State of the Union - public address


Silver Member
Sep 6, 2012
- We learned today that 72,600,000 were on Medicaid last year. That’s a record.

- We also learned today that 10,978,040 are now receiving disability. That’s a record.

- In 2012 an average of 46,609,072 were on food stamps. That’s a record.

President Obama continues his “record breaking” presidency.

In other “record breaking” news, yesterday AP President Gary Pruitt said not dozens, not hundreds, but “thousands & thousands” of phone records were seized by the DOJ. Probably why AP along with CNN, CBS, NBC, FOX, NY Times & Huff Post said no to Holder’s “off the record” invite to discuss “guidelines” for reporting leaks.

So let me get this straight. Holder wants to talk to the media about what is and what isn’t protected by the First Amendment. But the reporters attending must promise not to report anything about it. Is this guy for real?

Only goes to show Holder must have some REALLY good stuff on O. How else does one explain this degenerate still having a job?
What isn’t a record is the remarkable number of ignorant conservatives.

For example: Americans are living longer, and the baby-boomers primary among them. The population explosion of the 50s and 60 are manifesting today with older Americans with more health issues thus increasing the number of those receiving Medicare, Medicaid, and disability benefits.

But don’t let facts conflict with rightist dogma.
- We learned today that 72,600,000 were on Medicaid last year. That’s a record.

- We also learned today that 10,978,040 are now receiving disability. That’s a record.

- In 2012 an average of 46,609,072 were on food stamps. That’s a record.

President Obama continues his “record breaking” presidency.

Thank my party and my president in 2003 setting the stage for ten years later.

And Medicaid will grow much larger under ACA and will drive down cost per person.

How about that? The rest was just you sniffling.
lobotomy is the right spelling and that is what may be the answer for reactionaries

they can be in the ward next to Jack Nicholson
- We learned today that 72,600,000 were on Medicaid last year. That’s a record.

- We also learned today that 10,978,040 are now receiving disability. That’s a record.

- In 2012 an average of 46,609,072 were on food stamps. That’s a record.

President Obama continues his “record breaking” presidency.

Thank my party and my president in 2003 setting the stage for ten years later.

And Medicaid will grow much larger under ACA and will drive down cost per person.

How about that? The rest was just you sniffling.

Yes, Obama has done a lot of lasting damage, more than Al Qaeda could hope to inflict. You should be proud of your boy Obama
...Obama, I must say:

- We learned today that 72,600,000 were on Medicaid last year. That’s a record.
Obama had nothing to do with that.

- We also learned today that 10,978,040 are now receiving disability. That’s a record.
Obama had little if anything to do with that.

- In 2012 an average of 46,609,072 were on food stamps. That’s a record.
Now, you might have something there!

I know that Obama is a pitiful excuse for a President, but let's not blame him for EVERYTHING! he does Bush! :lol:
- We learned today that 72,600,000 were on Medicaid last year. That’s a record.

- We also learned today that 10,978,040 are now receiving disability. That’s a record.

- In 2012 an average of 46,609,072 were on food stamps. That’s a record.

President Obama continues his “record breaking” presidency.

Thank my party and my president in 2003 setting the stage for ten years later.

And Medicaid will grow much larger under ACA and will drive down cost per person.

How about that? The rest was just you sniffling.

Yes, Obama has done a lot of lasting damage, more than Al Qaeda could hope to inflict. You should be proud of your boy Obama

Says the man who has a picture of Asad on his bathroom wall.
Obama is the punchline to the biggest political joke in American history

"I think, therefore I can't be a Democrat" -- Pete "Petey" Descarte, the French philosophers younger brother
Thank my party and my president in 2003 setting the stage for ten years later.

And Medicaid will grow much larger under ACA and will drive down cost per person.

How about that? The rest was just you sniffling.

Yes, Obama has done a lot of lasting damage, more than Al Qaeda could hope to inflict. You should be proud of your boy Obama

Says the man who has a picture of Asad on his bathroom wall.

Jake and bucs 90

Frank, you and I lost in the last election no matter how hard I and those like me tried to counter the weakness you and the other reactionaries brought to the GOP election effort.

You won't have that chance to damage the ticket again.
I said it before, Republican Moderates can't win nationwide if they ran uncontested.

We won HUGE in 2010 by sticking to core principles and lost HUGE in 08 and 12 by being "Moderate", not hard to figure out how to win in 14 and 16 and every election from here on out
Republican far right reactionaries lost the last election and will not be permitted any say in the national candidates in 2016.

We won in 2010 because of the electorate's unhappiness over the Great Recession, then we blew it.

Mainstream = Victory

Far Right = Defeat

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