State of the Union!! ? > Shambles!


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
I just turned the TV on and they're getting ready for a State of the Union address by the president. Well, even before he starts talking I thought I'd get my shots in here, because I know both Obama and the talking heads are going to voice some major BS. Let's get right into it.

I could hardly get past the first minute of the broadcast, when one of the commentators (whatever his name is) said that Obama had cut unemployment in half (to 5%). Well, that is one of the biggest piles of you-know-what we've ever had to hear. Maybe Rick Santorum should be giving this State of the Union, so we could hear him tell us that all the jobs being created over the last 8 years, have been going to FOREIGNERS. Yup. Whether through illegal aliens being sheltered in sanctuary cities (thanks to Democrats), or H1B visas granted to STEM workers, by and large, Americans are sitting out the job market with unemployment insurance (if they're lucky). Take the foreigners out of the statistics (as they should be), and unemployment is somewhere between 50 and 100%.

Then there's race relations (if we even HAVE any left). Suffice it to say, they've never been worse, with New Black Panthers intimidating voters, Black Lives Matter chasing pathetic Democrat candidates off stages, or Obama sending Al Sharpton out to tell mayors how to handle their police departments (with riots as the result).

Next up, our second amendment (under seige) with Obama looking to keep guns away from crazies and criminals. Well big deal. Even Donald Trump has advocated that. But Trump sure doesn't agree with Obama's goofball idea that guns should be made more expensive.
EARTH To OBAMA: that would only cause law-abiding people to not get guns, making it easier for criminals to commit crime, without resistance from those law-abiding people. And regarding gun-free zones ? ( a major cause of gun crime) Not a word is spoken.

We sure can't leave out the Iran "deal" now can we ? As Trump has said, it was a catastrophe. Worst deal ever. Iran gets to do everything they want. We get nothing.

Next up ISIS. Yeah, thank you so much Mr. President for pulling the troops out of Iraq in 2011, and creating a vacuum, so ISIS (the offspring of al Qaeda in Iraq, which the US military had defeated) could move in, and conquer one city after another, which had been liberated by US troops.

And the debt. YIKES> $18 trillion. Enough said.

And so now we have the Syrian refugee problem with Obama and Kerry talking about bringing 185,000 of them here in 2016 & 2017. Oh boy, did Trump ever nail this one with the term "TROJAN HORSE". Without a shadow of a doubt, ISIS has it all set-up to have hundreds (if not thousands) of their lunatic killers neatly tucked in among the refugees, right after intelligence reports that ISIS is acquiring nuclear weaponry. Is there any question on this ? Yeah, there is. How many US cities will be attacked with nuclear bombs detonated in them ? How fast will a contagious biological weapon spread across the country, when ISIS unleashes it ? How many subways and tunnels will have sarin gas unleashed in them ?

No folks, you won't hear this at the illustrious State of the Union address, tonight. Only stuff heard at the big, stupid, sugar coat will be Democrat Party talking points, mixed with a few nice-nice talks, that everybody wants to hear. Sheeesh!! Give us a break!
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I just turned the TV on and they're getting ready for a State of the Union address by the president. Well, even before he starts talking I thought I'd get my shots in here, because I know both Obama and the talking heads are going to voice some major BS. Let's get right into it.

I could hardly get past the first minute of the broadcast, when one of the commentators (whatever his name is) said that Obama had cut unemployment in half (to 5%). Well, that is one of the biggest piles of you-know-what we've ever had to hear. Maybe Rick Santorum should be giving this State of the Union, so we could hear him tell us that all the jobs being created over the last 8 years, have been going to FOREIGNERS. Yup. Whether through illegal aliens being sheltered in sanctuary cities (thanks to Democrats), or H1B visas granted to STEM workers, by and large, Americans are sitting out the job market with unemployment insurance (if they're lucky). Take the foreigners out of the statistics (as they should be), and unemployment is somewhere between 50 and 100%.

