive, repressive and decaying countries in the world.
Depends on how you define unsuccessful :eusa_angel:

Economically, culturally, societally. In all respects, Islamic countries are among the most regressive, repressive and decaying countries in the world.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the information. :eusa_angel:
Depends on how you define unsuccessful :eusa_angel:

Economically, culturally, societally. In all respects, Islamic countries are among the most regressive, repressive and decaying countries in the world.

Yup. Just look at Dubai. Ignorant bastards, aren't they?

Wow smokey you use the exception to the rule not the majority and try to spread it across the board. If that isn't arrogance I don't know what is! Who are you going to promote next Qatar and Malaysia?

What about Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Oman, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Senegal, Libya, Moroco, Tunisa, Uzbekistan, Banglesh, Afghanistan, Somolia, Eritera, Algeria, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Azberijan, Pakistan or Maldives?

Depends on how you define unsuccessful :eusa_angel:

Economically, culturally, societally. In all respects, Islamic countries are among the most regressive, repressive and decaying countries in the world.

Yup. Just look at Dubai. Ignorant bastards, aren't they?

How do you explain this one you worthless bastard? 8 out of 10 most intolerant countries are Islamic!
(1) North Korea - Always the odd ball communist nation. Funny how much better of a country South Korea is, yet they are the same people.
(2) Saudi Arabia - The Heart of Islam. A coincidence. I think not.
(3) Iran -Don't throw stones from a glass house. Ignorant bastard consistently bash Israel and the US, but they are the 3rd most intolerant country in the world. hypocritical bastards.
(4) Afghanistan - Wait the home the taliban and host of OBL on the list, who would have thought.
(5) Somolia - They aren't just pirates. Run down the top five 4 Islamic countries - 1 odd ball communist dictatorship.
(6) Maldives - Make the 5 of 6 as Islamic. Even an Islamic country as small as Maldives can help but be intolerant.
(7) Yemen - make the 6 of the top 7 as Islamic
(8) Laos - I guess you either have to be Islamic or communist
(9) Eritrea - a majority muslim population. 7 of 9
(10) Uzbekistan - this shocked me. I would have thought, the Sudan, the Congo, Burma, Iraq, Pakistan, India, China etc would have made the ranks. But that makes 80% of the
Wow smokey you use the exception to the rule not the majority and try to spread it across the board. If that isn't arrogance I don't know what is! Who are you going to promote next Qatar and Malaysia?

What about Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Oman, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Senegal, Libya, Moroco, Tunisa, Uzbekistan, Banglesh, Afghanistan, Somolia, Eritera, Algeria, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Azberijan, Pakistan or Maldives?

Economically, culturally, societally. In all respects, Islamic countries are among the most regressive, repressive and decaying countries in the world.

Yup. Just look at Dubai. Ignorant bastards, aren't they?

How do you explain this one you worthless bastard? 8 out of 10 most intolerant countries are Islamic!
(1) North Korea - Always the odd ball communist nation. Funny how much better of a country South Korea is, yet they are the same people.
(2) Saudi Arabia - The Heart of Islam. A coincidence. I think not.
(3) Iran -Don't throw stones from a glass house. Ignorant bastard consistently bash Israel and the US, but they are the 3rd most intolerant country in the world. hypocritical bastards.
(4) Afghanistan - Wait the home the taliban and host of OBL on the list, who would have thought.
(5) Somolia - They aren't just pirates. Run down the top five 4 Islamic countries - 1 odd ball communist dictatorship.
(6) Maldives - Make the 5 of 6 as Islamic. Even an Islamic country as small as Maldives can help but be intolerant.
(7) Yemen - make the 6 of the top 7 as Islamic
(8) Laos - I guess you either have to be Islamic or communist
(9) Eritrea - a majority muslim population. 7 of 9
(10) Uzbekistan - this shocked me. I would have thought, the Sudan, the Congo, Burma, Iraq, Pakistan, India, China etc would have made the ranks. But that makes 80% of the

Well, I guess we can thank God that you're not in charge over here. By the nature of your posts, I'm sure that we'd have made the top of the list, seeing as how you spend so much of your time hatin' on folks who weren't born under YOUR religion.
Wow smokey you use the exception to the rule not the majority and try to spread it across the board. If that isn't arrogance I don't know what is! Who are you going to promote next Qatar and Malaysia?

What about Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Oman, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, Senegal, Libya, Moroco, Tunisa, Uzbekistan, Banglesh, Afghanistan, Somolia, Eritera, Algeria, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Azberijan, Pakistan or Maldives?

Yup. Just look at Dubai. Ignorant bastards, aren't they?

How do you explain this one you worthless bastard? 8 out of 10 most intolerant countries are Islamic!