Then there's race relations (if we even HAVE any left). Suffice it to say, they've never been worse, with New Black Panthers intimidating voters, Black Lives Matter chasing pathetic Democrat candidates off stages, or Obama sending Al Sharpton out to tell mayors how to handle their police departments (with riots as the result).

Next up, our second amendment (under seige) with Obama looking to keep guns away from crazies and criminals. Well big deal. Even Donald Trump has advocated that. But Trump sure doesn't agree with Obama's goofball idea that guns should be made more expensive.
EARTH To OBAMA: that would only cause law-abiding people to not get guns, making it easier for criminals to commit crime, without resistance from those law-abiding people. And regarding gun-free zones ? ( a major cause of gun crime) Not a word is spoken.

We sure can't leave out the Iran "deal" now can we ? As Trump has said it was a catastrophe. Worst deal ever. Iran gets to do everything they want. We get nothing.

Next up ISIS. Yeah, thank you so much Mr. President for pulling the troops out of Iraq in 2011, and creating a vacuum, so ISIS (the offspring of al Qaeda in Iraq, which the US military had defeated) could move in, and conquer one city after another, which had been liberated by US troops.

And the debt. YIKES> $18 trillion. Enough said.

And so now we have the Syrian refugee problem with Obama and Kerry talking about bringing 185,000 of them here in 2016 & 2017. Oh boy, did Trump ever nail this one with the term "TROJAN HORSE". Without a shadow of a doubt, ISIS has it all set-up to have hundreds (if not thousands) of their lunatic killers neatly tucked in among the refugees, right after intelligence reports that ISIS is acquiring nuclear weaponry. Is there any question on this ? Yeah, there is. How many US cities will be attacked with nuclear bombs detonated in them ? How fast will a contagious biological weapon spread across the country, when ISIS unleashes it ? How many subways and tunnels will have sarin gas unleashed in them ?

No folks, you won't hear this at the illustrious State of the Union address, tonight. Only stuff heard at the big, stupid, sugar coat will be Democrat Party talking points, mixed with a few nice-nice talks, that everybody wants to hear. Sheeesh!! Give us a break!

Kind of logical. It doesn't matter what Obama says, people are going to attack him for what he will say. That's politics. Politics is partisan. Politics in the US is all about one side attacking the other and being attacked back. Reality doesn't need to play a part in the Rep-Dem face off.
Had you just taken a shot every time he talks about himself, you'd be unconscious by now.
Too bad he doesn't think as much about unemployed AMERICANS (watching foreigners scooping up all the new created jobs)
Unemployment may well be low but what about the quality of jobs?
Did you read the OP ? Unemployment is NOT low. It only looks low if you count foreigners (including illegal ones) occupying jobs. Not a single one of those jobs (with Americans locked out of them) should be counted.
As for the quality of the jobs, they're very low paying. Sure, that's the kind that foreigners jump right into.
Unemployment may well be low but what about the quality of jobs?
Did you read the OP ? Unemployment is NOT low. It only looks low if you count foreigners (including illegal ones) occupying jobs. Not a single one of those jobs (with Americans locked out of them) should be counted.

Yes, actually, I think my son told me about that Smoke & Mirrors factor last week.
Unemployment is at 100,000%! :eek:

I read about it in The Globe.
Reality doesn't need to play a part in the Rep-Dem face off.
It doesn't seem to be a part of your recognition of the content of the OP.

I responded to what your wrote.

Well, even before he starts talking I thought I'd get my shots in here, because I know both Obama and the talking heads are going to voice some major BS. "

You did say that, didn't you?
I responded to what your wrote.

"Well, even before he starts talking I thought I'd get my shots in here, because I know both Obama and the talking heads are going to voice some major BS. "

You did say that, didn't you?
Sure. but that isn't connected to what I said that >>
"It (reality) doesn't seem to be a part of your recognition of the content of the OP."
The right's gloom and doom misery offensive is as ridiculous as it is wrong.
The right gloom and doom misery is a reflection of reality, which the left pretends doesn't exist. As I've said before, these screwballs are going to get us all killed - and for some people, they already have (Fort Hood, Boston Marathon, San Bernardino, etc)

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