Well, I guess we can thank God that you're not in charge over here. By the nature of your posts, I'm sure that we'd have made the top of the list, seeing as how you spend so much of your time hatin' on folks who weren't born under YOUR religion.

Wow that made a ton of sense. Good red herring of denying proof you mental midget.

For the record, I have in the past more than praised Dubai for there (at least at the time) smart business move of lowering corporate taxes 0 and shaping their beautiful country into a mecca for tourist and business. It worked wonders for a while. Corporations where flocking to them. However, you hear rumbles of them cumbling, if that happens all bets off.

For the record. I do plan one day to take a trip to Dubai. Its on my wish list.
If you don't believe the Bible. both testaments, then don't waste your time reading this. This conflict was started thousands of years ago. It is both the Jewish and the Palistinians fault. When Moses led the hebrews out of Egypt, God had promised that they would take possesion of a land flowing with milk and honey,and would always keep it. They were recieving it because the native people there were really on the wrong side of goodness(Molech-Baal-various other gods and sacrifices) and the hebrews had been oppressed and enslaved and God wanted to deliver them. He did that, but it came with a BIG catch, they were to recieve God's law and keep it.If they didn't, and followed other gods, than God allocated a curse-spoken to them by Gods Messenger "but if you forget the Lord your God,and follow other gods,serving and woshiping them,I forewarn you this day that you will perish utterly" King after King has ignored God. King Manasseh really provoked God. He errected altars to baal, practiced soothsaying, consulted mediums etc. and when Isreal was defiled God proclaimed"They will be looted and plundered by all their foes, because they have provoked me to anger from the day their forefathers came out of Egypt to this day"(God then allowed Babylon to wipe them out). That was written along time ago in his reign, but "to this day" even includes to 12-16-09. Today most of Israel doesn't even practice religion. Abortion is legal upon seeing a three member panel that rarely refuses. The 'New Age' movement has caught on. Astrology is present. Tel Aviv has a large homosexual community. There is a shrine to Elvis in a Jerusalem suburb complete with a large golden idol of Elvis(remember the golden calf?). The headline in the Memphis newspaper about it stated in bold letters"Israel honors'The King'" Iran or somebody is going to blow them to hell and back. I can see God saying"I knew you were stubborn, but after you killed my son and I let 7 million of you die, and then I let you back to your own country, you still after all these years don't get it- You asked for it you got it. Then he may send his son to straighten this mess out, because in my opinion that is the only way to peace.Bring it on. P.S. In the 8th and 9th chapter of Ezekiel, God shows him several abominations in Israel(including a idol that provokes God to jealousy) He then instructs the man with a writing tablet at his waist to go through Jerusalem and mark all those who moan and groan over all the abomiinations with a 'taw'. In the ancient hebrew alphabet a taw is represented with a cross. Get the hint people, the messiah came. We could whip the muslims by having a revival in Israel and turning to God instead of worrying about if you could push a button on the sabbath.
We could whip the muslims by having a revival in Israel and turning to God instead of worrying about if you could push a button on the sabbath.

And the Jews and the Christians say: We are the sons of Allah and His beloved ones. Say: Why does He then chastise you for your sins? Nay, you are mortals from among those whom He has created. He forgives whom He pleases and chastises whom He pleases. And Allah’s is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, and to Him is the eventual coming. - 5:18​
If you don't believe the Bible. both testaments, then don't waste your time reading this. This conflict was started thousands of years ago. It is both the Jewish and the Palistinians fault.
No, the conflict started between WWI and WWII.
The Arabs in Palestine date back no further than the 8th century, save as a small number of merchants and such.
Initially the Palestinian Arabs were the only ones you could reasonably blame. They decided they were upset because they found they could not just decide to take the Jews things, the way they had 'always' done under the Turks and used violence to convince the British to make an exception to the rule of law, just for them.
At the end of WWI the British handed over Palestine to Jewish refugees and apolitical party decided to call the emerging nation Israel.
Then the Arab armies decide to destroy Israel. The armies failed and the terrorists took over.
Somewhere along the way some of the Jews have started getting bitter about the repeated murderous attacks by murderous cowardly Palestinian Arabs and they have resorted to tactics of a similar nature. Those Jews share blame for the current state of affairs, though it seems as though the Palestinian Arabs will never rest until either Israel is destroyed or the Arabs are.

Some people look at the division of land and claim "but the Jew got the best of it" without looking and seeing that a massive influx of Arabs occurred during a time frame when the Jews were investing in Palestine, both under Turkish rule (in the 1800's) and under British rule (1920's and 30's) - these "Johnny come lately" Arabs, and their descendants are, more than any other group, the cause of most of the problems today.
Most, but not all.
Militant Jews do share blame, as do firebrand Islamic clerics and global antisemites.

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